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Rose Bonnet


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"Rose Bonnet" astronomer -flowers -easter -christmas -victorian -marie
"Rose Bonnet-Sainturier" astronomer -flowers -easter -christmas -victorian -marie
"Bonnet-Sainturier" astronomer
"R. Bonnet" astronomer -flowers -easter -christmas -victorian -marie




One of the two first professional women astronomers in France [1] along with Edmée Chandon [2]

Admitted to Société Mathématique de France [3] Member Société Astronomique de France [1] Member International Astronomical Union [4]

1894 Born[4]

1919 DEC 20—Hired as an intern at Paris Observatory[5]

1921-1925—Paris Observatory, provided photos to Constantin Parvulescu [6] Worked for Pierre Fatou doing observations on double stars [7]

1928 NOV—Begins a five-year long series of double stars[8]

1931 Worked under Charles Nordmann Miss Bonnet made some observations and reductions while working on a thesis on another subject. ...reductions of the stellar spectral results to “black” body temperatures..." [9]

1932 NOV—Completes her series of observations of double stars[8]

1936 MAR 11—"Les femme pionniers: Les Astronomes" article in "Marianne" [10]

1937 DEC—Awarded "15000fr a Mme Rose Bonnet-Sainturier, aide-astronome a l'Observatoire de Paris, pour la publication d'un memoire sur les etoiles doubles" [11]

1938—Publishes "Mesures d'étoiles doubles et notes relatives aux couples observés" book 235 pages [12] Observatoire de Paris, 1938[13] "measures of over 500 pairs made by Rose Bonnet with the 30·5 cm. Equatorial of the Paris Observatory and of a catalog of notes concerning the motion or lack of it exhibited by the pairs measured. The observations were all made between November 1928 and November 1932"[8] "Among them are many successful measures of pairs which are difficult under Western European conditions, including faint Hough and Hussey pairs with separations of half a second or less."[8]

1943 DEC 20—Wins Valz Prize for work on double stars (as "Mme Louis Sainturier, neé Rose Bonnet") [14]

1945—Defended Dissertation in astronomy, one of five women [2] Doctorate Sciences mathématiques : Université de Paris : 1945 [4][12]

1947—Publishes doctoral dissertation: Spectres, périodes et excentricités des binaires Listed as: Université de Paris, Faculté des sciences, Organisme de soutenance (Paris University, Faculty of Science, Defense Agency) [12]

Active in the IAU both pre-and post-war period, serving on the IAU's National Committee (Comités Nationaux) for France [15] and the IAU's Commission on Double Starts (Commission des Etoiles Doubles) [16]

1953—Candidate for d'Astronome titulaire of Paris Observatory—Not Elected[17]

1954—Candidate for d'Astronome titulaire of Paris Observatory—Not Elected[18]

1955—Candidate for d'Astronome titulaire of Paris Observatory—Elected on Second Line[19] Elected to SMF <Fatou, Julia, Montel>

1959—Lived on Rue de la Liberation, Clamart (near the Paris Observatory); Honorary astronomer, 1959- [4]

Rue de la Liberation—Street
Sud de Seine—Intercommunality

1968—Died [12]

"Over the past decades the relationship between period and orbital eccentricity is in the spectroscopic binary stars with the growth of the observational material circuit of this work has become known study of this type is in the export-union work of Rose Bonnet [I] contained in the using statistical methods existence of real relations between spectra, periods, and orbital eccentricity is showed." (Kurt)

Prix et Subventions Attribués en 1943: Prix Valz[14][14]

Valz Prize - 1943 – Rose Sainturier (née Rose Bonnet) – Work on double stars Mme Louis Sainturier Rose Bonnet aide-astronome a l'Observatoire de Paris

The women who defended a thesis in mathematics in France during the interwar period[2][2]

http://www.2iceshs.cyfronet.pl/2ICESHS_Proceedings/Chapter_18/R-10_Leloup.pdf The women who defended a thesis in mathematics in France during the interwar period Juliette Leloup The Global and the Local: The History of Science and the Cultural Integration of Europe. Proceedings of the 2nd ICESHS Cracow, Poland, September 6–9, 2006 Ed. by M. Kokowski.

Between the two world wars, 242 students of all the French universities have defended a thesis in mathematical sciences. Only five of them were women: Marie Charpentier (from Poitiers), Marie-Louise Dubreil Jacotin and Jacqueline Ferrand (two students of the E.N.S. of Paris), add two astronomers: Edmée Chandon and Rose Bonnet. The problem is that there aren’t a lot of sources giving information about all these women, and more precisely about Edmée Chandon and Rose Bonnet. The only fact we can mention about them is their official appointment as astronomer at the Paris observatory and Edmee Chandon is the first woman in France to be appointed to this. When we study the career and the life of those women, we are forced to be interested in the education of girls in France in their opportunities for education and in its evolution during the interwar.

Even if I haven’t found a lot of pieces of information about Rose Bonnet and Edmée Chandon, we can say that they belong to the community of French astronomers and it is with this appointment that they are quoted in books like World directory of mathematicians. Both have them have defended a thesis in astronomy, one in 1930 (Research into the tides of the Red Sea and in the Gulf of Suez) and the other in 1945 (Spectrums, periods and eccentricity of binaries). But the astronomers have a peculiar position in the French mathematical community. If astronomy is one part of mathematical sciences at this period, it is not promoted by the traditional members of this community.

Fatou, Julia, Montel: The Great Prize of Mathematical Sciences of 1918, and Beyond[7][7]

https://books.google.com/books?id=Iwho1f_2MbsC&pg=PA6 Fatou, Julia, Montel: The Great Prize of Mathematical Sciences of 1918, and Beyond Michèle Audin Springer Science & Business Media, Jan 30, 2011 ISBN 978-3-642-17853-5

As for Pierre Fatou, well, he was a bachelor. In his own discrete way, he nevertheless introduces (as an astronomer) a female scientist in this story, the astronomer Rose Bonnet, with whom he used to observe double stars.

Women Mathematicians in France in the Mid-Twentieth Century[3][3]

arxiv.org/pdf/1502.07597 Women Mathematicians in France in the Mid-Twentieth Century Yvette Kosmann-Schwarzbach BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics (2015)

Admission to the Société mathématique de France (abbreviated to SMF below) had to be sponsored by at least one member, and was normally a sign of some research activity. I include the date of first membership. Rose Bonnet had been an astronomer at the Paris Observatory.

