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User:Boweneer/Paranormal Places

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Haunted Houses, by Charles George Harper


Charles George Harper (1907). "Haunted Houses, Tales of the Supernatural With Some Account of Hereditary Curses and Family Legends". London: Chapman and Hall, Ltd.

  • Rufford Abbey, Edwinstowe, Nottinghamshire. the little old little in black.
  • Barnack Rectory, Northamptonshire. breathing, rustling, scratching, petting children on the head.
  • Hinton Ampner manor house. demolished.
  • Kensington Palace. George II-apparition watching the gate waiting for news from Hanover.
  • Tower of London.
    • Edward Lenthal Swifte. Keeper of the Crown Jewels. 1814-1852. October 1817-sitting room of the Jewel House. At supper, a cylinder/glass tube appears about as thick as a man's arm, filled with pale white and azure dense fluid. stirring incessantly. lasted about 2 minutes. Moved about the table and end up seizing his wife's shoulder who became hysterical. Seen by Swifte and his wife, but not by his son or sister-in-law.
    • A few days later. Guard in the Jewel office saw the apparition of a bear that came up from under the door. Guard attacked the bear with his bayonet which stuck into the door, and then fell senseless. He died several days later.
  • York Castle. Sir John Reresby's memoirs. piece paper changed into a monkey and then into a bear, and then squeezed between the door and doorstep.
  • St. James Palace. (at page 13)

United States





Slide Cemetery http://books.google.com/books?id=-d8DAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA56&dq=%22golden+north+hotel%22&lr=&cd=12#v=onepage&q=%22golden%20north%20hotel%22&f=false


Golden North Hotel Built 1898, closed in 2002, and until then it wqas the oldest operating hotel in Alaska. Moved to current location (3rd Avenue and Broadway) in 1908; third story was added after move. Ground floor now houses shops.[1]

Ghost #1: "Mary." Died of pneumonia or consumption in Room 23 (or Room 24 according to 2nd source) on the third floor while waiting for her fiance (named "Klondike Ike"), a prospector, to return from the mining site. Some versions of the tale have Mary dying first with Ike returning with or without the money to care for her pneumonia, others have Mary pining away and dying after discovering that Ike had died in the mining camps.[2]

Whiteheads purchase hotel in 1978. First stories of ghost sightings reported in 1980s. Both Donna Whitehead and her children saw "Mary." Visitors described seeing her apparition, choking sensations, seeing a chandelier sway, and hearing the door to the room open and close.

Ghost #2: Light form or orb moving in Room 14 on the second floor. Unknown origin. Lightheaded and dizzy -- effects fade in the early morning.[3][4]

http://books.google.com/books?id=VbnxZxOkDnQC&q=%22golden+north+hotel%22&dq=%22golden+north+hotel%22&lr=&cd=38 http://books.google.com/books?id=elQP7ie8RLsC&pg=PA15&dq=%22golden+north+hotel%22&lr=&cd=43#v=onepage&q=%22golden%20north%20hotel%22&f=false


Red Onion





St. James Hotel[5]

featured on Unsolved Mysteries and A Current Affair.

2nd floor. cold spots, smell of cigar smoke. dining room. apparition of cowboy reflected in mirror behind former owner. Items fall off the walls. Electrical items at front desk behave erratically. Lights turn on themselves. Feeling of being watched. cameras fail in hotel but work once outside. high-pitched shriek in lobby area.[6] Many spirits happily visit to relive life experiences. Some events reported in Annex which was built in the 1980s. Doors opening and shutting.

Spirit #1: Room 18. Thomas James (TJ) Wright. killed after winning hotel in poker game. slowly bled to death in the room. room locked because spirit is malevolent. Former owner pushed down in room. Apparition of "angry" ball of orange light in corner of ceiling. rumors that when room was rented, mysterious deaths occurred. spun chandelier in room.

Spirit #2: Room 17. Henry Lambert's second wife Mary Elizabeth. rose-scented perfume. tapping when window is left open. milky-white apparition in hallway.

Spirit #3: Little Imp. old male dwarf. mischievous. stuck knife in floor between two former owners. objects disappear and reappear. Lamp shades or glasses crack.

Four others:

Johnnie Lambert. having fun and doesn't want to leave hotel. He is the reason Mary Lambert stays. Seen in bar area by young man cleaning. spinning bottle. When spoken to, looked up with burn scars on face. Disappeared through floor.

Two little girl ghosts. Sisters. 12 and 9. Died in late 1800s. very polite and well-behaved. think Johnnie is not behaved.



Eureka Springs

Crescent Hotel




Crocker Art Museum

Sacramento Theatre Company


Toys'r'Us Store

built on location of apple orchard and ranch (1800s). John Murphy.

Items moved during night. fly through air during day. being touched. name called. Aisle 15c smells like fresh flowers. Women's bathroom - taps turn on. hair stroked and shoulder tapped. Johnny Johnson (swedish) waiting for Beth.

