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A product of Ravenswood and Queensbridge Houses in Queens, New York, Dr. Todd Craig is a writer, educator and DJ whose career meshes his love of writing, teaching and music. His research examines the hip-hop DJ as twenty-first-century new media reader and writer and investigates the modes and practices of the DJ as creating the discursive elements of DJ rhetoric and literacy. Craig’s publications include the multimodal novel tor’cha, a short story in Staten Island Noir and essays in textbooks and scholarly journals including Across Cultures: A Reader for Writers, Fiction International, Radical Teacher, Killens Review of Arts and Letters, Modern Language Studies, Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education, and Sounding Out! He was guest editor of Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education for the special issue “Straight Outta English” (2017). Craig’s full-length manuscript entitled “K for the Way”: DJ Literacy and Rhetoric for Comp 2.0 and Beyond is forthcoming with Utah State University Press. Dr. Craig has taught courses in English Composition, Hip-Hop Studies and African American Studies within the City University of New York for over seventeen years. Presently, Craig is an Associate Professor of English at Medgar Evers College (CUNY), and also teaches in the African American Studies Department at New York City College of Technology (CUNY).