French Astronomers, Visual Double Stars and the Double Stars Working Group of the Société Astronomique de France[13][13]

http://saf.etoilesdoubles.free.fr/documents/French_astronomers_visual_double_stars_1995.pdf French Astronomers, Visual Double Stars and the Double Stars Working Group of the Société Astronomique de France Edgar J. Soulié Société Astronomique de France

Rose Bonnet, Mesures d'étoiles doubles et notes relatives aux couples observés, Observatoire de Paris, 1938

Notes: Double Star Notes[8][8]

http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1938Obs....61..332. Notes: Double Star Notes The Observatory, Vol. 61, No. 775, pp 338–339 December 1938

Double Star Notes—A special volume issued by the Observatoire de Paris dealing with double stars has just been issued. It consists of measures of over 500 pairs made by Rose Bonnet with the 30·5 cm. Equatorial of the Paris Observatory and of a catalogue of notes concerning the motion or lack of it exhibited by the pairs measured. The observations were all made between November 1928 and November 1932 and as such will form a welcome addition to the by no means superabundant stock of double star observations made in the Northern Hemisphere in that period. Among them are many successful measures of pairs which are difficult under Western European conditions, including faint Hough and Hussey pairs with separations of half a second or less. It is to be regretted that it has not been found possible to publish these observations sooner, because many orbits have been computed since they were made, and, as the observations were not to be found on card index catalogues, computers have been deprived of the assistance which they would have given in critical cases. The notes are rather dated in some cases, as there are no references to some orbits computed as early as 1934; as luck would have it, there is a full series of references to the unfortunate orbits computed by Voronov. No doubt the criterion for inclusion was availability at Paris at some date in 1934 when the MS. work was closed.

Charles Nordmann and Multicolour Stellar Photometry[9][9]

http://www.narit.or.th/en/files/2010JAHHvol13/2010JAHH...13..207L.pdf Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 13(3), 207-219 (2010). Charles Nordmann and Multicolour Stellar Photometry James Lequeux

After the Pleiades, Nordmann still observed several hundred stars with his photomètre hétérochrome, always attached to the small coudé refractor, as mentioned in the Annual Reports of the Paris Observatory. In 1931, he was given another collaborator, Miss (or Mrs?) Rose Bonnet (1894–?), to replace Le Morvan, who retired the following year and died in 1933. Miss Bonnet made some observations and reductions while working on a thesis on another subject.

...reductions of the stellar spectral results to “black” body temperatures... ...temperature of stars...

Histoire Celeste Entre la Roumanie et la France[6][6]

http://www.ziarulstiintelor.eu/media/6831/catalog_fr_27martie_final.pdf Histoire Celeste Entre la Roumanie et la France Brochure dédiée au centenaire de la création de l'Observatoire de Bucarest Publiée avec le soutien de l'Ambassade de France en Roumanie Magda Stavinschi 2008 Institut Astronomique de l'Académie Roumaine Bucarest, Roumaine

A name frequently found in the Reports of the Paris Observatory is the Parvulescu Constantin (1890–1945). He was admitted October 3, 1921 and he remained there until 1925. C. Parvulescu conducted a study of globular clusters, and another on the Perseus cluster. He earned a score of photographic plates of a variable star from oldest clichés Isaac Roberts. John Bosler has initiated the use of Blink-microscope to study the specific movements of the stars and together they initiated a study of two shots, thanks to Henry brothers for the first and Miss Rose Bonnet (now Bonnet-Sainturier ) for the second. In 1924, he contributed to the magazine astronomical work. The same year he published articles in the astronomical Bulletin. December 19, 1925, C. Parvulescu defended successfully at the Faculty of Sciences in Paris, a doctoral thesis on globular clusters (commission: Henry Andoyer, president, Charles Fabry, Elie Cartan, members). He returned to Paris in 1928 and collaborated again in the work of French astronomers. His contributions to the study of galaxies, globular clusters, double stars and the structure of the Galaxy were highly appreciated by specialists.

Jonckheere, pasión por las dobles[1][1]

http://www.infoastro.com/dobles/OED2.pdf Jonckheere, pasión por las dobles Juan-Luis González Carballo el obsevador de estrellas dobles año I — número 2 — mayo/agosto 2009 pp 55–58

In those years, other French observers were creating a real "school" around the SAF (Sociedad Astronómica Francesa), which is still recognized today as the most important in the world (just mention the names of other famous observers and discoverers as M. Duruy or P. Baize both contemporaries of Jonckheere). Later this school was able to draw on new wisdom by observers as Rose Bonnet and Edmee Chandon (two of the first professional women astronomers from France, precisely linked to the spectroscopic binary), P. Fatou, A. Pourteau, R. Baillaud, etc.

Catalogue Bibliothèque de l'Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur[12][12]

https://biblio-n.oca.eu/biblio/pmb3.0/opac_css/index.php?lvl=author_see&id=5005&page=4&nbr_lignes=82&l_typdoc=a%2Cl Bibliothèque de l'Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur / Côte d'Azur Observatory library

Titre : Mesures d'étoiles doubles et notes relatives aux couples observés Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Rose Bonnet, Auteur ; Observatoire de Paris, Editeur scientifique Editeur : Orléans ; Marseille : Imprimerie nouvelle Année de publication : 1938 Importance : 235 p. Présentation : ill. Format : 33 cm Langues : Français (fre) Tags : Etoiles doubles Etoiles -- Catalogues Double stars Stars -- Catalogs Index. décimale : 523.802 16 Étoiles - Listes, inventaires, catalogues

https://biblio-n.oca.eu/biblio/pmb3.0/opac_css/index.php?lvl=author_see&id=1138 Bibliothèque de l'Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur / Côte d'Azur Observatory library

Titre : Spectres, périodes et excentricités des binaires Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Rose Bonnet, Auteur ; Université de Paris (1896–1968). Faculté des sciences, Organisme de soutenance Editeur : Orléans ; Marseille : Imprimerie nouvelle Année de publication : 1947 Importance : 290, 6 p. Présentation : fig., planche. Format : 28 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : PPN 022854711 Note générale : Thèse doctorat : Sciences mathématiques : Université de Paris : 1945 : Série A. 2158. N° 3029. En haut du titre porte la mention : Observatoire de Paris. Langues : Français (fre) Tags : Etoiles -- Spectres -- Thèses et écrits académiques Etoiles doubles -- Thèses et écrits académiques Double stars -- Thesis Double stars -- Spectra -- Thesis Index. décimale : 523.841 Étoiles binaires et multiples Note de contenu : Notes bibliogr.Addenda au mémoire ... 6 p. à la fin

List of Additions to Library of the Society[20][20]

http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1938MNRAS..98..745. List of additions to Library of the Society Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 98, p. 754 June 1938

Paris, Observatoire: Mesures d'etoiles doubles et notes relatives aux couples observes. Par Rose Bonnet, Astronome a l'Observatoire de Paris 4to. Orleans, 1938

