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Are the Dursley’s and Malfoy’s actually that different?

It is obvious to anyone who has any knowledge on Harry Potter, that the Dursley’s and Malfoy’s are polar opposites. But are they really that different?

Take young Dudley Dursley and Draco Malfoy for an example. Both were bought up believing that they were above everyone, and anyone who their family deemed inferior. Both shared an interest in tormenting and bullying Harry Potter, a boy who was orphaned after his parents death. Their snobby and spoilt attitude is also one of the things that can support this. Dudley is mainly a bully to Harry, whilst Draco is a bully to anyone that isn’t a pure blood, (most commonly Muggles and muggleborns, to which he refers them as “Mudbloods”)

Moving on, it isn’t just the children that share these appalling traits, their parents are more alike than it appears as-well. Take Vernon Dursley and Lucius Malfoy for example number two. They both share the money-obsessed and workaholic attitudes, neither of them really care about their family’s other than bringing their children up to act like superior, judgmental, prejudice and spoilt kids. So despite their most obvious difference, where Vernon and his family cannot stand anything magical related, Lucius and his family cannot stand anything muggle-related.

Still don’t understand this theory? Take Petunia Dursley nee Evans, and Narcissa Malfoy nee Black. They both share the caring traits, and they love their family above anything in the world. They would do anything for the people they love. It doesn’t go amiss that they share that unbreakable love for their children either. Going in to more depth, they both lost a sister due to the wizarding world. Where as Lilly Potter nee Evans, was actually murdered, Andromeda Tonks nee Black was shunned from her family as she didn’t share the same prejudice thoughts and beliefs as her family and other pure-blooded families.

So, after reading this, do you still think that the Dursley’s and Malfoy’s are still polar opposites? Or do you now believe that maybe they are not as different as you once thought?