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Hello fellow residents of the planet Earth (this does not, in fact apply to the 6 people currently residing in space, you delinquents are unwelcome)! My incredibly apt name bestowed unto me, by me, is Buttslaver; a truly exquisite composite of whatever chemicals that were running through my body, that shouldn't have been running through my body at the time. I live in Canada, Ontario, the least beautiful Province in this beautiful nation! On average though, Canada is pretty beautiful, so Ontario can't be all that bad. Currently still meandering my way through secondary education, much to the dismay of my forebears; bless their souls.

In relation to this particular community, I believe my skills of software formatting, text linguistics, and general appreciation for knowledge will be quite applicable in this here setting. My other interests vary wildly, but generally boil down to things like writing and music, both of which I'm stoutly mediocre at. For a quick reference, I'm just a devout advocate for the digital medium.

I look forward to making a plethora of mistakes, all obfuscated by a victory or two. Maybe. Hopefully. I look forward to sharing this community with my fellow Earthlings (still ambivalent about you space people)!