Full listing of archives held at Gospel Oak[21][21]

http://www.ulo.ucl.ac.uk/library/library/boxes_ULO-1-25.html Full listing of archives held at Gospel Oak (Boxes ULO-1 to ULO-25) The Library at the University of London Observatory List compiled in July 2005

Spectres Periodes et Excentricites des Binaires Thesis 1945 Rose Bonnet Universite de Paris

Spectres, périodes et excentricités des binaires": Addenda au Mémoire[22][22]

http://books.google.com/books/about/Spectres_périodes_et_excentricités_des.html "Spectres, périodes et excentricités des binaires": addenda au mémoire Rose Bonnet Observatoire de Paris, 1947 296 pages

Orbites de Trois Etoiles Doubles Visuelles[23][23]

http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1957JO.....40..126C Orbites de Trois Etoiles Doubles Visuelles Paul Couteau Journal des Observateurs, Vol. 40, p. 126 January 1957 p 126

The specific items are preliminary, but their calculation was possible because the companion, who traveled nearly 170 degrees since its discovery, just go through the periapsis in 1952. It was initially calculates the area constant by successive adjustments e curves (t) and p (t) on which seventeen medium sites were selected to trace the apparent ellipse. In particular, based on observations and BAIZE MULLER in 1952 and 1954, the following items were retained. Some important residues in position angle are irreducible because they come from observations near the minimum of the separation, epochs or measures, which are sometimes only estimates, were strong delicates. Did not take into account the extent of ROSE BONNET in 1930 most probably erroneous, nor that of DOBERCK in 1922.

Quelques Pionniers Français des Etoiles Doubles[24][24]

Quelques Pionniers Français des Etoiles Doubles Paul Couteau Observations et Travaux Volume 52 p. 14 - 16 2000

Mais c'est principalement Paul Baize (1901–1995), medecin de son etat, qui a fail la reputation de l'Observatoire de Paris en ce qui concerne les etoiles doubles. Apres le deces premature de Fatou et de Giacobini, l'equatorial de 30 cm passe entre les mains de Rose Bonnet, depositaire des observations inachevees de Fatou. La lunette est peu utilisee, le directeur Ernest Esclangon la confie alors au jeune docteur Baize, auteur de remarquables series de mesures avec une modeste lunette de 108 mm.

Cet observateur sera l'un des plus remarquables que le monde ait connu par l'abondance des mesures (pres de 25,000), leur qualite, et la perspicacite des programmes. A partir de 1939, un nouveau 38 cm est amenage. Une grande partie du lot des binaires, reputees inaccessibles, des americains de Lick est observee a Paris, avec une precision extreme. A tel point que Rose Bonnet, subjuguee par une telle adresse, me confiera un jour: "Les mesures de Paul Baize sont trap bonnes pour etre vraies, il les invente". Non, il ne les invente pas. Les orbites qui en decoulent sous son impulsion et celle de George van Biesbroeck (qui observe de l'autre cote de l'eau) en sont la preuve.

But it is mainly Paul Baize (1901–1995), doctor by profession, who fail the reputation of the Observatoire de Paris in terms of double stars. After the premature death of Fatou and Giacobini the equatorial 30 cm passes through the hands of Rose Bonnet, depositary unfinished observations Fatou. The bezel is not used, the director Ernest Esclangon then entrusted to the young doctor Baize, author of remarkable series of measures with a modest telescope 108 mm.

This observer will be one of the finest that the world has known for the abundance of measurements (nearly 25,000), their quality, and program perspicacity. From 1939, a new 38 cm is feeding. Much of the lot binary inaccessible Reputedly, of American Lick is observed at Paris, with extreme precision. So much so that Rose Bonnet, overwhelmed by such an address, confided to me: "The actions of Paul Baize are good trap to be true, it invents them." No, he did not invent them. The orbits that follow from under his leadership and that of George van Biesbroeck (who observes the other side of the water) are proof.

Où en est l'Astronomie des Etoiles Doubles?[25][25]

Où en est l'Astronomie des Etoiles Doubles? Couteau, Paul L'Astronomie, Vol. 72, p. 225 1958 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1958LAstr..72..225C

Il en est de meme dans la recherche d'une relation quelconque entre la periode et l'excentricite des binaires. L'excentricite determine l'allongement de l'orbite, elle peut se definir comme etant la distance des foyers d'une ellipse quand on prend le grand axe comme unite. Si on aborde cette question d'une facçon purement statistique, on arrive a la conclusion de Rose Bonnet (5] : «La periode a une certaine tendance a croitre avec l'excentricite.» Mais il est evident que la correlation entre periodes et excentricites depend etroitement de la valeur des orbites calculees.

It is the same in the search for any relationship between the period and the binary eccentricity. The eccentricity determines the elongation of the orbit, it can define as being the distance of the foci of an ellipse when we take the long axis as a unit. If we approach this issue from a purely statistical facçon, we arrive at the conclusion of Rose Bonnet (5): "The period has a tendency to grow with eccentricity." But it is evident that the correlation between periods and eccentricities closely depends on the value of the orbits calculees.

Zur Perioden-Exzentrizitäts-Beziehung spektroskopischer Doppelsterne[26][26]

http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1950AN....279....1W Zur Perioden-Exzentrizitäts-Beziehung spektroskopischer Doppelsterne Kurt Walter Astronomische Nachrichten, volume 279, p. 1 09/1950

Im Laufe der vergangenen Jahrzehnte ist bei den spektroskopischen Doppelsternen mit dem Anwachsen des Beobachtungsmaterials die Beziehung zwischen Periode und Bahnexzentrizität schluß dieser Arbeit bekannt gewordene Untersuchung dieser Art ist in dem ausfuhrlichen Werk von Rose Bonnet [I] enthalten, in dem mit Hilfe von statistischen Methoden die Existenz reeller Beziehungen zwischen Spektren, Perioden, und Bahnexzentrizität nachwiesen wird. Betreffs der fruheren Untersuchungen zu diesem Gegenstand mag hier der Hinweis auf diese, die fruhere Literatur eingehend berücksichtigende Arbeit genugen.

Ein statistischer Zusammenhang zwischen Periode und Bahnexzentrizität is zwar seit langem bekannt. Daß daruber hinaus das Spektrum der Hauptkomponente in ihm eine wichtige Rolle spielt, geht sowhol aus der Arbeit von R. Bonnet als auch aus der vorliegenden eigenen hervor. Trotz dieser Ubereinstimmung in einem wesentlichen Ergebnis sind aber Methoden und Ziele meiner Bearbeitung andere als die von R. Bonnet und der fruheren Bearbeiter, die sich auf die Darstellung und den Nachweis von statistischen Zusammenhängen beschrankt haben. Schon vor einigen Jahren habe ich darauf hingewiesen ([2], [3], [4]), Daß der Zusammenhängen zwischen Periode und Bahnexzentrizität fur solche System, deren Komponenten der Hauptreihe des Hertzsprung-Russell Diagramms angehoren, eine feinere Struktur erkennen lasse. Dies Behauptung ist damals nur auszugsweise belegt worden. Ein Zweck der vorliegenden Untersuchung ist es, den noch ausstehenden eingehenden Nachweis dafur nachzuholen.

