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Taminango Museum o Museo Taminango de Artes y Tradiciones Populares de Nariño.

This museum keeps the popular traditions and art of Nariño (South of Colombia).

An architectural complex built with typical materials of the time (17th century) groomed wall, plasterwork prepared with beef manure, chopped straw and clay kneaded by oxen, serves as the headquarters of the Taminango Museum. Colonial style that dates back to 1623, the Casona Taminango.

It is an architectural relic declared National Monument by Decree No. 2000 of 1971 preserved and restored by the Museum of the Foundation Taminango Monasco Dachis, this property became a museum of arts and popular traditions, on July 14, 1989.

The house harbors samples of the typical customs of the region of Nariño (capital Pasto), expressed in “mopa mopa or barniz de Pasto” (“barniz de Pasto” is a very ancient artisanal resin obtained from a wild shrub called Mopa-mopa (Elaeagia pastoensis L.E. Mora) the Andean forests and in the Putumayo jungle), carving and lathe in wood, woolen fabrics, the tissues in “paja toquilla” (The Panama hat or straw-toquilla hat or simply panama is a traditional hat that is made of the braided leaves of the straw-hat palm tree (Carludovica palmata)), articles in leather, chub and bones, carving in stone, gobelins and doll.

Are complemented by the age of the building, a typical rural forge, with its workshop of manufacture of pots and pans to the colonial style, as well as a stone mill that works by the action of hydraulic current. As a true relic of the museum, is the printing press with Greek types that in Life was used by the humanist and translator Leopoldo López Álvarez. In its vicinity to the interior garden rooms, the crops are plants belonging to the traditional medicine of Nariño: camomile, oregano, mallow, among others.

Visit the Casona Taminango is a pleasure to recreate the history of an ancestor village.

Location: “La Casona de Taminango” is located in the city of Pasto, on Calle 13 No. 27-67, Tel: 7235539, Hours: Monday through Friday from 8am to 12pm and 2 to 6pm; Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.