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Stephen Best is who I am. Me is who I am! The kinds of things that interest me are riding bikes, analyzation of music, science, spirituality, cooking, console games, and much much more! I find the best types of days are the ones where we can just sit back and think about where everything started.

You never want to forget where your success started but in some shapes and forms the beginning can have very adverse effects on the success person in topic. The days of our lives can be very stressing and downright awful at times but this is where we fight forward and wish for a bright and better weather. Music can change the weather in your head. It can sunny up the clouds where it sees best fit.

I was born in a small town near the West Coast. The people can be small minded but this is no criticism: Sometimes the small is the large. The virus has become a very huge problem which has impacted large metropolitan areas, leaving the small towns of the United States almost invisible amongst the chaos. This is where I find benefit in the location but there is always a way for the traveling to travel as the say.

Being young but old at the same time has its benefits and it's loses. I wonder sometimes if there is another way to split the atom but there is no other way. An old soul in a younger body has its benefits and that goes without saying. When my mother used to talk too me about success she would tell me that I could be anything i wanted to be even if i didn't have the materials to craft them. She never gave up on me and we both went through it but i'd never change a thing due to how proud I have made her.

--- Stephen Best