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Freedom of Arts

Freedom of Arts refers to the fundamental right that individuals poses to express themselves in any method that may be considered as an art form. The essence of Freedom of Arts is protected by the laws pertaining to #REDIRECT Freedom of Speech. Not all countries consider the term "Freedom of Arts" as a judicial right, rather, it is considered that said right falls under the term of Freedom of Speech. Normally, those countries who do consider "Freedom of Arts" as it's own legal concept, do so given certain historical events that gave way to strong political or ethical censorship, such is the case of Germany.

  1. REDIRECT Political Censorship

Political Mexican law the freedom of arts is derived of the freedom of expression. Therefore it is just a sub category of the law which also includes freedom of speech, religion, thoughts, cultures and sexuality. The fundamental right protects the freedom of the art. This creates difficulties in that the concept of art must be defined so that it is accessible to the legal working method. However, a definition conflicts with the nature of art, which is characterized by a continuous development.