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User:DanaDo0ona/Suzan Bushnaq

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Suzan Mohammad Bushnaq[1][2] (born in Kuwait; November 2, 1963) is a Kuwaiti Artist. Graduated from The Theatrical Institute in Russia (1982 - 1989) with a bachelor's degree and an MBA in Fine Art. Bushnaq is the head teacher of the art education for secondary stage, who also has a Diploma in Russian Language and eight degrees from The New Horizons in the computer science. She has established courses in Boushihri photography for one year in Kuwait and has also done three technical workshops at the festival Hall in the summer sweeter fan Dosari 2005. She has joined and made many art exhibitions and also designed many book covers for several writers and poets like the poet Sami ALGhorainy.


  • A Member of the Kuwaiti Society for Fine Arts.
  • A Member of the International Association of Artists - Paris.
  • A Member of the Association of Crafts - Asia.
  • A Member of the sports club for girls.
  • A founding member of the Group of Latouche.

Special Exhibitions

  • Exhibition Hall under the auspices of Boushahri National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters (1999, 2001, 2003).
  • Color Gallery (2005).
  • Personal Exhibition at the Art Gallery under the auspices of the National Council for Culture and Arts.
  • Personal Exhibition at Art Gallery (2006).
  • personal Exhibition at Art Gallery (2008).
  • Latouche Group Exhibition (2009).

Foreign Exhibitions:


several posts, including:

  • The International Exhibition of Children in Russia (1988).
  • Exhibition prisoner in London, a festival in Alexandria Creativity Centre.
  • The cultural week in Sudan.
  • Biennale Bangladesh.
  • Opera Hall in Egypt.
  • Gallery Arabian Oil Company (Khafji) Heritage Fine Arts Gallery.
  • The United Nations body in America.
  • Kuwaiti Artists Exhibition in Jordan.
  • Kuwaiti cultural week in Algeria
  • The first Gulf Cultural Festival in Sharjah.
  • The cultural week in Syria.

Exhibitions within the State of Kuwait:

  • Heritage Gallery (1988 and 1989) at the Fairgrounds.
  • Gallery of the Kuwaiti Society for Fine Arts the 22nd in Hall aggressive (1989).
  • Gallery in the hall to meet aggressive (1995).
  • Exhibition hall, the fifth prisoner of the Kuwaiti Society in March (1996).
  • The editor VI hall, the Kuwaiti Society (1997).
  • Eighth in the editor of the Kuwaiti Society (1999).
  • Art Exhibition Charity for the benefit of Kosovo Albanians (1999).
  • Gallery women's freedom of artistic expression under the auspices of the United Nations (1999).
  • The Art Exhibition, ceramic artists in February (Hala February 2000).
  • Giving the National Gallery in the courtyard of Science in February (2000)
  • Gallery February 25 XV (2000).
  • Gallery twenty-ninth year and editorial IX April (2000).
  • Gallery spouse ninth art exhibition Kuwait in January (2001).
  • Gallery XVI February 25, 2001.
  • Gallery February 25, 2002.
  • The editor (2002).
  • Gallery February 25, 2003.
  • The editor (2003)
  • Show Qurain (2003).
  • Gallery artistic cultural festival in love with Kuwait meet (2003).
  • Workshop on the International Day for the Disabled (2004).
  • Fair Oil Company, Kuwait (2004).
  • Gallery spouse X (2004).
  • The editor (2004).
  • Gallery Hala February (2004).
  • Exhibition Cooperation Council (2004)
  • Biennale-Kharafi (2004).
  • Qurain Festival, December (2004).
  • International Exhibition for Human Rights resolution (2006).
  • Gallery National Day and Liberation Gala (2005)
  • Show Colors in the Art Gallery under the auspices of the Secretary-General.
  • Qurain Festival (2005).
  • Exhibition of small businesses in the Kuwaiti Society for Fine Arts (2006).
  • Cultural Festival in the First Gulf Sharjah (2007).
  • Exhibition in Algeria this week Ivaki Kuwait (2007).
  • Gallery spouse XIV (2007).
  • Artists Kuwaiti Jordan (2007).
  • Gallery Spring (2008).
  • Youth Exhibition (2008).
  • Gallery Spring (2009).
  • Youth Exhibition (2009).
  • Exhibition in Ramadan (2009).
  • Gallery charity for cancer patients (2010).
  • Show Qurain (2010).


