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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The moss man Along the kettle river, in the humble town of Midway, is supposedly the home of the moss man. He has been sighted in bushes along the river, and in mountain trails close by. The people of this small Canadian town have been put into a state of distress as of recent sightings, and people have learned to keep a watchful eye. The Mossman is known to leave small rock piles on the front porches of those who he likes and feel safe around. Although, those bequeathed with the rock piles may not have seen the moss man in person...



there are currently no articles beside this one of the "moss man", and there are still debates going on on whether the moss man is even made of moss, much less real. the moss man is rather unknown as of now, so the amount of information we can give is rather limited.

facts about the moss man

  • the moss man is known for liking children.
  • the Moss man loves the color yellow, as well as blonde.
  • the moss man owes bigfoot money
  • the mosS man's specific moss type is unknown as of now, but is mostly dark green.
  • the moss man is known to break into IKEAs worldwide
  • the moss Man wants you to vote for him for president 2028
  • i need to use the bathroom