Over the past decades the relationship between period and orbital eccentricity is in the spectroscopic binary stars with the growth of the observational material circuit of this work has become known study of this type is in the export-union work of Rose Bonnet [I] contained in the using statistical methods existence of real relations between spectra, periods, and orbital eccentricity is showed. As to the earlier studies on this subject like here references to those who Earlier literature thoroughly considered working closely moderate.

A statistical correlation between period and orbital eccentricity is indeed known for a long time. In addition, that the spectrum of the main component plays an important role in it, is capital steeped apparent from the work of R. Bonnet and from the present own. Despite this agreement in a substantial outcome but are methods and goals of my processing other than those of R. Bonnet and the earlier editors who have limited to the representation and detection of statistical relationships. A few years ago, I pointed out ([2], [3], [4]), That the relationship between period and orbital eccentricity for such system whose components are the main sequence of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram are nationals, was indicative of the finer structure. This assertion was at that time only in part occupied. One purpose of the present study is to catch up on outstanding incoming evidence for it.

Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society: Notes[27][27]

http://www.ams.org/journals/bull/1938-44-03/S0002-9904-1938-06705-5/S0002-9904-1938-06705-5.pdf Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society Notes March 1938 Volume 44, Number 12 p 181

The Paris Academy of Sciences announces the award of the following prizes for 1937 [...] and awards from the Villemot foundation to Mme. Rose Bonnet-Sainturier, for the publication of a memoir on the double stars [...]

Prix et Subventions Attribués en 1937: Fondation Villemot[11][11]

15000fr a Mme Rose Bonnet-Sainturier, aide-astronome a l'Observatoire de Paris, pour la publication d'un memoire sur les etoiles doubles

L'Ouest-Eclair (Ed. de Nantes) - 1937/12/15 (Numéro 15011). ...à Mme Rose Bonnet Sainturier, aideastronome à l'observatoire de Paris 15.000 fr..

Commission des Etoiles Doubles[16][16]

https://books.google.com/books?id=4IQ8AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA385 Member of IAU Commission des Etoiles Doubles Transactions of the International Astronomical Union Volume 8 1952 Cambridge University Press p 385

Comités Nationaux, France[15][15]

https://books.google.com/books?id=RG43AAAAIAAJ Member of the IAU Comités Nationaux, France Transactions of the International Astronomical Union Volume 6 1938 Cambridge University Press p 499-500

Who's Who in Science in Europe[4][4]

https://books.google.com/books?id=WQfnAAAAMAAJ Who's Who in Science in Europe Volume 1, 1st Edition Guernsey, Channel Islands: F. Hodgson, 1967 p 181

"BONNET-SAINTURIER, Rose, Doctor of mathematical sciences, Born 1894 Educ: Paris * Deputy astronomer, Observatoire de Paris, 1959: Honorary astronomer, 1959- * Societies: Societe Astronomique de France: International Astronomical Union. Scientific interests: Statistics (co-efficients of correlation and of contingency): astronomy (double stars): celestial mechanics. Address: 83 avenue de la J.Jiberat1on, Clamart, Hauts de Seine 92, France"

Journal officiel de la République française[28][28]

Mme Bonnet-Sainturier licenciés ès sciences, certificat d'aptitude à l'assignment secondaire aide-astronome à Paris

Ms. Bonnet-Sainturier Bachelor of Sciences, Certificate of suitability for secondary assignment as assistant astronomer at Paris

https://books.google.com/books?id=LC4kAQAAMAAJ Journal officiel de la République française, Volume 2 p 1198 1945 République française

Annales d'astrophysique[29][29]

https://books.google.com/books?id=F_nPAAAAMAAJ Annales d'astrophysique, Volumes 8-9 page 131

Dans les observatoires francais Mr Chanlonge a ete nomme astronome titulaire a l'Observatoire de Paris. MMrs Stoyko, Bertaud, Levy, et Mme Bonnet-Saintuier astronomes-adjointes au même Etablissement.

In french observatories Mr Chanlonge was appointed astronomer holder the Paris Observatory. MMrs Stoyko, Bertaud, Levy, and Mrs. Bonnet-Saintuier astronomers assistants in the same establishment.

Annales d'astrophysique, Volumes 8-9
Caisse nationale de la recherche scientifique. Service de recherche d'astrophysique, France.
Centre national de la recherche scientifique. Service d'astrophysique
Published - 1945

Les observatoires astronomiques et les astronomes[30][30]

https://books.google.com/books?id=B8TNAAAAMAAJ Les observatoires astronomiques et les astronomes Observatoire royal de Belgique, Paul Stroobant Casterman, 1931 p 50

"Mme R. Bonnet-Sainturier. Aj.: A. Couder (laboratoire d'optique),"

Marianne: Les femme pionniers: Les Astronomes[10][10]

http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k7642124b/f9 Les femme pionniers: Les Astronomes by Suzanne Normand Marianne : grand hebdomadaire littéraire illustré 1936/03/11 V 4 N 177 Paris


Presentations In the formation of a list of candidates the Astronomer site owner has the Paris Observatory, vacant by the death of Mr. Bernard Lyot, for the first line, Mr. Andre Lallemand gets 44 votes against 19 Mr. Henri Mineur, 3 Mr. Paul Couderc and one to Mrs. Rose Bonnet-Sainturier.

In the second row, Paul Coudere gets 44 votes against 13 a Henri 1ltineur, 1 to Mrs. Rose Bonnet-Sainturier; 1 and Mr. Daniel Barbier; there is a blank ballot.

Accordingly, the list presented Mr. Minister of Education include: In the first line - Mr. Andre Lallemand Second line - Mr. Paul Couderc

Presentations Dans la formation d'une liste de candidats a la place d'Astronome titulaire a l'Observatoire de Paris, vacante par le deces de M. Bernard Lyot, pour la premiere ligne, M. Andre Lallemand obtient 44 suffrages contre 19 a M. Henri Mineur, 3 a M. Paul Couderc et 1 a Mme Rose Bonnet-Sainturier.

Pour la seconde ligne, M. Paul Coudere obtient 44 suffrages contre 13 a Henri 1ltineur, 1 a Mme Rose Bonnet-Sainturier; et 1 a M. Daniel Barbier; il y a un bulletin blanc.

