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User:Ccmontgom/Bruce Fulton

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Translator Bruce Fulton Outside in Seoul.
Bruce Fulton.



Bruce Fulton is a professor of Korean Literature and a noted translator of contemporary Korean fiction with an extensive list of publications. He has translated novels, such as Cho Se-hui’s The Dwarf, and collections including Land of Exile, The Red Room and Lost Souls: Stories by Hwang Sunwon. [1] Fulton's most recent translation is River of Fire and Other Stories which contains nine stories, written from 1968 to 1994, describing family dysfunction, the decline of tradition, and lost love from a woman's perspective. [2]

In this role as translator, Fulton is quick to note that he almost always works in partnership with his wife Ju-Chan Fulton.[3]

Fulton is the inaugural holder of the Young-Bin Min Chair in Korean Literature and Literary Translation in the Department of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia. [4] Fulton has also won several awards, including Korea's Daesan Foundation's translation prize.[5]

Fulton and his wife met at Seoul National University in 1978, while Fulton was volunteering in the Peace Corps. They married in 1979 and eventually realized that together they were "the ideal translation team": As Bruce was a native speaker of English who knew Korean, and Ju-Chan, was a native speaker of Korean who knew English. [6]

Fulton received his BA in philosophy from Bowdoin College in 1970, his Masters Degree in Korea Regional Studies, from the University of Washington in 1983, and his Ph.D. in Modern Korean Literature from Seoul National University [7]


