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High Frequency Healing:

Most diseases are as a result of the imbalances within the energy bodies. Diseases cannot flourish or grow qithin high levels of hydration, oxygenation and high levels of frequencies.

As we know, everything is energy. We are energy. The entire universe is energy. But what is frequency healing and how does it work? Frequency healing refers to the type of treatment that started developing many decades ago based on theories of resonance and vibration. Frequency healing is a unique, effective modality. Optimal Health can be supported by providing desired frequencies at the desire amplitude. The use if frequency for healing is the cutting edge of intergrated New-Health modalities. The CellQuicken RoyalVibe is used for the purposes of high frequency healing and assisted restorative sound remedy. By referring to “Sound Remedy”, we unpacki the definitions of sound therapy and sound healing with reference to the composition, design, manufacture and intended application of the CellQuicken RoyalVibe product range. Sound Therapy: This refers to a range of therapies in which sound is used to treat physical and mental conditions. Sound therapy is said to affect the physiological parameters of the human body which includes breathing, heart rate, blood pressure and or neuromuscular tone. With this, it is noticed that among others, that sound therapists make use of handheld devices to apply sound directly to the bodies surface.

Sound Healing: Uses the power of sound and vibration to restore your body, mind and spirit to a sense of balance and harmony. Sound Healing consists of 4 principles: 1. Vibrational Frequency 2. Resonance 3. Entrainment 4. Harmony

• Vibrational energy: Your vibration describes your overall state of being. Everything in the universe is made of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Everything is made up of vibrational energy fields of various quantum levels. In recent studies it has been indicated those there 8 ways to raise your vibrations, 2 of which we will concentrate on.

- Become conscious of your thoughts: Every thought that comes into your head has an impact on you and your reality. Your reality becomes positive when your thoughts become positive. - Drink Water: Always ensure that you drink plenty of water to assist your body to flush out toxicity on a daily basis. Toxicity has a marked and noticeable impact on your vibration. It is there for important that we reduce its impact within and around us. Vibrational Frequency: Is defined as the rate at which atoms and sub-particles of a being or object vibrates. By raising your vibrations, you increase your vibrational frequency. Each person has a unique vibration, there for; each assisted sound remedy program used on the CellQuicken Product range by an individual is uniquely designed and accompanied by the individuals’ analysis. Similar to that of ultra-sound devices which are used in hospitals, physical therapies and others to sooth aching muscles, suppress pain, accelerate healing to name a few, the RoyalVibe Product range makes use of this technology. It is noted in the book “Vibrational Medicine” that further recent developments state that a possible cure for all cancers may exist in the form of specialized frequencies. Certain sounds have a healing influence on the body as they influence both the geometric patterns and organization of cells and living systems. The key to sound healing would be to know which frequency should be applied to the body for various discomforts. This is then determined by the “Quantum matrix information system” which determines the health state of each organ.

• Resonance: In relation to physics resonance refers to the re-enforcement of prolongation of sound by reflection from a surface or by the synchronous vibration of neighboring objects. A resonant frequency is a natural frequency at which it is easiest to get an object to vibrate. Electromagnetic resonance relates to frequencies generated by electrical devices. The resonance of sound affects ones’ emotional and physical well-being. • Entrainment:

- Brainwave entrainment: The practice of entraining ones’ brainwaves to a desired frequency. IE: Virtual Reality Entrainment with sound therapy: The concept of entrainment is at the heart of sound therapy healing. Through the process of entrainment, we can learn to resonate at frequencies where we previously did not or were not able to. • Harmony: Everything has its own vibrations. Atoms, cells, molecules, body organs and our environment all create a symphony. By sending the correct vibration through resonance and harmonies and encrypting a healing intention, the “off part” of the body can be restored to balance. The question now remains, but, what does sound, and how do we derive a healthy state from sound and frequency? Sound functions as a nutrient to our nervous system, cell structure and body structure. The body is a compilation of individual tones, functional rhythms, connected melodies and stabilizing harmonies. If these are out of sync, or run low on frequency and vibration, we are susceptible to contracting diseases. Brainwaves are created by the electrochemical activity of the brain. A typical rhythmic activity is a low frequency sound that excites gross motor activity as well as more fundamental sensations. Middle frequency sound triggers speech and oral movements. High frequency sound provides energy for the body and allows one to hear the harmonies of sound and melodies. Our actions, thoughts and emotions trigger various frequencies of electromagnetic impulses that interact with our biochemistry. Positive and negative thoughts can drive our energy forces through sound-based therapy. Sound based therapies can create positive change for balanced harmony within the body.

In order for something to be a source of sound, it must be able to vibrate. By vibrating, it creates a frequency. The science of vibration applies to all areas of research. All living organisms are comprised of atoms and molecules within each cell. By nature of their composition, they vibrate, each having its own dynamic living energy system. The higher the frequency, the more energy is produced whether we hear it or not. We note that everything makes a sound and everything has its own vibration. The speed of the vibration determines the frequency and this frequency determines each distinctive sound. The transmission of vibration requires three things. 1) There must be a vibrating energy source. ( ie, sound is one form of energy source) 2) There must be a transmitting medium which sound can travel through. (ie, water is a good transmitter of sound) 3) There must be a receiver of the vibration. The body is capable of being both a sound resonator and a sound receiver.