San Francisco

Fort Mason

San Francisco Art Institute

Mansions Hotel

Atherton House

Bodie http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bodie,_California http://www.csicop.org/si/show/curse_of_bodie_legacy_of_ghost-town_ghosts/ :: Good list of references Cain House open to visitor and served as park ranger's house. Jim Cain. "heavy set" Chinese maid. affair. fired by Cain's wife. couldn't find work -- committed suicide. apparitions and music from upstairs bedroom. wife of park ranger, Gary Walters park ranger-struggled against ghost and ended up on the floor. shoved someone on the stairs.[7] daughter of ranger-turned off lights for night, ghost turned them back on. repeated a few times until child screamed at ghost to leave her alone.

Mendocini House children laughing outside. ranger reading inside hears party. goes outside to check. comes back inside and the party sounds are definitely coming from inside -- thanks ghosts but says he needs to concentrate and sounds stop. smell of Italian cooking once opened up after winter.

town in general - moving objects, sensation of being watched. music, being touched.

banging and hammering in the stamp mill

The Curse of Bodie -- former residents curse anyone who takes things from Bodie with bad luck until they are returned. rangers received items mailed back, sometimes anonymously, sometimes with apologies to the rangers and the ghosts.

Evelyn Myers-"The Angel of Bodie" - legend. killed by miner accidently driving pick through her head. Smiling ghost in cemetery.



Black Forest


Cheesman Park




Union Cemetery




Woodburn (Governor's Mansion)




The Hilton Hotel



Fall River

Borden Home

cold spots. ghost of Abby Borden. Climb into bed with guest. Dusting and making beds. opening and closing doors. Voices. Argument between two females. Women crying. Sounds of footsteps.

New Jersey


Port Monmouth

The Spy House

female apparition in white descends stairs. leans over crib and straightens quilt. 1975-sewing machine operated itself in front of tour group. Man in a top hat and full beard appears in front vestibule on first floor.

North Carolina



Fort Fisher

apparition of a Confederate officer. possibly General William Whiting. looking to the sea. sounds of footsteps.



Corpus Christi

Smith Building

  • Youtube video recorded by two workers. little girl in white dress. EVPs, running footsteps, door slamming. Renovators encountered paranormal events while working in the building. lights turn off and on.

San Antonio

The Alamo

Apparitions emerging from the walls. Apparition paces back and forth on ramparts. Screams and yells.



http://www.utahghost.org/Main%20Files/haunted_utah.html. Iffy with NO sourcing. http://www.ghosttraveller.com/utah.htm NO sourcing. http://www.prairieghosts.com/hauntut.html

Down in the Darkness, Whitechapel Press and History and Hauntings Co. 2003.


Salt Lake City

Rio Grande Train Station / The Utah State Historical Society

black-haired Lady in purple dress. apparition in women's restroom. Telephone calls from elevator. Man also seen throughout building. Known to be haunted since 1940s. http://www.prairieghosts.com/utahsoc.html http://theshadowlands.net/places/utah.htm

This is the Place Park / Deseret Village

electrical failures and equipment malfunctions.

--Forrester Home. Apparition of a woman. child's handprint in soot high up on wall.http://www.prairieghosts.com/deseret.html

--Social Hall. Dancing and Singing.

--Blacksmith's shop. Items moved to lean against security door during the night.

--Mary Fielding Smith Home. Apparition of Mary Fielding Smith. seems to monitor the entire village.

Capitol Theater

Malfunctioning equipment. Elevator operates on its own. "George"-usher died in a fire in the 1940s.


Ben Lomond Hotel / Radission Suite Hotel

Mother of WWI soldier living in hotel waiting for him to return. Pined away when news that he had died reached her. Apparition. Smell of perfume. Elevator stops on 5th floor.

2 brothers committed suicide by jumping out an upper story window.




Battlefield -- Triangular Field

recording equipment fails. sounds of gunshots and drum rolls. apparitions of sharp shooters.

-- Devil's Den

Apparition of Confederate Texan soldier - barefoot, butternut pants and shirt. big floppy hat.

-- The Little Round Top

apparition of soldier bearing musket rounds. disappeared -- authentic rounds. screaming and gunshots, and smell of gunpowder.

-- The Angle

Apparition of officer on horseback. Disappeared when approached. sounds of galloping horses and cannonade. Apparition of Robert E. Lee. Cold spots on hot summer days/nights.

Farnsworth House

Apparitions in bedrooms. Opening and closing doors. baby lifted up and gently set down.

Jennie Wade House

uneasiness in cellar where body of Jennie Wade was laid out during battle.

Washington D.C.


Old Stone House

The Octagon



Dragsholm Slot

Gray lady. White lady. Earl of Bothwell.




The Ram Inn

Pembroke Castle

Tower of London

Anne Boleyn.

ghost of bear attacked guard. man died (of fright?)






  1. ^ "Fodor's Alaska 2009". p. 224.
  2. ^ "Backpacker". July 1987. p. 56.
  3. ^ Charles A. Coulombe (2004). "Haunted Places in America: A Guide to Spooked and Spooky Public Places in the United States". p. 6.
  4. ^ Beth Scott, Michael Norman (2007). "Haunted America". p. 15.
  5. ^ Jill Sweatman. "Ghosts of the Prairie".
  6. ^ Kathy Weiser. "Legends of America".
  7. ^ {{cite web |url=http://articles.sfgate.com/2010-03-21/news/18845223_1_ghost-town-bodie-ranger/4 |title=SFGate.com |author=Kevin Fagan |page=4}