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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello, I am Brakeragas. When I created this account, I intended to vandalize pages just to get a chuckle out of my friend group, while also sometimes giving out actual information. Since then I have changed. From now on, I shall edit Wikipedia articles to add to the subject of said Wikipedia article. I will be helpful in updating Wikipedia articles, and I do not mean any harm whatsoever.

Why Brakeragas?


When I created this account in 2020, I named myself after the captcha I had to copy in order to prove that I wasn't a robot.

Wikipedia Articles C̶r̶e̶a̶t̶e̶d̶ Figuring Out


Wikipedia Articles That I Have Edited, 2020


From this point on, I will be listing the articles that I have edited, even the ones that I have done a minor edit on (I know that I shouldn't be that proud of a minor edit, but I like to make lists. I would also like to take a look back at the articles I played a role in the history of, even if it is small. I know that there is the Contributions page that will show the pages I contributed to, but I will still do this because I find the Contributions page messy, whereas this list will be clean and not full of distracting text.) Even when I have edited an article before, I will be listing articles when I have edited them in a year. For example, I edited the page for Jean-Jacques Perrey multiple times, once in one year and the other in another. Perrey is listed under one year because I edited his page in that year. His page is also listed in another year because I also edited his page in that other year. I will add if I vandalized a page or not. If I don't label one that I did vandalize, please let me know. I am sorry about the vandalism. The following is in chronological order:

Wikipedia Articles That I Have Edited, 2021


Wikipedia Articles That I Have Edited, 2022


Wikipedia Articles That I Have Edited, 2023


Wikipedia Articles That I Have Edited, 2024