  • Debasement and Other Stories by Sŏng Ki-jo. Seoul: Korean Literature Foundation, 1983.
  • The Moving Castle, by Hwang Sun-wŏn (Seoul: Si-sa-yong-o-sa, 1985)
  • Words of Farewell: Stories by Korean Women Writers (Seattle: Seal Press, 1989)
  • Land of Exile: Contemporary Korean Fiction (trans. with Marshall R. Pihl). Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 1993.
  • Wayfarer: New Fiction by Korean Women. Seattle: Women in Translation, 1997.
  • A Ready-Made Life: Early Masters of Modern Korean Fiction (trans. With Kim Chong-un) (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 1998)
  • Deep Blue Night, by Ch’oe In-ho (Seoul: Jimoondang,2002)
  • My Innocent Uncle, by Ch’ae Manshik (trans. with Kim Chong-un and Robert Armstrong), ed. Bruce Fulton and Ross King. Seoul: Jimoondang, 2003.
  • The Last of Hanak’o, by Ch’oe Yun (Seoul: Jimoondang,2003)
  • Chinatown, by O Chŏng-hŭi (Seoul: Jimoondang, 2003)
  • A Man, by Hwang Sun-wŏn (Seoul: Jimoondang, 2003)
  • Trees on a Slope, by Hwang Sun-wôn (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2005)
  • Human Decency by Kong Chi-yŏng (trans. with Kim Miza and Suzanne Crowder Han). Seoul: Jimoondang, 2006.
  • The Dwarf, by Cho Se-hŭi (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2006)
  • Land of Exile: Contemporary Korean Fiction, exp. ed. (trans. with Marshall R. Pihl). Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 2007.
  • There a Petal Silently Falls: Three Stories by Ch’oe Yun. New York: Columbia University Press, 2008.
  • The Red Room: Stories of Trauma in Contemporary Korea. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2009.
  • Lost Souls: Stories by Hwang Sunwŏn. New York: Columbia University Press, 2009.
  • "A Dream of Good Fortune," by Hwang Sŏg-yŏng, Korea Journal, April 1985, pp. 39-60
  • "Beyond the Dark Memories," by Yi Kyun-yŏng, Korea Times, November 1-16, 1985
  • "The Bronze Mirror," by O Chŏng-hŭi, Korea Journal, January 1986, pp. 40-52
  • "Winter Forsythias," by Hwang Sun-wŏn, Hanguk munhak (Korean literature), February 1986, pp. 400-409
  • "Big Mountain," by Yi Ho-ch'ŏl, Hanguk munhak, May 1986, pp. 395-403
  • "A Room in the Woods," by Kang Sŏk-kyŏng, Korea Journal, April 1987, pp. 48-70, and May 1987, pp. 44-70
  • "Days and Dreams," by Kang Sŏk-kyŏng, Korea Times, November 10-12, 1987
  • "Words of Farewell," by O Chŏng-hŭi, Korea Journal, January 1988, pp. 48-70
  • "Lullaby," by Kim Chi-wŏn, Korea Journal, August 1988, pp. 40-47
  • "The Man Who Was Left as Nine Pairs of Shoes," by Yun Hŭng-gil, Korea Journal, February 1989, pp. 50-71
  • "Winter Forsythias," in The Book of Masks, by Hwang Sun-wŏn, ed. J. Martin Holman (London: Readers International,1989), pp. 21-34
  • "Nature," in The Book of Masks, pp. 118-40
  • "The Curtain Fell, But Then...," in The Book of Masks, pp. 141-53
  • "The Man Who Was Left as Nine Pairs of Shoes," in The House of Twilight, by Yun Hŭng-gil, ed. J. Martin Holman(London: Readers International, 1989), pp. 96-147
  • Mother, a play by Chang Chŏng-il, Korea Journal, October 1989, pp. 56-62
  • "The Toyshop Woman," by O Chŏng-hŭi, Korea Times, November 6-8, 1989
  • "Mystery Woman," by Yi Kwang-su (trans. with Kim Chong-un), Korea Journal, December 1989, pp. 56-59
  • "Mantis," in Shadows of a Sound: Stories by Hwang Sun-wŏn, ed. J. Martin Holman (San Francisco: Mercury House,1990), pp. 25-39
  • "A Man," in Shadows of a Sound, pp. 113-21
  • "Melons," in Shadows of a Sound, pp. 185-90
  • "Chinatown," by O Chŏng-hŭi, Korea Journal, January 1990, pp. 49-64
  • "A Man," by Hwang Sun-wŏn, Seattle Review, Spring/Summer 1990, pp. 40-47
  • O Chang-gun's Toenail, a play by Pak Cho-yŏl, Korea Journal, June 1990, pp. 56-72, and July 1990, pp. 49-59
  • "The Man Who Was Left as Nine Pairs of Shoes," by Yun Hŭng-gil, Asian & Pacific Quarterly, Summer 1990, pp. 44-67
  • "Melons," by Hwang Sun-wŏn, Munhak Segye: The Literary Realm, Summer 1990, pp. 38-42
  • "A Portrait of Magnolias," by O Chŏng-hŭi, The World & I, October 1990, pp. 434-49
  • "A Certain Beginning," by Kim Chi-wŏn, in The Graywolf Annual Seven: Stories From the American Mosaic, ed. Scott Walker (St. Paul: Graywolf Press, 1990), pp. 1-17
