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The island Ulawa lies 161.94793 east and -9.772944 north.

Field Value
Island identification code, ID=RC+AC+IC 503900000018360
Name Ulawa
Other name Ulawa
Name status 4
Number of names 0
English name 0
Name distribution -999.9
Island code 18360
Archipelago code 390
Archipelago code 2 0
Region code 50
ISO code SB
Country code BP
Area (km2) 65.9222
Perimeter (km) 51.64
Longitude 161.94793
Latitude -9.772944
Minimum Longitude 161.917917
Maximum Longitude 161.977944
Minimum Latitude -9.849639
Maximum Latitude -9.69625
Close to continent 2
Distance to continent 0
Number of elevation points (40m) from SRTM 4
Max Elevation from SRTM (m) 181
Average Elevation(40m) from SRTM (m) 130
% of SRTM elevations 40 metres 25.3
Average Elevation from SRTM (m) 40.4
Number of elevation points from GTOPO30 5
Max Elevation from GTOPO30 (m) 315
Average Elevation from GTOPO30 (m) 126.2
Max estimated from SRTM and GTOPO30 (m) 315
Average estimated from SRTM and GTOPO30 (m) 128.1
Maximum estimated from SRTM and GTOPO30 (m) 286.8
Average estimated from SRTM and GTOPO30 (m) 91.2
Maximum elevation index .098
Average elevation index .288
Elevation index .386
Elevation type 0
Pop_Nb_cst_GTGN 1
Pop index PPL 15.17
Inhabitants per km² 67.19
Estimated inhabitants 4429
Nb of inhabitants from various sources.. 0
Geology 1800
Alluvial deposit (%) 0
Sandy deposit (%) 0
Cristalline outcrops (%) 0
Limestones (%) 0
Karstic structure (%) 0
Coral (%) 0
Volcanic outcrops (%) 0
Other outcrops (%) 0
Geol_Nb_Volcanos 0
Average annual rainfalls (mm) 2801
Month with Maximum rainfall (mm) 284
Number of months with less than 5mm of rain 0
Average annual temperatures (°C) 27.7
Month with Minimum temperature (°C) 27
Month with Maximum temperature (°C) 28.2
Number of months with temperature below 0°C 0
Rivers wadis from GTGN 2
Rivers wadis from GTGN 0
Swamps marshes from GTGN 0
Clim_WR_Lagunes 0
Springs 0
Glaciers from GTGN 0
Clim_Water_Resource 0
alias:Ice caps during last glacial maximum0 : no 1 : partly 2 : totally 0
Connection with other lands at sea level -110 metres 0
 WWF ecosystem classification AA0119
BiNE 1
Pol_SIDS 1
Pol_IS 1
IDENT 503900000018360
ID 449
Name of the island in English Ulawa
Name of the larger grouping or archipelago Solomon Islands
Country - territorial unit - subunit Solomon Islands
World Conservation Monitoring Centre area code LU
Abbreviation for UNEP Regional Seas Action Plan area SPREP
Region or biogeographic province from standard list Oceania 3
Ocean (or Sea if not part of an ocean) Pacific
wcmcLat -9.45
wcmcNS S
Latitude in degrees and decimal fractions of a degree 9.45
Minutes and seconds of latitude 27 S
wcmcLong 161.55
wcmcEW E
Longitude in degrees and decimal fractions of a degree 161.55
Minutes and seconds of longitude 33 E
Land area of the island in square kilometres to nearest tenth 63
Altitude of the highest point on the island in metres -999
Underwater area of the island down to 100 metres depth in square kilometres 0
Area of coral reefs down to 10 metres depth in square kilometres 0
Area of lagoon in square kilometres 0
Length of shoreline in kilometres to nearest tenth 0
Computer-calculated Coastal Index from shoreline divided by land area .379
Distance in kilometres to nearest similar sized or larger island 35
Distance in kilometres from the island group or archipelago to the nearest other group or archipelago 400
Name of nearest continent Australia
Distance in kilometres to nearest continent 1800
Computer-calculated Isolation Index 68
Minimum water depth in metres between the island or island group and a larger landmass 2000
Temperature category. Tropical tropical
Code for climate (for classification and sorting) LU
Major large-scale natural or man-made catastrophic threats to the island environment that might wipe out a species or ecosystem cyclones, earthquakes
Numeric Vulnerability rating 2
Computer-calculated Natural Protection rating 0
Count of the number of terrestrial ecosystem or biome types present 0
Count of the number of marine ecosystems/biomes present 0
Total number of vascular plants (including ferns) in the native flora 0
Number of single island endemic plant species and subspecies 0
Number of native plants classed as Endangered, Indeterminate or Unknown status (EVRI) according to IUCN criteria' 0
Total number of native butterflies 0
Number of endemic butterflies 0
Number of native butterflies classed as EVRI 0
Total number of native land snails 0
Number of endemic land snails 0
Number of land snails classed as EVRI 0
Total number of native reptiles and amphibians 0
Number of endemic reptiles/amphibians 0
Number of reptiles/amphibians classed as EVRI 0
Total number of resident/breeding native land bird species and subspecies 0
Number of single island endemic birds 0
Number of native birds classed as EVRI 0
Total number of native mammals 0
Number of single island endemic mammals 0
Number of native mammals classed as EVRI 0
Number of endemic coastal/shallow-water marine species 0
Numeric rating for terrestrial species richness 0
Numeric rating for marine species richness 0
Numeric rating for terrestrial island endemism 0
Numeric rating for marine island endemism 0
Numeric rating for terrestrial species endemism in the island group 0
Numeric rating for marine species endemism in the island group 0
Numeric rating based on number of terrestrial special features 0
Numeric rating based on number of marine special features 0
Presence or absence of permanent human population -1
Brief text description of status of human occupation (i.e. inhabited since prehistoric times; visited occasionally; site of capital city provincial headquarters
Human population of the island 1857
Year of census for population figure in 93 (1976)
Computer-calculated population density in persons/square kilometre 29.5
Annual percentage population growth rate 3.7
Human population living in urban area(s) 0
Computer-calculated numeric rating for urbanization 0
Percentage of the economically active population in agriculture 45
Computer-calculated numeric rating for human pressure on resources 2
Gross domestic product or income per capita (in US$) 629
Computer-calculated numeric rating for economic pressure on the island 0
Number of protected areas providing relatively complete habitat protection (excluding bird sanctuaries/regulated hunting areas) 0
Area of terrestrial protected areas in square kilometres to nearest tenth 0
Area of marine protected areas in square kilometres 0
Computer-calculated numeric rating based on percentage of shallow (\u003c100 m) submarine area protected 0
Numeric rating based on reliability of available data 0
Human Impact Rating 3
Conservation Importance-Terrestrial Rating 2
Conservation Importance-Marine Rating 2
Name of organization or person completing/updating record Dahl
Date (day/month/year) when record compiled or updated 04/12/1988
Distance .454948024734646
SHAPE_Length .466903781557272
SHAPE_Area 5.41005238250174E-03