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I've used Wikipedia for quite some time now and made minor anonymous changes in the past. In my opinion, participating in talk pages should not be done anonymously. This is why I decided to make an account (in order to participate in talk pages).

About me


I'm male, live in Enschede, the Netherlands. I am born in 1985. I'm a student of physics. As a student I am interested in science, mathematics, algorithms. In my free time I fancy climbing, theater and some kinds of music. Feel free to contact me

My point of view


It is concidered good Wiki-practice to have a neutral point of view (NPOV) in articles. For some articles, what a NPOV is, will depend on the author. If I find out I have a certain point of view on something, knowing this will help me write my articles in a more neutral point of view. I might even decide not to edit an article because I feel like I am too biased. For you, knowing my point of view might help to understand, interpret and correct my articles. If you think I have a certain point of view on something that I am not aware of, be bold and add it using 3rd person form (i.e. 'Bas Joosten thinks ..' instead of 'I think ..').

  • I think science gives us a way to predict some future events based on past experiments (for example: the car will only start if I turn the key, or the sun will rise tomorrow) but science cannot tell us more than that (forces, additions, chemical reactions: they are models of reality, pieces of imagination, that happen to do a more than sufficient job in predicting the future)
  • I believe in free will: science can never predict what people will do with 100% certainty.
  • Patience, Honisty and 'beïng nice' are the most important values
  • I believe in one God. I choose to use the Bible as a guide, rather than the Koran or the Torah, making me a Christian. I like most Catholic buildings and many Catholic traditions (making me more of a Catholic than a Protestant)
  • I believe in Logic: if I think something will lead to something else, and I see the something, I will conclude the something else.
  • Only if the government takes good care of it's people, the people will feel safe enough to stimulate the economy (giving me a left-centered opinion)
  • I totally dislike dance/trance music because I do not value repeating measures over and over again

I have a point of view on many subjects. If you feel uncertain about the objectivity of one of the articles I wrote or edited, please feel free to contact me. --Basjoosten 10:21, 1 February 2006 (UTC)