  • "The Bronze Mirror," by O Chŏng-hŭi, in Modern Korean Literature: An Anthology, ed. Peter H. Lee (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1990), pp. 392-411
  • "Evening Game," by O Chŏng-hŭi, Asian & Pacific Quarterly, Fall 1990, pp. 42-53
  • "A Room in the Woods," by Kang Sŏk-kyŏng, Asian & Pacific Quarterly, Winter 1990, pp. 72-102, and Spring-Summer 1991, pp. 100-137
  • "A Descendant of the Hwarang," by Kim Tong-ni (trans.with Kim Chong-un), The World & I, April 1991, pp. 440-51
  • "Morning Star," by O Chŏng-hŭi, Kkachi: A Journal of Korean Literature in Translation, Spring 1991, pp. 2-12
  • "A Shared Journey," by Im Ch'ŏr-u, Korea Journal, Summer 1991, pp. 108-23
  • "Beyond the Dark Memories," by Yi Kyun-yŏng, Asian & Pacific Quarterly, Fall 1991, pp. 58-90
  • "Crows," by Yi T'ae-jun, Korea Journal, Winter 1991, pp. 97-107
  • "A Portrait of Magnolias," by O Chŏng-hŭi, Koreana, Summer 1992, pp. 56-61
  • "Chinatown," by O Chŏng-hŭi, in The Colors of Heaven: Short Stories from the Pacific Rim, ed. Trevor Carolan (New York: Random House, Vintage Books, 1992), pp. 36-64
  • "Lullaby," by Kim Chi-wŏn, in International FeministFiction, ed. Julia Penelope and Sarah Valentine(Freedom, Calif.: Crossing Press, 1992), pp. 306-16
  • "An Idiot's Delight," by Yi T'ae-jun (trans. with Kim Chong-un), Korean Culture, Winter 1992, pp. 13-17
  • "The Photograph and the Letter," by Kim Tong-in (trans.with Kim Chong-un), Korean Culture, Winter 1992, pp. 26- 31
  • "A Man," by Hwang Sun-wŏn, Kyoto Journal, No. 21 (1992), pp. 52-54
  • "When the Buckwheat Blooms," by Yi Hyo-sŏk (trans. Kim Chong-un and Bruce Fulton), Kyoto Journal, No. 23 (1993), pp. 54-59
  • "Fireworks," by O Chŏng-hŭi, Asian Pacific Quarterly, Winter 1993, pp. 53-76
  • "Crows," by Yi T'ae-jun, in Reunion So Far Away: A Collection of Contemporary Korean Fiction (Seoul: Korean National Commission for Unesco, 1994), pp. 5-21
  • "A Ready-Made Life," by Ch'ae Man-shik (trans. with Kim Chong-un), Korea Journal, Winter 1993, pp. 89-108
  • "A Backcountry Village," by Hwang Sun-wŏn, Koreana,Winter 1993, pp. 53-57
  • "When the Buckwheat Blooms," by Yi Hyo-sŏk (trans. with Kim Chong-un), Morning Calm, February 1994, pp. 44-51
  • "The Dog of Crossover Village," by Hwang Sun-wŏn, Asian Pacific Quarterly, Spring 1994, pp. 52-65
  • "A Descendant of the Hwarang," by Kim Tong-ni (trans. with Kim Chong-un), Morning Calm, April 1994, pp. 48-60
  • "A Certain Beginning," by Kim Chi-wŏn, in Literature: A Contemporary Introduction, ed. James Hurt (New York: Macmillan, 1994), pp. 392-401
  • "The Poplar Tree," by Ch'oe In-ho, Morning Calm, June 1994, pp. 47-53
  • "Almaden," by Kim Chi-wŏn (trans. with Ju-Chan Fulton and the author), Asian Pacific Quarterly, Summer 1994, pp. 61-64
  • "Words of Farewell," by O Chŏng-hŭi, Koreana, Autumn 1994, pp. 65-77
  • "Möbius Strip," by Cho Se-hŭi, Asian Pacific Quarterly, Autumn 1994, pp. 66-72
  • "The Photograph and the Letter," by Kim Tong-in (trans.with Kim Chong-un), Morning Calm, November 1994, pp. 51-58
  • "An Idiot's Delight," by Yi T'ae-jun (trans. Bruce Fulton and Kim Chong-un, Morning Calm, February 1995, pp. 51-59
  • "Mister Pang," by Ch'ae Man-shik, Asian Pacific Quarterly, Winter 1994, pp. 80-87
  • "The Poplar Tree," by Ch'oe In-ho, Moonrabbit Review, Spring 1995, pp. 102-07
  • "Deep Blue Night," by Ch'oe In-ho, Korea Journal, Winter 1995, pp. 95-122
  • "Lullaby," by Kim Chi-wŏn, in Contemporary Literature of Asia, ed. Arthur W. Biddle, Gloria Bien, and Vinay Dharwadker (Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Blair Press/Prentice-Hall, 1996), pp. 475-85
  • "In the Realm of the Buddha," by Pak Wan-sŏ, Koreana, Summer 1996, pp. 81-91
  • "Camera and Workboots," by Pak Wan-sŏ, Koreana, Summer 1996, pp. 92-101
  • “Scarlet Fingernails,” by Kim Min-suk, Korea Journal, Autumn 1996, pp. 95-114
  • “The Gray Snowman,” by Ch’oe Yun, Manoa, 8, no. 2 (1996): 78-98
  • “Morning Star,” by O Chŏng-hŭi, Manoa, 8, no. 2 (1996): 103-15
  • “The Mule,” by Hwang Sun-wŏn (trans. With Kim Chong-un), Korean Literature Today, Autumn 1996, pp. 9-21
  • “The Last of Hanak’o,” by Ch’oe Yun, Korean Culture,Winter 1996, pp. 8-19
  • “Wife,” by Kim Yu-jŏng (trans. with Kim Chong-un), Korean Literature Today, Winter 1996, pp. 153-65
