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Introduction To Life.

 Life is the basic and standard of living of all living organisms. An organism without life is termed as 'dead' which might not be necessary a part of the stages and peripherals of life. These peripherals are also known as the 'MR NIGER' where in some cases 'D' comes in with the meaning of 'death'. All of those alphabets mentioned collectively have their own meaning respectively which is the part of discussion.
  Starting from the letter 'M' meaning MOVEMENT is the first feature of every living organism. For the heterotrophs to feed and reproduce, they mught have covered to a certain distance through the process of movement. The animals move by their feet and other locomotory organs to hunt down their preys,find their suitable mate for courtship and so on. There are many diversity in the movement system of the heterotrophs such as the webbed foot system in the ducks which are adapted to swimming and divivg and the chickens with none. But in the case of the autotrophs, the only take part in tropic and nastic movement. These are process by which they move to the direction of the sunlight or change of direction due to the external environment.
  The letter 'R' represents respiration which is the breaking down of complex food materials to release ATP and its supply throughout the body when needed. These so called respiration takes part in the cells in the mitochondria. These process in the cell is called celullar respiration due to the reaction which take place in the cell by its components. The rest of these reaction will be explained in my metabolismic session.
  Nutrition is one the most important characterictics of life which is the process for feeding in either the autotrophs or the heterotrophs. These gives the diversity in all living organisms such as the filter feeding in mostly the aquatic birds and the feeding behaviour diversity of the heterotrophs mostly which are the carnivorous,omnivorous and the herbivorous.
   Irritability in other words 'response to stimuli' takes the letter 'I'. Adaptation gives the essential features to the fittest and the natural selected, this mean to say that adaptation is the last process of evolution which originated from irritability. The response to the stimulus from the external environment is irritability. The nervous system of an organism best explains this, it takes place in less than a second of 0.04s whereby an information is transferred to the brain which arises to the voluntary and the reflex action in no time, for example: hands off after a fire touch results to a reflex action (a sudden and non-controllable action) or the dieing of a flower over touching and disturbance.
    'G' here stands for growth. This is a non-reversible stage of the life cycle of a living organism. Plants grow tall but they never reverse so as to become short and so do we the sapiens. The complexity of the cells determines the grownth of an organism i.e;cell-tissue-organ-organ system-organism. This is a brief illustration of the growth stages in life, a colletion of the same cells performing a the same function gives rise to a simple tissue whereas of the different performing function cells gives rise to complex tissues.
      THIS IS A PART OF MY DAY EPISODE ESSAY ON LIFE, CATCH UP WITH THE REST; Virus explained,we are the bacteria, pollination in a different way. 
                    THANKS FOR READING...