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User:Blorkpuffington/Secret Society for Lovers of Beautiful and Lofty Things

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Motto: "The more that society acts like beasts, the more we must celebrate that which separates us from the beasts."

The Secret Society for Lovers of Beautiful and Lofty Things is just that.

We aspire to achieve what the Futurists would have had they not been obsessed exclusively with death and destruction.

In the words of Society member Amy Van:

    "We are not afraid of beauty.
     We will not hide behind the guise of sarcasm.
     We will be so fucking genuine that it feels like our insides are spilling all over the concrete.
     We will support each other by being open minded, and nurturing of all art 
          that is made by the members of this community.
     We will do this by suspending belief together that anything is possible, 
          and collectively acting on that belief."

For slightly more information: http://www.sslofty.blogspot.com/