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INTRODUCTION parabaas ( in Bengali পরবাস ) is a Bengali language literary web-magazine , started in 1997 by some USA-based Bengali literature-lovers . This is entirely a web-based magazine , having no hardcopy version at any point of time , which distinguishes it from its peers in the genre of Bengali "little magazines" . Parabaas , in Bengali means "foreign land " or “life in foreign land or during foreign stay” . This is more a poetic expression of the common term “Prabaas” , which means the same . The present e-magazine or web-magazine PARABAAS is not to be confused with “Prabaasee” ( 18—to 19-- . Editor : Ramananda Chattopadhyay ) the eminent Rabindra-age Bengali literary magazine from Allahabad / Calcutta , from which PARABAAS draws nothing but distant literary legacy. Samir Bhattacharya ( b 19-- , Calcutta ) edits the magazine right from its inception.

HISTORY : TEAM PARABAAS The idea of Parabaas first came into the minds of some non-resident Bengali boys & girls who were away from their home in West Bengal / Bangladesh , for employment or study-purpose , mainly staying in USA . The seed of Parabaas was first sown in about 1995 when they formed a discussion-group on the internet ,where they discussed their common love i.e. Bengali literature . Gradually , the idea of starting an online Bengali magazine came. It was a unique idea in the sense that it had no predecessor . In fact , not only in mid-1990s , but 2010 also , there is no compatriot of Parabaas. There is no parallel Bengali magazine available on the web even today , with only a distant parallel in the i-magazine section of www.banglalive.com This is both a success and failure of Parabaas : success , for it could remain a purely non-profit non-commercialize Bengali literary magazine for over 12 years ; and failure , because it failed to initiate a literary movement on the web space , the way some of its hardcopy-predecessors like Kabita , Kallol or Krittibas could , in their respective spaces . Since the Parabaas-movement , as many of its progenitors would love to call it , has all through been a non-profit & only part-time job , it hardly had a coherent team of its own in its 12+ years’ journey so far . An Open-forum , many a literature-lover who were initially active in Parabaas , could not devote sufficient time during later part of career and gave way to the new comers who are now bearing the mantle . Names of Mr , Mr , Mr , Ms ,Ms are worth mention here who were instrumental in bringing out Parabaas and without whose effort Parabaas would have been an impossibility . Only Samir Bhattacharya , a US-based Bengali telecom engineer by profession , remains the editor from day one. Mr Bhattacharya , though parabaasing is only his passion and part-time job , is handling the show for over a decade with unmatched craftsmanship which is evident from the quality of the issues of Parabaas as available online www.parabaas.com A non-commercial magazine , Parabaas is not in a position to pay honorarium to its contributors , which is in its declared principal ,but despite this , there is no dearth of quality articles appearing in Parabaas , which is due to Mr Bhattacharya’s contacts and the high standard of Parabaas he could maintain for last 12 years. Parabaas has only one full-time associate , Mr Rajib Chakraborty , who is stationed in Calcutta suburb.


Due to escalating cost of publishing a magazine in its traditional paper & ink form ( ‘hardcopy’) publishers of many “Little Magazine” s in Calcutta & Dhaka are now exploring the possibility of turning to the web , which bears minuscule cost compared to the paper-versions. But most of them lack the expertise to publish a web-magazine. To initiate the matter , some magazines are contemplating bringing out part of their issues in web-form , for a change . Though Parabaas was not founded with this aim of ‘cost-cutting in publishing a magazine’ , eventually it is now pioneering in this direction. Moreover , now Parabaas is also planning to disseminate its expertise of running web-magazine to fellow ‘little magazines’. Is Parabaas a ‘Little Magazine’ ? ……….


The single issue which comes into the way is the problem of Bangla font . Bangla being a Sanskritic-origin Indian language , uses Bangla fonts with Devanagari lineage . This requires use of specially designed typing key-board in place of the Roman QWERT , which is abound in market. But this requires special training in use of such Indianised keyboards. To avoid such necessity the concept of Dynamic font came. To use a Dynamic Bangla font , one only keys-in the traditional Roman QWERT board to see appearance of Bangla font on the computer screen . This is the beauty of a Dynamic font . But there is a computer programme embedded in a Dynamic font which is different in different Bangla fonts. Numerous Bangla fonts abound in market . Parabaas uses Axar , a dynamic Bangla font developed in-house by a team headed by Mr ___________-, which is freely downloadable from the website. But many computer-‘non-savvy’ users complain of problem downloading and using the font , though this is predominantly a ‘local’ problem of the browser they use. A window-based application , Parabaas is not visible on other operating systems , like , say Linux , which is its another great shortcoming to be overcome. To solve this Bangla font-related problem once and for all , an interface-application between / amongst various Bangla fonts will be helpful , which is yet to be developed .


