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cyberpiper by Santanna

cyberpiper is the pseudonym of the Luxembourgish musician Pit Vinkowsky (real name Pit Vinandy; born July 2, 1960), who plays extraordinary music on an extraordinary instrument: electronic midi bagpipes

His tunes primarily come from the Celtic tradition or are traditional Luxembourgish pieces, which are enhanced with electronic effects and beats of his own creation. These are accompanied by original or traditional lyrics.



For 12 years, he traveled across Europe as the Pied Piper of Hamelin, playing his flute and other indtruments (hurdy gurdy, guitar, celtic harp and more) in pedestrian zones, on terraces, and at weddings. For a time, he settled in Luxembourg, playing in various bands (Everyday Zulu, Mistral, Heartlands, Exodus Likembe, Pray) covering different musical styles, from folk to folk jazz and folk rock. He worked as a puppeteer (Bimbo Theater, Hoplabum), as a clown, and produced a television series with puppets: *De Sanmännche Pit* (RTL, 1995). But the Pied Piper was lying deep inside him, and after a very restless night, he awoke as CYBERPIPER. Since traditional bagpipes are quite unstable and difficult to amplify, he ordered a MIDI bagpipe, the SMG200 by Alberto Arias from Spain. Without any roots in techno music, he bought a Roland D2 Groovebox and started experimenting with new sounds. The Groovebox now replaces the drones and drums that are typically used in bagpipe music. The Cyberpiper also uses a Boss VT1 Voice Transformer, which adds a drone-like robotic voice to his singing. The result is a new, gripping, and hypnotic type of music where ambient grooves are mixed with traditional music. This combination of old and new music seems to resonate with the current zeitgeist. The Cyberpiper's outfit reflects his music. He has a secret identity, like Batman or Spiderman, a sort of comic hero among musicians. With lyrics in English, Luxembourgish, German, and French, the Cyberpiper sings about the everyday life of our planet, making him a modern bard. Significant financial support from the Luxembourg Ministry of Culture helped the project get off the ground. He has performed concerts for a wide range of audiences, from 40 to 4000 people, and the reactions so far have been very positive. In 2007, he had his first performances in the virtual world of *Second Life*, where a large global fanbase quickly formed. Since 2010, Cyberpiper has been performing as a duo with Dilo Lompazius, alias Kayser Oliver. Their instruments now include the V-Pipes, Red-Pipes, and the iPad. In 2009, the Luxembourgish filmmaker Beryl Koltz, with Lucill Film, produced the documentary *Strangers in the Night*, which depicts Cyberpiper's double life between the real world and second life. Cyberpiper is now the musical director of the choir ‘Sang a Klang’ in Pfaffenthal Luxembourg. He also directs Luxembourgs first Puppet- theater house in Lasauvage: Poppespennchen. Since 2012 he develops educational computer games, lately on the ROBLOX platform, were he also uses his own music. Recent games are

1867 historical role play

Vianden 1485


  • 2003 Phase I
  • 2005 Phase II
  • 2006 Bireldéng
  • 2007 SL-Remixes – The Sound Of Cyberspace

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