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Data Loss Anxiety is a real term. It describes the state of mind of an individual that has lost all the data on their hard drive, flash card, tape, RAID or SQL data base. Basically any type of magnetic media. It can be someones whole life, financial information or work data.

Data loss anxiety consists of many symptoms such as uncontrollable rage, crying, screaming, racing heart, shaking and/or jumping up and down to name a few.

The best cure for this is to contact a data recovery firm that can recover the data that you have lost. Most data recovery firms can recover data from many types of failures.

You have to take a deep breath, sit down and put your head between your knees until your breathing returns to normal. Then start the process of researching which one best suites your needs and price range.

Data Recovery is expensive. But it is also priceless if you cannot replace the lost data. Check around. Ask your friends. Check with the BBB and surf the web. You can find many good and bad reviews about the companies you are considering. Once you have choosen a few of them, give them a call until you find the one that you think is right for you. Good Luck! (Cmbogard 14:02, 21 June 2007 (UTC))