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User:Charles Matthews/Heer

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Abraham ben David Halevi - Abraham ben David of Posquières - Abraham Judaeus - Ibn Ezra - Abu'l Ala'al Masarri - Jacobus Acontius - Adalbert of Bremen - Agobard of Lyons - Sanchez Albornoz - Albrecht of Haller - Alcaraz - Algazel - Al-Ghazâlî - Al-Idrisi - Al-Kushairi - Al-Kushairî - Al-Ramadi - Alevisio - Anna Amalien - Amalric of Bena - Amar - Ambrose of Milan - Moses Amyraut - Anarcharsis Clootz - Andreas Capellanus - Angela of Foligno - Juan de los Angeles - Etienne d'Anse - John Argyropulos - Aristodios - Johann Arnd - Jacob Arteveld - Rastudije - Armengaud - Arndt, Johann Arndt/True Christianity - Arno of Salzburg - Anselm of Havelberg - Gottfried Arnold - Asriel ben Menahem - Sigismund August


Veit Bach - Karl Frederick Bahrdt - Giuseppe Baretti - Bassompierre - Henry Bate - Benedict of Canfield - Benedict of Nursia - Benjamin of Tudela - Francesco Berni - Berthold of Mosburg - Bérulle - Bessarion - Gottfried Bessel - Balthasar Bekker/Betoverde Weerld - Biandrata - Etienne Binet - Vannoccio Biringuccio - Jose Maria Blanco - Bernardino Bonifacio - Booss - M. Borrhaus - Boso - Bourdaloue - Marcus Zuerius Boxhorn - Boxhornius - Barthold Heinrich Brockes - Brocke/Irdisches - Claude Brousson - Brunner/Schleiermacher - Bruun - Bruto - Filippo Buonaccorsi - Callimaco - Buonaiuti - Burgundio of Pisa


Caboche - Tommaso Caccini - Ph. de la Campaigne - Jean-Pierre Camus - Benoît de Canfeld - Canitz - Melchor Cano - Scipione Capece - Capeluche - Caracciolo - Carles Cardo - Carnesecchi - Carranza - Amerigo Castro - Castruccio Castracane - Pierre de Castelnau - Jean Cavalier - Maria Cazalla - Cearularius - Celtis - Chyträus - Cippersheim - Garcia de Cisneros - Clare of Montefalco - Clarenbaldus - Claudius of Turin - Jacques Coeur - Condren/Capuchin - Charles de Condren - Conink the Weaver - Constantino - Antonio Conti - Valentin Convat - Cornelius Pudens - Luiz Nuñez Coronel - Donoso Cortés - Pierre Cotton - Pieter de la Court - Covarrubias - Abbé Coyer - Gilbert Crispin - Ch. A. Crusius - Celio Secundo Curione - Currione - Caterina Cybò


David of Dinant - De Vecchi - Jean Desmarets de Saint-Simon - Juan Diaz - Dietrich of Niem - Piero Dini - Dolcino - Dominic the Spaniard - Douceline - Pierre Dubois - Dubos - Duplessis-Mornay - Durandus of Heuesca - John Dury


Eberhard of Bamberg - Ferdinand Ebner - Johann Christoph Edelmann - Diego de Eguia - Miguel de Eguia - Ekbert of Schönau - Ekkehard of Aura - Elipand - Elisabeth of Schönau


Filangieri - Francisco de Enzinas - Diego de Estella - Eudo of Stella - Eusebius of Vercelli - Eustratus of Nicaea - Faber d’Etaples - Juan Falconi - Farinata degli Uberti - Faustus of Lérins - Benito Jeronimo Feijóo y Montenegro - Felix of Urgel - Vittorino da Feltre - A. Fioravanti - Flaccius Illyricus - Marc Antonio Flaminio - Francis de Sales - August Hermann Francke - Tito Livio de Frulovisi - Frutolf


Alexander Nikolaevitch Galitzin - Gattinara - Gebeno of Eberbach - Christian Fürchtegott Gellert - Agostino Gemelli - Gennadius Gonzov - Genovese - Gerardino of Borgo San Donnino - Gerhard of Abbeville - Gerhard II of Lippe - Gerhoh of Reichersberg - Gilbert the Belgian - Alonso Giroi - Gobel - Godesalc - Godfrey of Fontaine - Godfrey of Fontaines - Godfrey of Viterbo - Christopher Goodman - Gossner - Samuel Gott - Abbé Goutte - Abbé Grégoire - Hugo de Groot - Geert Groote - Gerrit Groote - Luis de Granada - Granvella - Graswinckel - Gullick - Gundissalvi - Gunther of Bamberg - Gunzo of Novara


Habermann/theologian - Friedrich von Hagedorn - Robert Hamerling - Hanswurst - Hatzer - Haugwitz - Friedrich Heer - Hegesippus - Helisachar - Helmold - Johann of Helmont - Henry Aristippos of Catania - Henry of Lausanne - Count Herberstein - Nicholas Hereford - Hermann Samuel Reimarus - Francisca Hernandez - Herph - Hilary of Poitiers - Daniel Hoffmann - J. A. Hoffmann/Zufriedenheit - Robert Holkot - Hosius of Cordoba - Hrotsvith - Hubmaier - Hugh de Noeriis - Hugo Etherius - Hugo of Digne - Hugo of Santalla - Humbert of Silva Candida


