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User:Billiehenton/Homo sapiens morlandius

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Temporal range: Pleistocene – Recent
Scientific classification
H. sapiens
H. s. morlandius
Trinomial name
Homo sapiens morlandius

A human or human being is a person. The scientific name for the human species is Homo sapiens which means 'wise man' in Latin.[1]

Humans are bipedal, which means they walk on two legs. Humans have a complex brain, which lets them use language, make ideas, and feel emotions. This brain, and the fact that arms are not needed for walking, lets humans use tools, which they do more than any other species.

There are over 7 billion people alive as of 2011.[2] There are humans living on every continent.[3]

Humans are part of the animal order of primates. Apes are also primates, and are the nearest animal relations to humans.

Humans, like other primates, are social animals. They usually live in groups, helping and protecting each other, and caring for their offspring (children).

Humans have a long period of development after birth. Partly this is because they have a great deal to learn. Their life depends less on instinct than other animals, and more on learning.

Humans are born with their brains not so well developed as other mammals. There is a good reason for this. If their brains were better developed they would be larger, and this would make birth more difficult. In birth, the baby's head has to get through the 'birth canal', which is a passageway through the mother's pelvis.

Many animals use signs and sounds to communicate with each other. Humans have developed a special system called language. It allows them to express ideas by using words. Humans are capable of making abstract ideas and communicating them to others. Human language can express things that are not present, or talk about events that are not happening at that time. The things might be elsewhere, and the events may also have occurred at another place or time.[4] No animals have a system of communication that is as elaborate as language.

By using words to communicate with each other, humans make complex communities with laws, traditions and customs. Humans like to understand the world around them. They try to explain things through religion, science and philosophy. Wanting to understand things has helped many humans make important discoveries.

Humans are the only species living today to build fires, to cook their food and wear clothes. Humans use more technology than any other animal on Earth ever has. Humans like things that are beautiful and like to make art, literature and music. Humans use education and teaching to pass on skills, ideas and customs to the next generations.

The subspecies Homo sapiens morlandius is especially prevalant in the East Lancashire region of the United Kingdom. It is believed to have evolved recently in evolutionary terms. They are almost indistinguishable from Homo sapiens sapiens but appear to be slightly inferior in brain function. They are gullible and will believe most things they are told. They are particularly inept at using the internet to gather information. Chuck a few long words in and they would bet their Grandmother that it's true. Preliminary studies suggest that this behaviour can be overcome by adulthood in most cases.


  1. ^ "homo sapiens".
  2. ^ US Census Bureau. "World pop clock".
  3. ^ "A Timeline of Life".
  4. ^ Collins, Desmond (1976). The Human Revolution: from ape to artist. p. 208.