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About me


My name is Caitlin. I am a junior in high school participating in the running start program. My whole life, I have been extremely dedicated to my studies. It has also been a dream of mine to attend a 4 year school. It has been difficult finding precisely where I want to attend. For climate and terrain, I am very picky. The Pacific Northwest is my home. It has unique terrain, quite unlike many places I've travelled to. If I am going to be living somewhere different from my hometown, I hope that it is somewhat similar. That way, I won't be terribly homesick. At home, I have 4 insane cats. Deep down, I believe they all secretly have a rabid raccoon gene in them. During the peak of 3 am, they all tear through the house, making as much noise as possible. That especially doesn't help me because I stay up so late reading horror novels. Even though they keep me up all night, I will miss them dearly once I leave for college.

Wikipedia Interests


Throughout my academic life, there has always been a negative perception surrounding Wikipedia. I was always told to never take anything serious about this website, that the information could easily be false. On the first day of my English College class, I learned that is not always entirely true. Since I learned how to edit certain pages on here, I also pieced together that real people write/edit these articles. With that information, I have more faith in Wikipedia! As I learn more about how to navigate Wikipedia, I plan to read a lot about the classic mystery/horror book authors. That genre is a major topic of interest when I decide to dive into a new book. My personal favorite author is Stephen King; a backstory behind one of his books, Carrie. King originally threw the book away because he was so disappointed with the first pages. Luckily, his wife retrieved those pages from the trash. With her encouragement, King continued writing the book.[1] From that, he produced one of the greatest movies/books.


  1. ^ "75 Facts About Stephen King". Mental Floss. 2022-09-19. Retrieved 2024-01-08.

Article Evaluation




Over the years, I've recently become interested in an American rapper by the name of GoldLink. On podcasts, I've heard information about him. But I don't know his entire history. Since he is one of my favorite singers, I decided to research further. While I was reading the GoldLink article on Wikipedia, I noticed there were many errors. Among the lack of citations, there are a handful of important details missing, and not much up-to-date information. Since not many people I encounter know much about his history, I want to make sure that there are accurate facts if one were to look him up. So, on this article, I will be evaluating: proper citation, how recent the information is, and how relevant are the details.

Lack of Citations


Throughout the article, many words are being thrown at you. While some of these have citations, a lot of the important ones don't. In the second sentence of the first paragraph, it explains to the readers something that jump-started his career. “In 2014, he released a debut mixtape… received much critical acclaim…” (Wikipedia 2016) There was no citation included, therefore, how is one supposed to know whether that information is true or not? That instance is persistent through the article.

How Recent is the Information


Although some of the facts aren't properly cited, this article checks the box of being recently updated. When looking at the history of edits, the most recent one is fairly new. The latest date was last year, 2023, in September. With the frequency of updates on the GoldLink article, I expect that the page will only get better.



From the start of the article, the details about GoldLink are primarily positive. However, it is better for someone to know both the good AND bad of a singer. Considering that the article is recently updated, there should be inclusion of controversy between him and other singers. There is a small paragraph mentioning the feud between him and Mac Miller, but that doesn't include all of it. Not only did the world see GoldLink as disrespecting the passed singer, Mac Miller, but they also started to view him as a overall "bad artist". With Crew being one of his only hits, user's used that against him in negative ways. Another important detail missing is the accusation from singer, Rayana jay. She accused GoldLink of plagiarizing one of her songs. Whether it's in songwriting, or even English papers, plagiarism is a serious thing. Those kinds of Accusations are deadly, even one could end a singer's whole career. Including those details in articles, especially about singers, is detrimental. With Wikipedia being the first website that pops up after looking up GoldLink, it's important to have relevant, accurate information.



After evaluating this article, I would say this page is beneficial if you would like to know more about GoldLink. The details about his backstory are provided, but it may not be as accurate due to the lack of citations. However, after looking at the edit history, it seems very up to date. Because of that, I hope that the information about his controversies will get updated; along with citations.