En consequence, la liste presente a M. le Ministre de l'Education Nationale comprendra: En premiere ligne - M. Andre Lallemand En seconde ligne - M. Paul Couderc

'Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences' http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k3191m/f939

239 October 18, 1954 p. 939.

Candidate for Astronome titulaire at Paris Observatory (one vote) loses to Charles Bertaud.


PRESENTATIONS Dans la formation d'une liste de candidats a la place d 'Astronome titulaire vacante a l'Observatoire de Paris, pour la premiere ligne, M. Daniel Barbier obtient 31 suffrages contre 17 a Mme Rose Bonnet et 2 a Jean-Francois Denisse; il y a 1 bulletin blanc.

Pour la seconde ligne, Mme Rose Bonnet obtient 25 suffrages contre 18 a M. Jean-Francois Denisse; il y a 3 bulletins nuls.

En consequence, la liste presentee a M. le Ministre de l'Education Nationale comprendra:

En premier ligne M. Daniel Barbier En seconde ligne Mme Rose Bonnet

PRESENTATIONS In the formation of a list of candidates instead of Astronomer vacant holder has the Paris Observatory, for the first line, Mr. Daniel Barber gets 31 votes against 17 a Mrs. Rose Bonnet and Jean-Francois has 2 Denisse; there is 1 blank ballot.

For the second line, Ms. Rose Bonnet gets 25 votes against 18 Mr. Jean-Francois Denisse; there are 3 spoiled ballots.

Consequently, the list was presented the Minister of Education include:

First line Mr. Daniel Barber Second line Ms. Rose Bonnet

Société Astronomique de France: Séance du 13 Février 1957[31][31]

http://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu//full/1957LAstr..71..116H/0000116.000.html Société Astronomique de France: Séance du 13 Février 1957 Hamon, Andre L'Astronomie, Vol. 71, p. 116 1957

Mlle LEROY donne lecture de la nouvelle liste des presentations Sont presentes comme nouveaux Societaires, au titre de Membres titulaires: [...] Mme ROSE BONNET, astronome A l'Observatoire de Paris (MM. N. Stoyko et L. Arbey)

Miss LEROY read out the new list of presentations Are presented as new members, under Full members: [...] Ms. ROSE BONNET, astronomer At the Paris Observatory (Messrs. N. Stoyko and L. Arbey)

Ciba Symposium https://books.google.com/books?id=lAkbAQAAMAAJ&q=%22Rose+Bonnet%22+astronomer

Volumes 8-10 1960 p 124 Gesellschaft für Chemische Industrie in Basel

"Madame Rose Bonnet, a distinguished astronomer, is also a wonderful birdwatcher, and has tamed numerous blackbirds. It is she who drew our attention to the job displayed by the hen on hearing M. Bonnet ..."

Notes et travaux https://books.google.com/books?id=hHLvAAAAMAAJ&q="Rose+Bonnet"+astronomer

Notes et travaux Issues 2-3 1958 Matematicki institut (Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti) Astronomsko-numericka sekcija Mme Rose Bonnet Sur l'estimation du degré de concordance entre deux séries autocorrélatives de mesures p 31

Fatou, Julia, Montel,: le grand prix des sciences mathématiques de 1918, et après... https://books.google.fr/books?id=htpPnZrzWOwC

Michèle Audin Springer Science & Business Media June 6, 2009 9783642004469

p6 As for Pierre Fatou, well, he was unmarried. At his discrete way, however, he introduced (as an astronomer) another scientist woman in this story, the astronomer Rose Bonnet, who observed double stars.

p106 On after [Bloch 1931], Fatou research and find collaborators on astronomy questions that double-star interessted, stability of orbits. Just before his death he was considering programs to form astronomers who are not as calculators. We will see the example in Chapter V of Rose Bonnet. Leon Bloch mentions no students mathematicians May.


Part of his observations of double stars (visual) was published in the Journal of Observers in his lifetime [1928d], others are recorded by Rose Bonnet [74], an assistant astronomer who was working with him year [.. .]

[74] On the Fatou advice, Rose Bonnet began the 1928 statistical research on the double star (relations between periods, eccentricities and masses). We know that she followed Frechet's courses in 1928-1929 (the Frechet fund the Academy of Science Archive preserves notebooks in which she took notes of these courses). She continues the observations and the mathematical work after the death of Fatou. In 1937, she was still assistant astronomer when she received a grant from the Academy of Sciences for the publication of a memoir on double stars for which we find no future reference. Besides publishing the observations of Fatou, Rose Bonnet supported a thesis [1945] the double star, the "binaries" on May 3, 1945. A colleague and faithful friend of Pierre Fatou, she dedicated her thesis to the memory of her father, to her mother, her husband, and ... "to the memory of Pierre Fatou, astronomer and mathematician." She continued to work beyond this thesis since the register of readers of the library IHP sees fit in this institution in June 1948 (it is presented by Frechet) and the SMF Bulletin sees become a member of that company in 1955.

INOUBLIABLES: Portraits de femmes par Jean Lattès

Les femmes astronomes françaises http://retro.seals.ch/cntmng?pid=emi-001:1929:17::18emi-001_1929_17_299_a_003_d.pdf

Lettres de Roumanie : l'inauguration de la "Maison de la femme" à Bucarest Cerrez, Catherine / Chales, Rachel Les femmes astronomes françaises Marcel Roland 1929

Photo of Rose Bonnet with Telescope http://retro.seals.ch/digbib/view?pid=emi-001:1934:22::513

Le mouvement féministe : organe officiel des publications de l'Alliance nationale des sociétés féminines suisses Volume 22 Issue 442 p95 December 29, 1934 Photo of Rose Bonnet with Telescope Photo by Manuel frères (« Vu») Cliché Mouvement Féministe

What was the "Carte du Ciel" Project The Double Stars of Abel Pourteau Journal of Double Star Observations Frank Smith Vol. 8 No. 4 October 1, 2012 p243-246

Publication des observations d'étoiles doubles de P. Fatou http://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu//full/1941JO.....24...41F/0000041.000.html

Bonnet, R. Journal des Observateurs Vol. 24 p. 41 January 1941

Positions photographiques de planètes http://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1921JO......4...42B

Bonnet, R. Journal des Observateurs Vol. 4 p. 42 January 1921

Positions photographiques de planètes http://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1923JO......6...21B

Bonnet, R. & Pourteau, A. Journal des Observateurs Vol. 6 p. 21 January 1923

Les femmes astronomes françaises[32]

Les femmes astronomes françaises Marcel Roland Le mouvement féministe: organe officiel des publications de l'Alliance nationale des sociétés féminines suisses Vol 17 No 299 p 14 January 18, 1929 http://dx.doi.org/10.5169/seals-259640

Transactions of the International Astronomical Union http://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu//full/1968IAUTB..13...94W/0000085.000.html

Vol. 13B p 85 International Astronomical Union Commission de la Radiation et de la Structure de l'Atmosphere Solaire Third and Fourth Meetings, 29 August 1967

The president invited Dr J. Houtgast to be the chairman of these two sessions devoted to eclipse studies, chromosphere and corona. Scientific Reports (k) J. Blamont, A. Maligne (presented by R. Bonnet): Assombrissement au bord solaire aux longueurs d'onde 2000-1200 A, observe a /'eclipse du 12 novembre 1966

Rapport annuel sur l'e´tat de l'observatoire de Paris pour l'anne´e 1919–1940


Rapport annuel sur l'e´tat de l'observatoire de Paris pour l'anne´e 1919 by M. B. Baillaud Imprimerie Nationale: Paris 1920/04/22 (A1919)



p 12 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k65446833/f12 Listed as intern on personnel list for December 1919

p26 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k65446833/f32 Hired as an intern at Paris Observatory as of December 20, 1919. Had a "'licenciés ès sciences" degree.

