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At its core, the CWA identifies itself as an organization in opposition of feminism and the various movements supported therein; desiring to speak for evangelical women who feel that the national feminist movement does not support their interests, the CWA has taken strong conservative stances on several highly debated matters. As such, the CWA has clearly publicly stated its opposition to issues such as abortionsex educationsame-sex marriageeuthanasiaembryonic stem cell researchneedle exchange programspornographycloningdrug abusesecular education, gambling, or any other efforts which "intervene with natural human life." The organization's stance on contraception is not as clear, however, for member's opinions on this topic vary widely. The only definite statement the CWA has put forth in regards to contraception is that its stance, as a whole, is ambiguous, but that "many Catholic women follow the church’s teaching on the use of contraceptives." Believing that the Bible has set an "unmistakable standard...[of] right and wrong," and arguing that modern humanity has deviated from such religiously based morality, the CWA primary focuses on promoting its conservative, Christian-based ideology through seven "core issues", as listed below:

1. Sanctity of Life


The CWA is a pro-life organization. The CWA wants to inform the public of the harm that abortion has on men, women and their families. The CWA supports crisis pregnancy centers and post-abortion counseling services.

2. Defense of the Family


Popularly recognized as a supporter of traditional gender roles, the CWA publicly defends the ideologies of the "traditional family" (heterosexual family) and traditional sexual division of labor. For these reasons, it is unsurprising that the CWA was an active and vocal supporter of the Defense of Marriage Act (prior to its being deemed unconstitutional), for, at the time of its enactment, the DOMA declared homosexual marriages to be illegal, thus supporting the CWA's ideals of both heterosexuality and marriage. Furthering this mantra, the CWA believes it is a Christian's duty to start a family, explaining their general disapproval of those who do not wish to have children. More specifically, these familial ideals tie into the CWA's understanding of women and motherhood; as expressed by founder, Beverly LaHaye, women have a "natural" desire to be mothers, leading to the organization's encouragement of stay-at-home motherhood.

The CWA opposed the 1988 Act for Better Child Care (H.R. 3660), which would have provided government-sponsored child care for families in which both parents are working.

3. Education[edit | edit source]


Being a Christian organization, Concerned Women for America is known to promote religious teachings in schools. In 1983, this desire for a combination of religious and typical educational teachings was concretely displayed through a lawsuit, known today as Mozert v. Hawkins County Board of Education, which arose between parents who were members of the CWA and a local Tennessee school board.

4. Religious Liberty[edit | edit source]


CWA supports teaching intelligent design in public schools and advocates school prayer, saying in a 1988 book titled America: To Pray or Not To Pray?, that since the Engel v. Vitale Supreme Court case of 1962 outlawed government-directed prayer, morality has declined in public schools and in society in general. In 1983, CWA helped the plaintiff in the case Mozert v. Hawkins County School Board, a district-court case in which the plaintiff argued it is unconstitutional for public schools to require reading material that conflicts with the religious values of parents.

Appearing on Fox News, CWA CEO Penny Nance was critical of Charlotte, North Carolina Mayor Anthony Foxx's call for a National Day of Reason in addition to the National Day of Prayer.

5. National Sovereignty[edit | edit source]


The CWA opposed CEDAW.

6. Sexual Exploitation[edit | edit source]


Many of the depictions of the issues with pornography as associated with Concerned Women for America, are more in line with family values. The CWA sees a problem with men becoming addicted to pornography and women being unable to compete with the ideal woman in pornography.

7. Support for Israel[edit | edit source]


On 8 May 2013 CWA's board of directors voted unanimously to include support for Israel as part of its core mission. CWA says it will support "laws and policies that strengthen the ties between Israel and the U.S." and "Policies enacted by our State Department, Department of Defense and others that encourage the development of our relationship with Israel.” Penny Nancy said that support from CWA's founder, Beverly LaHaye, was the biggest driver behind the group formalizing its support for Israel.

Leadership[edit | edit source]


President/CEO[edit | edit source]


Executive Director[edit | edit source]

  • Kenda Bartlett, Executive Director 2012–present
  • Mario Diaz, Esq.

Working through the Media[edit | edit source]


In the late 1990s, the CWA garnered a great deal of its public support by way of its midday broadcasts on KFAX, a San Francisco based Christian radio station. These broadcasts often featured Beverly LaHaye Live, a popular talk-show segment which spoke about the CWA's mission, morals, and aspirations for society. Today, the CWA continues to produce a daily radio show, however it is now entitled Concerned Women Today, and focuses primarily on calling members and other listeners to action by encouraging them to "lobby senators".

Concerned Women for America also puts forth a monthly magazinecalled Family Voice, which chronicles their current events as well as ways in which members can become more involved with the organization.

Beverly LaHaye Institute[edit | edit source]


The Beverly LaHaye Institute (BLI) is the research arm of Concerned Women for America.

BLI filed an amicus brief in January 2014 in Sebelius vs. Hobby Lobby. Most of the amicus briefs in the Hobby Lobby case focused on religious freedom issues. BLI's brief had a unique focus on rebutting the government's argument that the birth control mandate imposed by Affordable Care Act would improve women's health and prevent unintended pregnancies. The BLI brief rejected a clear-cut notion of "intended" and "unintended" pregnancies. BLI argued that the government's evidence, based mostly on a 2011 Institute of Medicinereport, did not prove the birth control mandate would increase use rates for birth control or that unintended pregnancies harm women's health. The brief also argued against the government's claim that the mandate promotes "gender equity."

Culture and Family Institute[edit | edit source]


The Culture and Family Institute is one (of two) of the CWA's research facilities.