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User:Chicken Biryani

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Youngsters today are turning to a healthier lifestyle, but they still love to indulge themselves with their favourite meal once in a while. The most favourite meal for a lot of people is Chicken Biryani. I am here to tell you that Biryani is actually good for you and has plenty of health benefits as well. • If you lack bone strength, eating chicken regularly can really help get it back. • The Vitamin B and Niacin found in chicken helps you fight against cancer-causing free radicals. • Chicken also has plenty of Vitamin B6, which maintains your body’s metabolic activities and prevents damage of blood vessels. • If you are suffering from bad breath or gum problems, chicken can help whiten your teeth as it contains phosphorous. • It also maintains proper functioning of your kidney, liver and heart. • A mineral called as Selenium, found in chicken protects your immune system and maintains proper thyroid hormone in you. • Chicken Biryani can also be the perfect meal to have after your exercise. Once you have finished exercising, your body needs to be refueled. It needs carbs, proteins, healthy fats, minerals and vitamins. Biryani is an excellent source, because the basmati rice in it will provide the carbs while the chicken becomes a source of protein. The vegetables used in Biryani will give you all the vitamins and minerals you need. The veggie lover need not shy away from the Biryani experience, you can just replace the chicken with more healthy vegetables and enjoy.