Rapport annuel sur l'e´tat de l'observatoire de Paris pour l'anne´e 1920 by M. B. Baillaud Imprimerie Nationale: Paris 1921/03/03 (A1920)

p6 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544684h/f6 Listed as "temporary assistance" (authorized to perform at the Observatory the training period provided by the Decree of 15 February 1907) on personnel list for December 1920

p29 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544684h/f29 and as a trainee

p8 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544684h/f8 [...] Miss Bonnet, graduate degree in Mathematical Sciences (certificates calculus, rational mechanics, superior general physical geometry [option-optic] depth astronomy), further provided with certificates of fitness for teaching high school girls [...]

p14 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544684h/f14 work with a team of interns verifiying senior astronomer's calculations of error on Gautier chronographs.

p21-22 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544684h/f21 Worked as part of a team conducting astronomical photography for the "Carte du Ciel" (sky map) under observatory director Benjamin Baillaud. Absent for health reasons in April, May and June.

p24 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544684h/f24 worked with other interns measuring stellar magnitudes for the International Photographic Catalog project the for the declination +20°

Rapport annuel sur l'e´tat de l'observatoire de Paris pour l'anne´e 1921 by M. B. Baillaud Imprimerie Nationale: Paris 1922/03/31 (A1921)

p6 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544685x/f6 Listed as "temporary assistance" on personnel list for December 1921

p33 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544685x/f33 and Trainee

p14 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544685x/f14 III. CATALOGUE REFERENCE STARS. [...] Worked with team on error reduction in observational errors.

p23-24 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544685x/f23 Continued work on "Carte du Ciel" (sky map) project worked as part of the nighttime team. Together with Abel Pourteau, during collection of data for the sky chart, photographed nine minor planets and calculated their postions and sent the results to the Journal des Observateurs.

p26-27 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544685x/f26 Worked as part of a team under Constantin Parvulescu doing Blink-Microscope observations.

Rapport annuel sur l'e´tat de l'observatoire de Paris pour l'anne´e 1922 by M. B. Baillaud Imprimerie Nationale: Paris 1923/03/06 (A1922)

p6 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544686b/f6 Listed as intern on personnel list for December 1922

p29 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544686b/f29 and Trainee

p13 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544686b/f13 In the course of the year, Miss Bonnet has reviewed some average positions

p22 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544686b/f22 Continues work with Blink-Microscope

p23 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544686b/f23 Checked 2,500 sheets of catalog reference stars

p27 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544686b/f27

First publication:

Jules Baillaud and Mlle. Bonnet, Clavier & Lhomme,
Distribution des étoiles dans la zone de Paris du Catalogue Astrophotographique
(Distribution of Stars in the Area of the Paris Astrophotographic Catalog)
Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Sciences
Volume 175
July 3, 1922

Rapport annuel sur l'e´tat de l'observatoire de Paris pour l'anne´e 1923 by M. B. Baillaud Imprimerie Nationale: Paris 1924/02/14 (A1923)

p6 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544687r/f6 Listed as intern on personnel list for December 1922

p33 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544687r/f33 Continued to work on the "Carte du Ciel" project Calculated with Abel Pourteau the position of minor planet (851) Sigma 26.

p42 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544687r/f42

Abel Pourteau and Rose Bonnet
Positions photographiques de Planeles obtenues a l'Observatoire de Paria dans le Service de la Carle du Ciel observations of minor planets (851) Sigma 26 and (629) Bernardina
Journal des Observateurs
March 15, 1923
Vol. 6

Rapport annuel sur l'e´tat de l'observatoire de Paris pour l'anne´e 1924 by M. B. Baillaud Imprimerie Nationale: Paris 1925/02/27 (A1924)

p6 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k65446885/f6 Listed at "unpaid trainee"

p16 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k65446885/f16 Continued to work on the "Carte du Ciel" project

p17 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k65446885/f17 Photographic observation a minor planet discovered by Walter Baade (probably 1036 Ganymed)

Rapport annuel sur l'e´tat de l'observatoire de Paris pour l'anne´e 1925 by M. B. Baillaud Imprimerie Nationale: Paris 1927/03/12 (A1926)

p6 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544689k/f6 Listed at "unpaid trainee" up to July 1, 1925; after that as Assistant Astronomer

p9 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544689k/f9 "Miss Bonnet, intern, graduate education, has been appointed assistant astronomer from 1 July 1925."

p19 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544689k/f19 Continued to work on the "Carte du Ciel" project

Rapport annuel sur l'e´tat de l'observatoire de Paris pour l'anne´e 1926 by M. B. Baillaud Imprimerie Nationale: Paris 1925/03/12 (A1924)

p 14 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k65446907/f14 Leaves "Carte du Ciel" project to take part in the global operation of longitudes

p. 15 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k65446907/f15 prepared the photographic observations of the new catalog

p17 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k65446907/f17 Works with the l'Astrolabe à Prisme instrument on longitude project determining personal differences Ms. Chandon, service to astrolade every night before midnight, go 2 stars observed divided into 26 series; and Miss Bonnet, service after midnight, observed 850 star divided into 28 series.