  • “Searching for Ch’ŏrwŏn,” by Kim Chu-yŏng, Koreana, Spring 1997, pp. 100-109
  • “On the Road,” by Sŏ Chŏng-in, Koreana, Summer 1997, pp. 103-9
  • “A Descendant of the Hwarang,” by Kim Tong-ni (trans. with Kim Chong-un), Korean Literature Today, Summer 1997, pp. 25-40
  • “Big Mountain,” by Yi Ho-ch’ŏl, Korean Literature Today, Fall 1997, pp. 44-52
  • “The Barbershop Boy,” by Pak T’ae-wŏn (trans. With Kim Chong-un), Korean Literature Today, Winter 1997, pp. 24-34
  • “There a Petal Silently Falls,” by Ch’oe Yun, Korea Journal, Winter 1997, pp. 221-39, and Spring 1998, pp. 357-92
  • “A Society That Drives You to Drink,” by Hyŏn Chin-gŏn (trans. with Kim Chong-un), Korean Literature Today, Spring 1998, pp. 24-34
  • “The Rotary Press,” by Yŏm Sang-sŏp (trans. with Kim Chong-un), Korean Literature Today, Summer 1998, pp. 114-26
  • “Phantom Illusion,” by Yi Sang (trans. with Kim Chong-un), Korean Literature Today, Fall 1998, pp. 31-38
  • “Knifeblade,” by Cho Se-hŭi, Korean Literature Today, Fall 1998, pp. 107-25
  • “A Little Ball Launched by a Dwarf,” by Cho Se-hŭi, Korean Literature Today, Fall 1998, pp. 126-69
  • “The Möbius Strip,” by Cho Se-hŭi, Korean Literature Today, Fall 1998, pp. 170-81
  • “Lake P’aro,” by O Chŏng-hŭi, Korean Literature Today, Winter 1998, pp. 90-125
  • “The Gray Snowman,” by Ch’oe Yun, Koreana, Spring 1999, pp. 80-95
  • “Mama and the Boarder,” by Chu Yo-sŏp (trans. with Kim Chong-un), Korean Culture, Fall 1999, pp. 33-41
  • “A Dream of Good Fortune,” by Hwang Sŏg-yŏng, Koreana, Spring 2000, pp. 84-103
  • “Dear Distant Love,” by Sŏ Yŏng-ŭn, Koreana, Summer 2000, pp. 90-99
  • “Snow,” by Hwang Sun-wŏn, Korean Culture, Fall 2001, pp. 10-11
  • “A Shared Journey,” by Im Ch’ŏr-u, Koreana, Autumn 2001, pp. 92-103
  • ”The Cost of Living,” by Cho Se-hŭi, Kyoto Journal, no. 53 (2003): 79-83
  • ”The Release,” by O Chŏng-hŭi, Arirang, Summer 2003, pp. 44-47
  • “Raging Waves,” by Sŏng Ki-jo, Korean Literature Today, Fall-Winter 2003, pp. 68-86
  • O Chang-gun’s Toenail, by Pak Cho-yŏl, The Studio at Cherry Lane Theater, July 8-25, 2004
  • “Deathless,” by Hwang Sun-wŏn, Korean Literature Today,Spring-Summer 2005, pp. 80-101
  • “Crows,” by Yi T’aejun, pp. 21-34 in Modern Korean Fiction: An Anthology (New York: Columbia University Press, 2005)
  • “When the Buckwheat Blooms,” by Yi Hyosŏk (trans. with Kim Chong-un), pp. 85-94 in Modern Korean Fiction
  • “My Innocent Uncle,” by Ch’ae Manshik, pp. 95-111 in Modern Korean Fiction
  • “Knifeblade,” by Cho Sehŭi, pp. 215-32 in Modern Korean Fiction
  • “Wayfarer,” by O Chŏnghŭi, pp. 329-44 in Modern Korean Fiction
  • “The Gray Snowman,” by Ch’oe Yun, pp. 345-70 in Modern Korean Fiction
  • “Evening Game,” by O Chŏng-hŭi, Koreana, Autumn 2005, pp. 86-99.
  • “The Spinyfish Entering My Net,” by Cho Se-hŭi, Korean Literature Today, Fall-Winter 2005.
  • “Snow,” by Hwang Sun-wŏn, Full Tilt, no. 2 (Summer 2007): http://fulltilt.ncu.edu.tw/.
  • “Conviction,” by Ch’oe Su-ch’ŏl, Hayden’s Ferry Review 41 (Fall-Winter 2007-08): 48-58.
  • “Spirit on the Wind,” by O Chŏng-hŭi, Acta Koreana 11, No. 2 (June 2008): 141-218.
  • “Whisper Yet,” by Ch’oe Yun (trans. with Kichung Kim), Manoa 20, no. 2 (Winter 2008): 137-58.
  • O Chang-gun’s Toenail, by Pak Choyŏl, pp. 79-115 in Modern Korean Drama: An Anthology, ed. Richard Nichols. New York: Columbia University Press, 2009.
  • Excerpt from The Užupis Republic by Haïlji, Azalea 3 2010): 35-54.


  1. ^ Korea Translated Literature, Interview with Professor and Translator Bruce Fulton, (http://www.ktlit.com/korean-literature/my-interview-with-professor-and-translator-bruce-fulton
  2. ^ NW Books: A new J.A. Jance mystery, Channeled Scabland guide, The Seattle Times, http://seattletimes.com/html/books/2018753051_localbooks24.html
  3. ^ http://www.ktlit.com/korean-literature/interview-with-bruce-fulton-podcast-and-transcript
  4. ^ Changing Hands Bookstore, http://www.changinghands.com/event/redroom
  5. ^ NW Books: A new J.A. Jance mystery, Channeled Scabland guide, The Seattle Times, http://seattletimes.com/html/books/2018753051_localbooks24.html
  6. ^ Seattle Times, Originally published May 16, 2010 at 7:00 PM, http://o.seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/books/2011868432_litlife17.html
  7. ^ KTLIT Fulton CV Page