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User:Charles Matthews/Roll

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Moses Abramowitz - Gardner Ackley - Peter Honorine Ady - P. H. Ady - Roy G. D. Allen - Thomas Atwood - Richard Aylesbury - Clarence Edwin Ayres - C. E. Ayres - Thomas Balogh - John Barton (1789-1852) - Edward Bernstein - Alfred Edward Bland - Pierre Boven - Marian Bowley - John Francis Bray - Martin Bronfenbrenner - Philip Anthony Brown - Arthur Frank Burns - Arthur F. Burns - Arthur Burns - Mathew Carey - Gustav Cassel - H. B. Chenery - Hollis Chenery - G. N. Clark - George Norman Clark - John Bates Clark - Richard Clarke - Hugh Armstrong Clegg - Hugh Clegg - R. H. Coats - Combination Laws - Contractus trinus - Thomas Culpepper (1578-1662) - Thomas Culpepper the younger - Armand Cuvillier - Bernardo Davanzati - Edmund E. Day - Edward F. Denison - Joseph Dorfman - J. C. R. Dow - John Christopher Roderick Dow - J. Christopher R. Dow - Christopher Dow - John T. Dunlop - Jean Dupuit - Albert Feavearyear - Frank A. Fetter - Frank Fetter - Edmond Fitzmaurice - J. Marcus Fleming - Christopher D. Foster - Salomon Funk - Ferdinando Galiani - Richard N. Gardner - Silvio Gesell - Milton Gilbert - V. P. Gloushkov - Richard Goode - Hermann Heinrich Gosse - John Gray (1799-1850) - Claude Guillebaud - Gottfried Haberler - Gottfried von Haberler - Edwin T. Haefele - Frank Horace Hahn - F. H. Hahn - Robert L. Hall - Lord Roberthall - Abram L. Harris - Seymour E. Harris - Herbert Heaton - Walter Heller - Hubert D. Henderson - Von Hermann - P. W. von Hornick - Philipp Wilhelm von Hornick - Gottlieb Hufeland - William Jaffé - George Jaszi - E. A. J. Johnson - Edgar Augustus Jerome Johnson - Harry G. Johnson - Edward D. Kalachek - Kathedersozialismus - W. I. King - Lawrence R. Klein - Georg Friedrich Knapp - Kenneth K. Kurihara - Mordecai Kurz - Svend Laursen - J. M. Letiche - W. Arthur Lewis - Michael Lipton - Mountifort Longfield - Johann F. Lotz - Donald MacDougall - G. D. A. MacDougall - Charles C. Duncan MacRae - Daniel Malthus - Thomas Manley (c.1628–1676) - Frank E. Manuel - Frank Manuel - R. C. O. Matthews - Robin Matthews - Hans Mayer - Peter Mayer - Paul M. Mazur - Paul McCracken - John Ramsay McCulloch - C. W. McMahon - Donald L. Meadows - Lloyd A. Metzler - E. J. Mishan - Wesley Mitchell - Carolus Molinaeus - Arthur Eli Monroe - Geminiano Montanari - Sir John Masone - Joseph Massie - Pierre-Paul Le Mercier de La Rivière - Santos Mukherjee - J. U. Nef - Richard P. Nelson - Ragnar Nurkse - George O'Brien (economist) - Arthur Okun - August Oncken - António Horta Osório - Simon N. Patten - Simon Patten - Joseph A. Pechman - Merton D. Peck - George L. Perry - E. H. Phelps Brown - A. Pokrovski - Jean-Pierre Pouillier - John Rae - Charles Rist - Dennis Robertson - D. H. Robinson - Hector Menteith Robertson - Robert V. Roosa - Leonard Ross - Royal Exchanger - Jacques Rueff - Richard Ruggles - Walter S. Salant - Charles L. Schulze - Anna Jacobson Schwartz - Stuart O. Schweizer - William Robert Scott - W. R. Scott - John Sheahan - Julius Shiskin - Andrew Shonfield - Henry C. Simons - H. C. Simons - Ralph E. Smith - Arthur Smithies - Friedrich Julius Heinrich von Soden - Heinrich von Stackelberg - Walter W. Stewart - John Richard Nicholas Stone - René Suaudeau - M. J. C. Surrey - Alan Sweezy - Lorie Tarshis - Ernest Teilhac - George Terborgh - William Thompson (1783-1833) - Willard Long Thorp - James Tobin - Vladimir S. Treml - Shigoto Tsuru - George Unwin - Jacob Vanderlint - Eugene Varga - Verdoon Law - William S. Vickrey - Jacob Viner - Francis A. Walker - Henry C. Wallich - Norman J. Ware - Walter Prescott Webb - Friedrich Wieser - John Henry Williams - G. D. N. Worswick - George David Norman Worswick - Robert Zuckerkandl