Rapport annuel sur l'e´tat de l'observatoire de Paris pour l'anne´e 1927 by M. Deslandres Imprimerie Nationale: Paris 1928 (A1927)

p4 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544691n/f4 Listed as Assistant Astronomer

p13 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544691n/f13 Worked on measurments for the International Time Bureau (Bureau International de l'Heure) (BIH) using a prismatic astrolabe (Danjon astrolabe)

p15 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544691n/f15 Worked on observations of meridian transits

Rapport annuel sur l'e´tat de l'observatoire de Paris pour l'anne´e 1928 by M. Deslandres Imprimerie Nationale: Paris 1929 (A1928)

p4 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k65446922/f4 Listed as Assistant Astronomer

p24 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k65446922/f25 "Miss Bonnet has undertaken, on the advice of Mr. Fatou, statistical research on double stars. She had to search through a large number of periodicals or recent treaties known orbital elements of visual double stars, spectroscopic and photométricjues and statistical research trials already undertaken to study them and the other work on the dynamics double stars and the methods of stellar statistics. It proposes to use these documents and methods to further study some statistical problems, such as relations between periods, eccentricities and masses."

p45 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k65446922/f46 Publication

"An abbreviated method for calculating the zenith distances of any star observed several times with astrolabe" (Méthode abrégée pour le calcul des distances zénithales d'une même étoile observée plusieurs fois à l'astrolabe)
le Journal des Observateurs
Volume 11
Number 1

Rapport annuel sur l'e´tat de l'observatoire de Paris pour l'anne´e 1929 by Ernest Esclangon Imprimerie Nationale: Paris 1930 (A1929)

p4 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544693g/f4 Listed as Assistant Astronomer

p18 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544693g/f18 "Miss Bonnet continued statistical research on double stars [...] including the study of the many submissions on this issue and the methods used in stellar statistics, for application to a ongoing work on the binaries."

Rapport annuel sur l'e´tat de l'observatoire de Paris pour l'anne´e 1930 by Ernest Esclangon Imprimerie Nationale: Paris 1931 (A1930)

p4 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544694w/f4 Listed as Assistant Astronomer

p16 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544694w/f16 "Miss BONNET conducted in Western Equatorial [Tower]: 466 double stars measurements (mainly couples tightened some movement); 6 comet observations; 5 observations of Eros."

p17 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544694w/f17 Continues her work on statistics of double start orbits.

Rapport annuel sur l'e´tat de l'observatoire de Paris pour l'anne´e 1931 by Ernest Esclangon Imprimerie Nationale: Paris June 14, 1932 (A1931)

p4 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k65446959/f4 Listed as Assistant Astronomer

p19-20 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k65446959/f19 "The unit [Western Equatorial Tower] has been entrusted to Ms Bonnet, who made aware of a Romanian student services, Ms. Marcus, and a Chinese student Mr. Pan-Puh. While also working in small angled equatorial Mile Bonnet was able to perform the equatorial West: 537 double stars measurements (tight couples or very low). 3 observations of Eros.

Miss Marcus made July 1 dual action star and Mr. Pan-Puh 79.

Miss Bonnet is also devoted to the study of a question of celestial mechanics necessary for the continuation of his ongoing work on binaries known orbits."

p21 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k65446959/f21

"From April Miss R. BONNET was attached to the service and while completing various work it started serving the equatorial she zealously devoted part of its activity to the heterochromatic photometry."

Rapport annuel sur l'e´tat de l'observatoire de Paris pour l'anne´e 1932 by Ernest Esclangon Imprimerie Nationale: Paris 1933 (A1932)

p4 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544696q/f4 Listed as Assistant Astronomer

p22 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544696q/f22 From January to August, Bonnet carried out 288 double stars measurements using the instruments in the Western Equatorial Tower. First mention of her intent to publish her own observations of double stars.

p24-25 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544696q/f24

Rapport annuel sur l'e´tat de l'observatoire de Paris pour l'anne´e 1933 by Ernest Esclangon Imprimerie Nationale: Paris 1934 (A1933)

p4 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k65446974/f4 Listed as Assistant Astronomer (now as Mme. Bonnet-Sainturier)

p7 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k65446974/f7 "Miss Bonnet [...] were named Officers Academy in October." (?)

p19 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k65446974/f19 "Miss BONNET comes, secondly, to complete the collection of his own observations of double stars and calculating the corresponding weighted average. It works, currently in the drafting of couples related marks observed, it proposes to attach to the publication of its measures."

Continued work on double stars.

Apparently gained an assistant (Tourigny) as of this year.

Rapport annuel sur l'e´tat de l'observatoire de Paris pour l'anne´e 1934 by Ernest Esclangon Imprimerie Nationale: Paris 1935 (A1934)

p4 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544698j/f4 Listed as Assistant Astronomer

p24 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544698j/f24 "Mme BONNET has, on the other hand, continued writing notes to his double stars publications, and is currently completing those relating to the sixteenth hour of right ascension."

Rapport annuel sur l'e´tat de l'observatoire de Paris pour l'anne´e 1935 by Ernest Esclangon Imprimerie Nationale: Paris 1936 (A1935)

p4 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544699z/f4 Listed as Assistant Astronomer

p20 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544699z/f20 "Ms. BONNET currently addressing calculate the brightness variations of artificial star, owed to employees holes changes to occur. A number of old observations have indeed been made by using different holes to form the artificial images compared to the Polar Star and observed respectively; it is then necessary to be able to bring one to the other the two employees secondary standards. It is the goal of this study."

Finished her notes for publication of her book on double stars; manuscript now ready for printing.

Rapport annuel sur l'e´tat de l'observatoire de Paris pour l'anne´e 1936 by Ernest Esclangon Imprimerie Nationale: Paris 1937 (A1936)

p4 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k65447005/f4 Listed as Assistant Astronomer

p18-19 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k65447005/f18 Continued work on heterochromatic photometry and double stars Was unable to publish her book on double stars dut to lack of funds. Last year Tourigny listed as assistant.



Rapport annuel sur l'e´tat de l'observatoire de Paris pour l'anne´e 1937 by Ernest Esclangon Imprimerie Nationale: Paris 1938 (A1937)



p4 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544398h/f12 Listed as Assistant Astronomer

p 15 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544398h/f23

For much of year Small Equatorial Coudé Telescope was unavailable due to rennovations.

"Ms. BONNET has also continued the study of heterochromatic photometry documents previously obtained, especially for improving the conditions of observation and rational use of the photometer used"

"Ms. BONNET has, on the other hand, corrected the proofs of his work "Measures of double stars and couples related marks observed."

"This memory, around 235 pages should appear shortly in that benevolent support of Mr. Director of the Observatory, which has significantly helped Ms. BONNET to obtain the necessary credits to its printing."

Rapport annuel sur l'e´tat de l'observatoire de Paris pour l'anne´e 1938 by Ernest Esclangon Imprimerie Nationale: Paris 1939 (A1938)

p4 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544399x/f6 Listed as Assistant Astronomer

p12 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544399x/f14 Small Equatorial Coudé Telescope

"also continued its work of documentation in relation to a new memoir she prepares on double stars."

Rapport annuel sur l'e´tat de l'observatoire de Paris pour l'anne´e 1939 by Ernest Esclangon Imprimerie Nationale: Paris 1941 (A1939)

p4 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k65444004/f6 Listed as Assistant Astronomer

p13 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k65444004/f15 Small Equatorial Coudé Telescope "In 1939, the observation service has been entrusted, as usual, Mme Bonnet" "also continued the ongoing preparation of a work on double stars: it continued its documentation research, conducted much of the calculations and significantly advanced the drafting of the actual book."

