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User:ClueBot III/Master Detailed Indices/Talk:Lotus 1-2-3

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Order Header Start Date End Date Comments Size Archive
1 Technical features muddle 2006-09-01 17:20 2006-09-01 17:20 1 270 Talk:Lotus 1-2-3/Archives/2013
2 Loyalty to OS/2? 2007-09-11 22:27 2007-09-11 22:27 1 1439 Talk:Lotus 1-2-3/Archives/2013
3 Suggestion 2007-01-21 22:30 2007-01-22 14:59 2 571 Talk:Lotus 1-2-3/Archives/2013
4 Lotus 123 compatible serial dates? Unknown Unknown Unknown 128 Talk:Lotus 1-2-3/Archives/2013
5 Advantages over Excel 2008-10-14 02:58 2010-04-20 14:46 2 992 Talk:Lotus 1-2-3/Archives/2013
6 Menu discussion 2009-07-05 18:02 2009-07-05 18:02 1 521 Talk:Lotus 1-2-3/Archives/2013
7 Freely available wk4, wk3 File viewer, converter and editors 2010-11-07 18:40 2010-11-07 18:40 1 227 Talk:Lotus 1-2-3/Archives/2013
8 "Because all of a spreadsheet needs to be resident in memory," 2011-04-26 20:45 2013-02-25 03:39 2 327 Talk:Lotus 1-2-3/Archives/2013
1 Vague? 2011-12-01 01:50 2014-01-02 13:32 2 798 Talk:Lotus 1-2-3/Archives/2014
1 Untitled 2006-01-26 07:56 2007-01-22 14:56 3 634 Talk:Lotus 1-2-3/Archives/2016
1 Remove Reference to Reverse Polish Notation 2017-01-05 03:18 2017-01-05 03:18 1 378 Talk:Lotus 1-2-3/Archives/2017
2 External links modified 2017-05-26 07:40 2017-05-26 07:40 1 1195 Talk:Lotus 1-2-3/Archives/2017
1 Masthead screenshot? 2018-05-14 08:50 2018-05-14 08:50 1 625 Talk:Lotus 1-2-3/Archives/2018
1 External links modified 2018-01-06 17:04 2018-01-06 17:04 1 1103 Talk:Lotus 1-2-3/Archives/2020