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Hello, I am a student working towards an associates degree- pursuing economics through the running start program. Although I may not have the most interesting point of view, I tend to maintain a middle ground on situations whether they are political or personal. Despite being American, I have a particular interest in China and a plethora of Eastern cultures, typically in Asia. Other interests I'm passionate about include mathematics, history, and social sciences.

Wikipedia is relatively crucial to a large sum of the research I do, even if I don't find the information I need in a hypothetical subject there are typically links which provide a good selection of background information into said subject. Through this platform I've become more educated on a wide variety of economists and economical issues. Outside of what could be considered a more formal setting I also use Wikipedia to gather information about people I find interesting; musicians, artists, and prevalent figures are summarized in a localized environment. A few Wikipedia articles I find intriguing include, leisurely: Frank Ocean, Earl Sweatshirt, and My Hero Academia; formally: Thomas Sowell, Actuary, Tan Suee Chieh, and the Society of Actuaries.

Article Evaluation


Tan Suee Chieh is an actuary with a considerably large sum of accomplishments deriving from his work in a wide variety of fields, which is heavily emphasized on his Wikipedia page. Although he has garnered a high level of notoriety from his field of work- it isn't solely the most important subject discerning him as a 'topic.' This is one problem from a plethora of problems surrounding this article in particular. Rather than portraying his life in an accurate and unbiased portrayal the article has an overwhelming amount of focus on his accomplishments while lacking substantial citations. Among a variety of issues I consider these to be the most critical within the Tan Suee Chieh Wikipedia article: bias, relevance, and citations.



The article mostly focuses on his association with NTUC by loading the article with a description of NTUC and all of his roles relative to the association. This wouldn't necessarily be a problem if they made a section primarily about his association with the aforementioned company but the vast majority of the article, formatted as an indifferent biography, overwhelmingly emphasizes his former participation in the company. This could allude to bias, whether it be that the author intended to promote Tan's prior workplace or they hadn't attained a sufficient amount of information to make an article on Tan Suee Chieh, their primary focus being NTUC. Regardless of whether or not they intended to put forth an image of NTUC, their supporting links and citation are out of date and don't corroborate much of the information which also harms their credibility.



The vast majority of the sources listed are outdated around six to eight years coming from 2011-2013 which would explain their lack of awareness when talking about Tan Suee Chieh since there is a lack of information describing him. Although there is not much information about Tan Suee Chieh, they could have phrased the article better or omitted information that isn't exactly prevalent. A lot of their points are also reiterated which, although correct, becomes redundant and also proves a lack of information and their attempt to run off of little to nothing. Many of the links they've included are also dead which often means that they're out of date since they're no longer available, this also makes it hard for people to understand the article since they are not provided that background information. This leads me to my next and final point which is that the vast majority of the links are dead or no longer available for whatever reason.



The vast majority of citations are no longer available or are dead links that don't give you any information. This makes it very hard to verify anything in the article and puts forth a considerable amount of distrust when evaluating the article's credibility. On a good note, when the sources were relevant, the article did have a considerable large amount of sources which reinforced the article and how well it came across. The citations that are still accessible are also good sources which highlight Tan Suee Chieh, whether it be his involvement with other organizations or information about him. The article does have a good basis when it's correctly cited and with more attention to detail and updating the article could be very promising.



The article is not a very bad article aside from some minute errors and a lack of up-to-date sources to verify or pursue an accurate portrayal of the information. The structure of the article comes with a lack of interest and a very slim amount of actual reliable information so there is definitely a lot of work that needs to be done for a proper article. A lot of this stems from the lack of information attainable online since Tan Suee Chieh is not a very prevalent figure inside of the United States so I am not necessarily pinning this against the creators of the article either. A couple edits I would suggest are omitting excess information about his association with NTUC and attempting to either salvage older articles from the way-back machine or finding more relevant articles.