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Hello, i am a contributor to Wikipedia from the United, States. I live in New England right off of the ocean. I live in the state of Massachusetts near the Boston area. I am 19 years old and i am currently enrolled in college. I plan on working on the Endicott College page in Wikipedia because it is an interest of mine.I realize that Endicott College does not have much information on its page and that is why i am so interested to fix and improve the page with a lot more information about the college.



One of the things i am most interested in is sports. I find mostly all sports to be entertaining. My favorite sport to play and watch is football and my favorite team is the New England Patriots. I have played sports throughout my whole life and this world would be a totally different place if we didn't have sports. I think sports is a way that people within every country come together as one. When sports become international it is a friendly and nonviolent way to determine who's country is better for that specific game. I find that sports is a common thing to do all over the world because of how popular sports has become to everyone. Since everyone can contribute in a sport that is why it is so popular. I just find it so interesting that a simple thing as a sport can bring the whole world together in peace and without violence.



Movies are another interest of mine. I feel that movies are just a great way of entertaining people with just a push of a button. Movies have become so popular that new movies are coming out almost every week. Movies have also given people many opportunities to do what they love. If anybody loves to act then movies are the perfect place for you. It gives people opportunities to show their skills to people all around the world. The skills actors or actresses have can entertain people all over the world.