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Markus A. Dahlem

Field of expertise


Migraine, Cortical Spreading Depression, Nonlinear Dynamics.

Studies of physics, mathematics, philosophy, and biomedical engineering in Aachen, Göttingen, Bochum, Magdeburg (all Germany), Salt Lake City (USA), and Campinas (Brazil). Early work, started in the group of the late Otto Creutzfeldt in 1991, in the field of experimental biophysics and biomedical engineering. Post-doc in the field of Robotics in the Department of Psychology, Stirling. Head of the Lab Computational Neurology in the Clinic of Neurology in Magdeburg (Germany). Co-Founder of the non-profit Migraine Aura Foundation. Current position in the Department of Theoretical Physics, at the Technical University of Berlin (Germany) working on therapeutic approaches in migraine based on nonlinear dynamics.

Activities on Wikipedia


Migraine Aura Foundation

Otto Detlev Creutzfeldt