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User:Bmygdala/Le Transperceneige

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Le Transperceneige
Publication information
First appearance1982-2000
In-story information
Member(s)v1: Proloff, Adeline Belleau
v2/v3: Puig Vallès, Val, Kennel, Révérend Dickson, Le Mètronome

current status of this article: collection of materials, will be pruned and beautified

Le Transperceneige

  • 3-volume comic story
  • originally created by French comic writer Jacques Lob
  • first drawings by Alexis, published partly in 1978 'en hommage' after Alexis' death (in CdBD 37)
  • after some search by Jacques Lob, he later continued with Jean-Marc Rochette (interview in CdBD 37, 1978 - still searching for artist)
  • first published as series in 1982 (?) in (A Suivre), later published as separate comics book in 1984, vol 1
  • Benjamin Legrand took up the work of Lob for Volumes 2 and 3 (1999/2000), with drawings from Rochette
  • Setting: science fiction/parallel world, post-apocalyptic, a climatic catastrophe made the earth uninhabitably cold, the survivors live in a train whose name is 'Le Transperceneige', in an endless journey without final destination (the 1978 planches reveal something of the beginnings of the history).
  • Themes: Societal hierarchies - happy few versus poor masses, love story, an outsider fighting his way up the hierarchy, human nature under extreme circumstances (societal microcosm)
  • Heros: First volume (Proloff, Adeline Belleau), Vols 2/3 (Puig Vallès, Val Kennel), autres
  • Notability (success, influence): Angoulême Award, other comics stories and books (Compagnie des glaces), Translations into Spanish and Dutch (other languages?), planned film project by Korean Producer Boong Joon-ho (The Host)
  • artistic style/genre: black & white, development from western-style beginnings (Alexis) to realistic comic style with futuristic elements (Vol 1), then from drawing to painting-oriented style (Vols 2/3)

The cartoon[edit]


from Interview with Jean-Marc Rochette et Benjamin Legrand (in French): http://www.6bears.com/tranperceniegeint.html

  • Original authors of "Le transperceneige": Jacques Lob and Alexis
  • Alexis died in 1977, Rochette finished the illustrations
  • publication in "(A suivre)" from 1982 on
  • Lob died 1990, his work was taken up an continued by author Legrand

from BdParadisio (in French): http://www.bdparadisio.com/scripts/GetSerie.cfm?Idserie=903

(has critiques) The three volumes of Transperceneige

  • Le transperceneige (1984-2000, Lob/Alexis, Lob/Rochette, Legrand/Rochette)
    • No. 1: L'échappe (drawing) with Jacques Lob (story), Casterman 1984, ISBN 9782203334182
    • No. 2: L'arpenteur (drawing) with Benjamin Legrand (story), Casterman 1999, ISBN 9782203334793
    • No. 3: La traversée (drawing) with Benjamin Legrand (story), Casterman 2000, ISBN 978-2203334892

from Bedetheque (in French): http://www.bedetheque.com/serie-395-BD-Transperceneige-(Le).html#11042

first edition of L'échappe: February 1984

The story[edit]

personage, setting, plot

  • Vol 1
  • Vol 2
  • Vol 3


Transperceneige in context[edit]


Has won the French Angoulême International Comics Festival Religious award ("Prix témoignage chrétien", "Christian Testimony Award") in 1985, which was the awards first year. see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angoul%C3%AAme_International_Comics_Festival_Religious_award

find more info on[edit]

  • Influence

La compagnie des Glaces - Volume 1 (Dargaud 2003), by Lien Rag "Proche du thème du "Transperceneige" de Lob et Rochette (un monde post-cataclysmique où ne subsiste plus qu’un train fonçant devant lui dans un monde glaciaire), il nous présente la planète terre dans trois siècles, ravagée par une nouvelle glaciation."

source: Univers BD (French) http://www.actuabd.com/spip.php?article827
confirmation and notability of 'La compagnie des Glaces' (une série télévisée en France): http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Compagnie_des_glaces
Interview du scénariste sur france2 blog: http://blog.france2.fr/compagnie-des-glaces/index.php/2008/01/18/63554-linterview-du-scenariste

Les Chroniques de Magon Volume 1 (Delcourt 2003), by Nicolas Jarry (scénario), Guillaume Lapeyre (dessin), Elsa Brants (couleurs) " Quelles sont vos sources d'inspiration ? Jarry : Tout et rien. Blade runner évidemment, mais aussi Transperceneige, une BD qui se passe dans la glace. On ne peut pas trouver plus morbide ! "

source: PlaneteBD (French) http://www.planetebd.com/BD/interview-1.html Interview 20. September 2003
plus d'infos (5albums): http://www.bedetheque.com/serie-7387-BD-Chroniques-de-Magon-(Les).html

