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Hey all,

Welcome to the Wikipedia page of BreakingBottles.

A lot of people ask me, how did you come up with that name for your band? I tell them, I am in recovery. I’ve been sober for over 6 years so to me breaking bottles helped me stay sober and I decided to name my band that.

As far as my music, I don’t always sing from life experiences. Most of the time my songs have no personal meanings but there are a few that do. Like Someday I’ll Get What I Want. That was written for my husband as we were going through a rough time in our marriage.

7 Years, on the other hand, was just a 10 minute song preparation with no personal attachment for me. I love all of my songs and I love to share my talent with the world. Obviously not everyone will like my music 🎶 but to me I’m happy with any amount that do.

I have a lot of respect for those who fight hard in this industry and I’m grateful to get to be a part of it and be recognized, even if it’s only for a little while. I love all of my fans and I love to sing with anyone who asks!

You can follow me on Twitter @nmdcbooks as well as on Reverbnation under BreakingBottles. I’m also on Spotify and Deezer. You can follow me on Facebook at BreakingBottles or you can come sing with me on Smule. I’m everywhere baby!