Rapport annuel sur l'e´tat de l'observatoire de Paris pour l'anne´e 1940 by Ernest Esclangon Imprimerie Nationale: Paris 1942 (A1940)

p4 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544401j/f6 Listed as Assistant Astronomer

p11 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6544401j/f13 Small Equatorial Coudé Telescope

"During most of the year, no photometric observations were performed at the Petit Conde, the goal having been made safe in 1939, to be recovered only in the third quarter of 19/10. Moreover, the apparatus had he been provided with its optic, which could not carry out any usual photometric observations; the lens iris indeed demand to be frequently changed in a single evening of observations, which requires full light, and could not accord with the requirements of passive defense."

"In August, the Service has lost its leader Mr. Charles NORDMANN died after a long and painful illness.

Mrs BONNET, observer at the Petit Coudé used most of his time preparing a memorandum on double stars. She is devoted mainly to the study of the influence of the orbital period of the binary various features.

In June 1940, she left with his documents to the designated fallback center: the Observatory of Toulouse, but could not reach it and headed for the Haute-Saône, where she could continue her work until she received ordered to return to the Paris Observatory.

During the third quarter, the Petit Conde was built for physical observation of occultations of stars by the moon. Mr. Tremblot, assistant astronomer, helped Mr. CONSTANT, electrical engineer, has devoted himself to this task; one meets the material difficulties, especially in the acquisition of photoelectric cells with special characteristics."


  1. ^ a b c d Juan-Luis González Carballo (May 2009). "Jonckheere, pasión por las dobles" (PDF). El Obsevador de Estrellas Doble. pp. 55–58.
  2. ^ a b c d Juliette Leloup (September 2006). M. Kokowski (ed.). "The Women who Defended a Thesis in Mathematics in France During the Interwar Period" (PDF). The Global and the Local: The History of Science and the Cultural Integration of Europe. Proceedings of the 2nd ICESHS. pp. 548–551.
  3. ^ a b c Yvette Kosmann-Schwarzbach (2015). "Women Mathematicians in France in the Mid-Twentieth Century". BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics. pp. 15–16.
  4. ^ a b c d e f "Who's Who in Science in Europe". Guernsey, Channel Islands: F. Hodgson. 1967. p. 181.
  5. ^ a b c Benjamin Baillaud (April 22, 1920). "Rapport annuel sur l'état de l'observatoire de Paris pour l'anne´e 1919". Paris, France: Imprimerie Nationale. p. 26.
  6. ^ a b c Magda Stavinschi (2008). "Histoire Celeste Entre la Roumanie et la France" (PDF). Bucarest, Roumaine: Institut Astronomique de l'Académie Roumaine. p. 15.
  7. ^ a b c Michèle Audin (January 30, 2011). "Fatou, Julia, Montel: The Great Prize of Mathematical Sciences of 1918, and Beyond". Springer Science & Business Media. p. 6. ISBN 9783642178535.
  8. ^ a b c d e f "Notes: Double Star Notes". The Observatory. December 1938. pp. 338–339.
  9. ^ a b c James Lequeux (2010). "Charles Nordmann and Multicolour Stellar Photometry" (PDF). Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage. p. 215.
  10. ^ a b c Suzanne Normand (March 11, 1936). "Les femme pionniers: Les Astronomes". Marianne: Grand Hebdomadaire Littéraire Illustré. Paris, France: Marianne. p. 50.
  11. ^ a b c "Prix et Subventions Attribués en 1937: Fondation Villemot". Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. December 20, 1937. p. 1323.
  12. ^ a b c d e f "Catalogue Bibliothèque de l'Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur". Service bibliothèque de l'OCA.
  13. ^ a b c Edgar J. Soulié. "French Astronomers, Visual Double Stars and the Double Stars Working Group of the Société Astronomique de France" (PDF). Société Astronomique de France.
  14. ^ a b c "Prix et Subventions Attribués en 1943: Prix Valz". Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. December 20, 1943. p. 641.
  15. ^ a b c "Comités Nationaux, France". Transactions of the International Astronomical Union. Cambridge University Press. 1938. pp. 499–500.
  16. ^ a b c "Commission des Etoiles Doubles". Transactions of the International Astronomical Union. Cambridge University Press. 1952. p. 385.
  17. ^ a b c "Presentations". Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. January 12, 1953. p. 174.
  18. ^ Cite error: The named reference Comptes1954 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  19. ^ a b c "Presentations". Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. June 16, 1955. p. 2279.
  20. ^ a b "List of Additions to Library of the Society". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. June 1938. p. 754.
  21. ^ a b "Full listing of archives held at Gospel Oak (Boxes ULO-1 to ULO-25)". The Library at the University of London Observatory. July 2005.
  22. ^ a b Rose Bonnet (1947). "Spectres, périodes et excentricités des binaires": Addenda au Mémoire. Observatoire de Paris.
  23. ^ a b Paul Couteau (January 1957). "Orbites de Trois Etoiles Doubles Visuelles". Journal des Observateurs. p. 126.
  24. ^ a b Paul Couteau (2000). "Quelques Pionniers Français des Etoiles Doubles". Observations et Travaux. pp. 14–16.
  25. ^ a b Paul Couteau (1958). "Où en est l'Astronomie des Etoiles Doubles?". L'Astronomiex. p. 255.
  26. ^ a b Kurt Walter (September 1950). "Zur Perioden-Exzentrizitäts-Beziehung spektroskopischer Doppelsterne". Astronomische Nachrichten. p. 1.
  27. ^ a b "Notes" (PDF). Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. March 1938. p. 181.
  28. ^ a b "Annonces". Journal officiel de la République française. République française. 1945. p. 1198.
  29. ^ a b "Annales d'astrophysique". Paris, France: Centre national de la recherche scientifique. 1945. p. 131.
  30. ^ a b Paul Stroobant/Observatoire royal de Belgique (1931). "Les observatoires astronomiques et les astronomes". Casterman. p. 50.
  31. ^ a b "Société Astronomique de France: Séance du 13 Février 1957". L'Astronomie. 1957. p. 116.
  32. ^ Roland, Marcel (January 18, 1929). "Les femmes astronomes françaises". Le mouvement féministe: organe officiel des publications de l'Alliance nationale des sociétés féminines suisses. 17 (299): 14.
  33. ^ a b "Rapport annuel sur l'état de l'observatoire de Paris". Paris, France: Imprimerie nationale. 1936. p. 181.
  34. ^ a b "Rapport annuel sur l'état de l'observatoire de Paris". Paris, France: Imprimerie nationale. 1937. p. 15.