  • Translations
    • in Spanish:
      • Rompenieves 1: El Fugitivo, (Lob/Rochette), Bang 2006, ISBN 9788493464790
      • Rompenieves: 2 - el apeador, 3 - la travesía, (Legrand/Rochette), Bang 2007, ISBN 9788493527266

source: http://www.bangediciones.com/online/rompenieves_02/rompenieves2.pdf
Spanish abstract of the story: http://blogs.ep3.es/ddt/2007/05/rompenieves.html

    • in Dutch:
      • De Ijstrein, (Lob/Rochette, translation: Rene van de Weijer), Casterman 1984, ISBN 9789030384175


2001 Exposition in Frantignan, France. The following quoted from: http://www.polar-frontignan.org/firn2001/indices.htm

Bande dessinée : Le transperceneige, exposition de Jean-Marc Rochette

L'une des séries mythiques de la bande dessinée SF en présence de son créateur. Dans un univers blanc et glacé, les derniers survivants d'une guerre climatique qui an anéanti l'humanité vivent dans une espèce de transsibérien en mouvement perpétuel qui parcourt le néant du monde. Seul échappatoire de cette société, l'abrutissement des univers virtuels. Noir c'est noir et la course du train n'aboutira qu'au désastre. Après un premier tome, scénarisé par Lob et paru voici plus de quinze ans, Rochette a fait paraître deux tomes supplémentaires, avec Legrand, de cette saga, aussi riche, aventurière et ferroviaire que La compagnie des glaces de Georges J. Arnaud. Du 6 au 8 juillet 2001, gare SNCF de Frontignan, boulevard de la République. Vernissage en fanfare le samedi 7 juillet à partir de 19h. Ouvert de 10 h à 13 h et de 15 h à 19 h, le vendredi jusqu'à 21 h.

The film project[edit]

From deleted page / to be verified:
Le Transperceneige is a film adapting a French SF cartoon. The story is set on a train called Le Transperceneige which is the only place to survive after a world war and glaciation. The train, which is a Noah's Ark, mirrors human society frankly. Each partition of the train represents a class. The survivors can't stay in harmony even though they are on the road to doom together. The film director, Park Chan-wook (of Sympathy for Lady Vengeance) will co-produce the film. There will be multinational casting: Korean actors, other Asian actors, English-speaking actors and European actors. Many of the fans of Bong are expecting how he depicts the picture of the world in the film.

Colloquial translation of "Le Transperceneige": "The Train of the Snow Land" (Bong Joon-ho) or "Snow Train"

Director: Bong Joon-ho (South Korea; The Host 2006)
Producer: Park Chan-wook (South Korea; Old Boy 2004, I'm a Cyborg but that's ok 2007)

Project status: First draft of screenplay in work

Source: Yonhap News (May 2008)

sources and references[edit]

found in http://www.lib.msu.edu/comics/rri/trri/transfo.htm

Michigan State University Libraries
Special Collections Division
Reading Room Index to the Comic Art Collection
"Transformation" to "Traore"

Le Transperceneige--Miscellanea.

  Index entry (p. 1033) in Historia de los Comics / J.
  Toutain, J. Coma (Barcelona : Toutain, 1982-1984?) -- Call
  no.: PN6710.H5 1982a

Le Transperceneige--Reviews.

  "Un Cauchemar Blanc" / Evariste Blanchet. p. 142 in 9e Art
  : les Cahiers du Musée de la Bande Dessinée, no. 5 (Jan.
  2000). -- (Comptes Rendus) -- Review of Transperceneige
  (later titled L'Échappée) (Jean-Marc Rochette & Lob) ; and
  "L'Arpenteur" (Rochette & Benjamin Legrand) -- Call no.:
  folio PN6700.N44no.5

Le Transperceneige--Reviews.

  "Le Transperceneige" / Thierry Smolderen. p. 62-63 in Les
  Cahiers de la Bande Dessinée, no. 57 (Apr./May 1984). --
  (Le Crible) -- Review of the Jacques Lob/Jean-Marc Rochette
  album. -- Call no.: PN6745.S37no.57


Short abstracts of the three volumes from publisher Casterman (French): http://bd.casterman.com/catalogues_list.cfm?CategID=1623&OwnerId=1525

Publisher Casterman dedicated a site to the cartoon, presenting selected pages and a flash animation (French): http://transperceneige.casterman.com/

a page of volume 1: http://www.bulledair.com/index.php?rubrique=planche&album=transperceneige1

very early discussion of the film project (November 2006): http://twitchfilm.net/archives/008085.html

Other cartoons by illustrator Jean-Marc Rochette (Bedetheque, French): http://www.bedetheque.com/auteur-432-BD-Rochette-Jean-Marc.html

Other cartoons by author Benjamin Legrand (Bedetheque, French): http://www.bedetheque.com/auteur-240-BD-Legrand-Benjamin.html

Biography and bibliography of Jacques Lob (Bedetheque, French): http://www.bedetheque.com/auteur-239-BD-Lob-Jacques.html