Ibn Gebirol - Ibn Jamâa - Ibn Pakuda - Ibn Suhr - Irenicus - Isaac the Blind - Isidore of Seville


Jacob Anatoli - Jacob ben Mahir - Jacob of Venice - Jacob of Vitry - Jean de Belles-Mains - Jeanne Françoise de Chantal - Jehudah Halevy - Jenyns - Jerome of Prague - John de Mirecourt - John of Auville - John of Brescia - John of Plano Carpini - Davis Joris - Joseph of Volotsk - Julianus Argentarius


Hans Kohn - Nicholas Krebs of Cusa - Madame Krüdener - Quirinus Kuhlmann - Quirnus Kuhlmann - Andreas Kurbski - Nil Kurliateff -


Suzette Labrousse - Langmeier - Bernardino de Laredo - Bartolomé de Las Casas - Lascaris - Laurent de Paris - Antonio de Lebrixa - Lefèvre d'Etaples - Leidrad - Leo the Tuscan - Leo of Vercelli - Basileo Ponce de Leon - Leone Ebreo - Alexander Lernet-Holenia - Pompanio Leto - Liber de Rectoribus Christianis - Linde - Michael von Loën - E. Longpré - Gil Lopez - Joseph Lortz - Lucifer of Cagliari - Luigi Marsili - Bovillus Lull - Lupus of Ferrières


Salvador de Madariaga - Maluenda - Manasses of Rheims - Manetti - Rodrigo Manrique - Mariana/De Rege - Marillac - Matej of Janov - Matteo da Gubbio - Maurice of Spain - Maximian of Ravenna - Maximos the Greek - McCulloch - John Mede - Michael Trivolis - Michele Lando - Migetius - Jan Milic - Jan Milič - Nicholas de Mirecourt - Albert Mitterer - Möhler - Moleschott - Molinet - Miguel de Molinos - Arias Montano - Moritz - Friedrich Karl von Moser - Johann Jacob Moser - Justus Möser - Moses ibn Ezra - Moses ibn Tibbon - Moses of Bergamo - Pedro Ruiz de la Mota - Albertino Mussato - Mutian - Galeotto Marzio da Narni - Jean Meslier


Nauclerus - Giovanni Nesi - Nicholas of Amiens - Nicholas of Lübeck - Nicholas of Strasbourg - Nicodemism - Pierre Nicole - Nivard of Ghent - Noodt - Norbert of Xanten - Novatian -


Occhino - Odilo of Cluny - Ökolampad - Oncken - Ötinger - Francisco Ortiz - Pedro de Osma - Francisco d'Osuna


Aonio Pallario - Mateo Palmieri - Daniel Papebroch - Peutinger - Bernhard Pez - Hieronymus Pez - Giovanni Pontano - Luca Paccioli - Mario Pagano - Paulus Diaconus - Fabre de Pech-Hermer - Pellisson - Petahiah of Regensburg - Peter de Vinea - Peter of Blois - Peter of Bruys - Petrus Chrysolanus - Petrus of Alcantara - Pflug - Pietro d'Abano - Zasius Pirkheimer - Giacopo Pizzinghe - Platina - Peter Poiret - Psichari - Armanno Pungilupo


Pedro de Quintano


Paul Rabaut - Rabaut de Saint-Etienne - Karl Rahner - Ratther of Verona - Rainald of Dassel - Recared - Reitz/History of the Reborn - Remigius of Girolami - Richard the Franciscan - Ringseis - Johann Nepomuk von Ringseis - Robert of Arbrissel - Roger of Marston - Romuald - Rudolf of Bruges - Rupert of Deutz


Bartolomeo Sacconi - Raynier Sacconi - Francis of Salcedo - Salio of Padua - Salmerón - Francisco Sanchez - Scheeben - Christoph Scheibler - G. Schreiber/Gemeinschaft - Pierre Séguier - Baron Sellière - Juan Gines de Sepulveda - Reginald Sest - José Siguenza - Rchard Simon - Simon de Brion - Faustus Socinus - P. A. Solari - Electress Sophie - Lactius Sozzinus - Philip Jacob Spener - Pietro Stacchia - Elsbet Stagel - Palingenio Stellato - Stephen of Antioch - Esajas Stiefel - Luigi Sturzo


Tanchelm - Fernando de Texera - Theodolf of Orleans - Catherine Théot - Thomas of Stitny - Tindal - Bernadino Tovar - Joseph François Leclerc du Tremblay - Trévoux - Tychonius - Tatian the Syrian - Ubertino of Casale


Andrew Ure


Vachier - Valdes/Mercurio y Caron - Renée de Valois - Varagnac - Vermighi - Vincent of Lérins - Virgil of Salzburg - Virnes - Voullard - Waddâh-al-Yaman - Waechter - Hans Jacob Wagner - Peter Waldo - Walter of Lille - Wandalbert of Prüm - J. de Weeze - M. Werner - Gustav A. Wetter - Wibert of Nogent - William of Blois - William of Durand - William of Rubruck - William of Saint-Amour - Nigel Wireker - Wissovatius - B. Wiszowaty - Witelo - Jean de Witt - Woellner - Jürgen Wullenweber - Bernard Ydros - Yves de Paris - Zybnek Zajic