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User:Bluerasberry/Wiki Loves Explainer Videos

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wiki Loves Explainer Videos is a project to produce and promote "explainer videos" which can be integrated into Wikipedia articles.

Explainer videos[edit]

An "explainer video" is a short video which provides an introduction to a topic. Examples of explainer videos include the following:

Explainer videos are sometimes posted in the body of Wikipedia articles. The thought is that such videos may complement the text of a Wikipedia article and be useful to readers who want an overview of a topic. In November 2016, articles which contained explainer videos included these:

Make your own explainer video[edit]

General video guidance[edit]

Anyone with video production skills might make videos for Wikipedia as they see fit. For guidance within the Wikipedia community, visit


simpleshow is an organization which produces explainer videos.

They also offer a service at mysimpleshow.com in which anyone can use an online tool to script, animate, and produce a voiceover for an explainer video which can be posted to Wikipedia articles.

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