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It is heartbreaking that childhood obesity is the number one concern of our parents today when it can totally be controlled. I strongly believe that all kids should be taught to eat healthy and to exercise and stay active on the outside rather than the inside of the house. We lack parent education in this matter until it is too late! This is why it then becomes a concern. The truth is if more parents encouraged healthy lifestyles and activities that were physically challenging, less children would suffer from this horrible disease. Parents make the choices for their children so why don't we educate them more on how to make the right choices! Damond Mathis also states: "Children don't have to be deprived with food choices but parents should only allow junk food in moderation!" In conclusion, it is Damond's only hope to prove to people today that if habits changed, our children can and will change. He states: "It is the parents job to protect their children and keep them safe. People are just not seeing the truth that is behind it all and what the real problem is. If more parents paid attention, kids would be healthier. After all we only do the things that we are taught as kids, right?" " In my line of work, I see this every day. Whenever I start to ask the parent the questions, I always get the same answer. It’s the food and the activity level of the child."