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User:Codycyrusbrady/Tarp surfing

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Tarp Surfing Patent: http://www.uspto.gov/web/patents/patog/week15/OG/html/1401-3/US08696522-20140415.html

Tarp Surfing is the act of skateboarding on top of a tarp (short for Tarpaulin http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarpaulin ) while another person runs while pulling a corner of the tarp forming a moving "barrel" for the skateboarder to navigate. Speeds of both rider and runner are coordinated. This recreates a similar feel to that of surfing through an ocean wave's rare barrel. Bringing a simulation of surfing to the land. Originated in San Juan Capistrano, California by the Brady family: Robert, Wyatt, Cody, Allie, Dawn Brady, and friend Dodge Weirath. Robert had non-hodgkins lymphoma and wasn't going to be able to drive his boat anymore so he bought a large tarp to cover it. After spreading it out, he realized the water like properties of the tarp. He tied the ends to trash cans and skateboarded through it when a gust of wind would ripple through it. He yelled for his sons and their friend to come see this. The kids were mesmerized, and skated through it for hours. When they took it down and laid it on the floor to wrap up, Cody realized it was like a piece of homework paper he'd roll up to make an imaginary wave. He pulled the corner and it formed into a big, perfect barrel. Everyone freaked out and began skating through what was the most perfect "ocean" surf they'd dreamed of surfing in their lives. These were waves similar to Hawaii right in their driveway. Wyatt and Dodge posted a video titled Blue Tarp Surfing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IChLdzT8R2A Posted on December 26, 2009. Receiving a lot of attention. Korduroy.tv, which is a cite acclaimed as a place for surf stoke, loved the story and Cyrus Sutton made a high quality video called Tarp Pits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9sdSCa0V-Y&feature=youtu.be The video was used as a short in the beginning of their film Stoked & Broke, which was toured from theater to theater. This film inspired many other people around the world to tarp surf themselves. After that Apple contacted Wyatt and Dodge to tarp surf in their 4th generation iPod Touch commercial, which aired world wide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkLF8rEFDps 8 months after the original video on July 19, 2010 Homer Hernard and Nick Lamb posted a YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6-vb20srZIthe video received nearly 3.3 million views quickly. Mountain Dew commercial February 3rd, 2011 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=396kkAOoVeg Later a News Station CBS8 in San Diego did a report on the Brady family: http://www.cbs8.com/category/155799/video-landing-page?autoStart=true&topVideoCatNo=default&clipId=5864587 San Clemente Times wrote an article after: http://www.sanclementetimes.com/tarp-tubes/ Subaru XV Crosstrek commercial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_DAglyYIwU and interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHSf6EQ_Eq8


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