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User:Bradoral/sandbox/aloevera benefits

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aloe vera great benefits Aloe vera: useful properties : Aloe Vera - a plant family asphodeloideae with large thick leaves, the height of which in natural conditions can reach 60-90 centimeters. Under natural conditions, the aloe grows in areas with dry and hot climate - in some parts of America, the Far East, the Caribbean islands. Its medicinal properties have been known since ancient times: the first time the plant is mentioned in the Bible. Aloe enjoyed many historical figures - from Alexander the Great to Cleopatra.

The main advantage of the plant - the gel contained in the fleshy leaves. Although aloe 95% water, it contains more than 75 different vitamins, minerals, amino acids useful.

1-Vitamins, including C, E, B12 2-Minerals are magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper, chromium, calcium, sodium, potassium, and iron. 3-20 of the 22 necessary amino acids for the human body - in Numbers le 7 and 8 so-called essential amino acids that the 4-human body is not able to work out on their own. 5-Glucose - including polysaccharides, strengthens the immune system of a person. 6-The enzymes break down food and contributing to its normal digestion. 7-Phytosterols, powerful anti-inflammatory agents. 8-Lignin - a complex polymer that helps aloe juice to penetrate the skin. 9-Saponins - vegetable substance with the antibacterial effect. 10-Anthraquinones - powerful natural pain killers. 11-Salicylic acid, which has anti-inflammatory properties and helps to exfoliate dead skin particles. Aloe vera is neither the most useful plant in the world, no magic bullet against all diseases: aloe juice just strengthens the immune system of the body and provide the body with a number of entry of nutrients needed to fight infections.