Parabaas is a quarterly magazine . But there has been some miss-outs in last 12+ years , as the latest issue is 44th , in the 13th year of its existence . The server of the webmagazine is kept in New Jersey , USA which is accessible by the editor , who is assisted by an editorial board scattered over the globe. Communications are mainly through e-mails . Also personal contacts over phone and visiting the contributors are undertaken to collect materials. Many contributors send in their writings , illustrations , music clips etc as e-mail attachments and by post to the given addresses in New Jersey , Calcutta & Dhaka. There are separate editorial boards for Poetry section , Music section etc . After passing through the respective editorial boards , the contents are converted to compatible formats and finally published by the editor in the webmagazine. One advantage of a webmagazine is that contents can always be updated during the currency of the issue. Old issues , are , however , never altered as a matter of principle, which are always readily available in the archive section , which is another advantages of a web-magazine. Advertising and marketing too are also fully web-based. There are about ______ subscribers on the mailing list of Parabaas who are informed of publication of new issues and new additions of current issue. On request , hardcopy printouts are sometimes mailed to contributors or whose books are reviewed on the Book-Review section. Parabaas Inc is the legal ‘owner’ of the magazine which is registered in USA and governed by US regulations.


A literary magazine , Parabaas has all the regular sections / contents , like novel , short story , poetry , drama , travelogue etc . It has a strong Children’s Section in which writings / illustrations of both the youngsters and established writers are published with equal importance . ‘Letter to the Editor’ section is another strongpoint of the web-magazine where the readers freely voice their choices using ‘benglish’ language , following no rule of writing in Axar-bangla font . The Editor then makes the selection and deserving letters are published in the next issue . Under every article this “voice your comments” link is invariably given for this purpose . Small ‘introduction’ for each writers , mostly written in lighter language , is another regular feature which the readers enjoy. Illustrations , both pencil sketches and in color , are a real strongpoint of Parabaas. Online music is another specialty which can not be available in any paper & ink magazine. After a thorough screening , usually 3 clippings of a young singer’s performance is made available in Parabaas . Rabindra sangeet and folk-songs are predominant in this are as are Bangladeshi singers . And this number is growing.

Special Rabindranath issue and Special Buddhadev Bose issue have become a regular features of every issue of Parabaas in which updates are made in virtually every issue.


Over last 12 years , numerous notable Bengali writers , both from Bangladesh & India , were kind enough to contribute in Parabaas . To mention again , these are all complimentary contributions , as a no-profit organization , Parabaas is in no position to pay any honorarium to them , though the Board is otherwise willing to make a headway in this regard. The illustrative list includes : _______________________etc.

However , young writers are the real treasures of Parabaas. It is really to be read to be believed that how many ‘young & promising ’ writers have contributed in Parabaas in last 12+ years and what is the level of their writings ! Old issues are readily available at www.parabaas.com to have a glimpse of the same. One notable characteristic of Parabaas’ contributors is that they are otherwise well established in their career and writing is not their sole profession . That is why they are not commercially-minded and the best-in-them is displayed in Parabaas .


Here is an exclusive list of Special Issues published by Parabaas , so far : 1. Special Drama Issue

( Issue no.      ,  Year       )

2. Special Satyajit Issue

( Issue no.      ,  Year       )

3. Special _____ Issue

( Issue no.      ,  Year       )

4. Special _____ Issue ( Issue no. , Year )

                                       [to be arranged chronologically ]

BENGALI : BOTH BANGLADESH & WEST BENGAL COMMERCIAL ISSUES CRITICISM : PARABAAS’ SUCCESS & FAILURES Parabaas is a major source of Bengali knowledge and acquaintance with Bengali language & literature to many next-generation Bengali boys & girls in USA & Europe , even if it is only through Parabaas’ “Translation section ”

Only high-level well-paid NRIs ! FUTURE PLANS HOMEPAGE www.parabaas.com