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The CornbreadFarm Manifesto (AKA THIS PAGE IS USELESS FOR NOW)


Hi, guys. I'm a high school student with limited physics/chemistry/biology knowledge — so if I happen to aciddentally wander into a science-related page with the intent of making anything other than minor grammar edits, then be prepared to roll back to a previous version. Vandalism through ignorance, I suppose.

My English and grammar background is a good deal stronger, becuz techer sez i aer gud @ inglish n i should rite stuff alot thx u i dont think il even giev u guys a preiod to thsi sentense I have a tendency to write long sentences with multiple phrases and clauses (both crammed in there through overuse of semicolons and prepositional phrases as well as conjunctions) while simultaneously inserting multiple parenthetical comments (which serve no purpose whatsoever) and gerunds and participial phrases, being as cool as I am. I'll try to be more concise.

In the future.

As it will benefit the community.

This is definitely not Wikipedia-appropriate grammar.


I also think that the vast majority of the anime articles need serious cleaning, such as Shakugan no Shana and Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Last edited 07:24, 4 March 2006 (UTC)