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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm an old man grey bearded and all. I've seen and read and heard a lot. I've been angry and sad and happy and glad year after year and will continue till I drop. I don't care much about what's on the internet but if I run into absolute nonsense on what's supposed to be an Encyclopedia the old man part of me gets a twitchy eye till it's fixed and the truth is in place. I think it has something to do with being from the age of yellowed paper and musty stinky knowledge. We didn't expect to find sand in our pudding in my day and it's a shame that so many of these amazing and free open worlds of knowledge are so corrupted by party lines and influences that have so very little to do with simple facts. Politics don't belong in an Encyclopedia. If you want to push a narrative glorifying whatsasexual rights do it elsewhere. If you want to create a anti abortion speech inside somewhere it doesn't belong, do it elsewhere. An Encyclopedia is a doorway to the truth and that truth should never be altered by tinted lenses.