  • Amiri Diwan.
  • National Council for Culture, Arts and Literature.
  • Foundation of scientific progress.
  • Minister of Culture of Finland Sophie London.
  • Program Good Morning Kuwait.
  • Kuwaiti families genteel.

Early Life (Childhood & Teenage)


Suzan Bushnaq has the ideal background from an artist-/a father who is a sculptor and an artist of a traditional presentation. He is famous for many years and he has a lot of galleries and pieces of art that were sold immediately, Mohammed Bushanq is hoping the coming generations of artists would develop their own approach to art, but he wasn’t sure how this would be applied to his daughter. Suzan, as a toddler , the father noticed his daughter seemed to be more interested in the images and graphical illustrations rather than the narrative. She was interested in the characters colors, thus as any normal kid, she started to buy the characters coloring books and coloring them in different colors to see how they can affect...imitating her father's work ..Her ideas seemed very advanced for her age. She had the mind of an artist. "My childhood and teenage life was translated into colors and paintings" Suzan said. The parents were always supporting Suzan’s passion for art. They encouraged and helped her, to develop it throughout her childhood and teenage years.

Academic Career in Russia


When it was time for college, she sent off applications to two Colleges. The Russia College of Arts, the Croydon College in London, her father was a former student in London. However, she was approved at the Russia College of Arts where she eventually studied for 7 years. She spent her first year learning Russian language. Then she was introduced to learn different schools of arts such as Realism, Cubism and that was clear on her first sketches and painting. She learned also Picasso's paintings, where she could adapt his style and made her own by adding some softness to the straight lines of the shapes. Also she learned from Robin the Russian artist who gave her a great push on her work.

A) Elements & Techniques


When Suzan started to draw in 1982 she used in her first sketches a variety of techniques such as Charcoal, pencil and Seneca. The different drawings were taken from a live view in front of her because it was an academic study that she was taught, the students have to practice their eyes on the different types of lines and to study the different figures. She was fascinated on how the Russian women work besides their husband for survival as wives, mothers, models, workers... etc. Actually that was the moment where Suzan discovered that there is a very strong emotion and relation between her and the women. So it was the time to concentrate on women figure and starting to develop her signature.

B) First exhibition


While studying, Suzan decided to participate in an art exhibition in 1988. It was the Children International Art Exhibition where she exhibit 8 paintings. The response of the viewers were enthusiastic, amazed and surprised that a young Kuwaiti artist (Suzan), could develop a new technique and could classified her style as a new school of art in its own right.

Back to Kuwait


When she returned back to Kuwait after 7 years of studying and practicing art she started to attend many Conferences, galleries and exhibitions done by different Kuwaiti artists. She was amazed by the different styles that been used and followed. She was also surprised by the visitors of the Exhibitions of different ages and nationalities. Suzan was happy because finally art and its concept were appreciated by the Public.

A) Developing Concept


Suzan has worked hard on her own approach and style. She has used variety of colors, tools and different size of canvas boards. She has developed her own individual style of paintings, colors and figures. She always says "I treat colors as human beings . When they are together, they create harmony if they are in the right time and place". The use of Color in Suzan's paintings is not restricted she loves spreading colors all around the painting and mixing them up, because she believes that colors are always placed intuitively in the perfect place. As Suzan has a very strong relationship with them, she loves to change the type of colors she uses every 4 or 5 years because she thinks that changing the colors will never change the mood of the work ,but it will change the way in which it's displayed on the canvas , Like she always says " what I believe is that I can use all the colors or some of them but the most important thing is how to make balance and rhythm. As colors are the most powerful thing in the painting, with which you can built a concept and a story. It's hard to do a painting for this generation in a black or white as this generation loves colors and the colors loves them "Suzan says.

B) Elements & Techniques


" There are no limits or barriers that may keep me away from my painting that I always want to do something in them to make them more recognizable and unforgettable " Suzan saying. When she started using colors in her paintings she prefers not to put any pencil lines on the canvas but leaving the colors to take its way on it. She thought that it's her way of expressing herself. Suzan always creates something with the colors that matches the story, she's not afraid of using any colors because nothing can limits her thoughts or dreams, she says: " the use of colors doesn't stop me to do my work or even the emotions that I want to send but what I always focus on is that there should be beyond those colors something that will link them together ". So you can feel that in Suzan's work the colors have a strong harmony with the figures used in the painting. You can feel that these two were placed in the canvas in their right place. The elements really can interact with each other. It's easy to sense the emotions even if they are hidden or unseen. Suzan always represents her paintings in a mysterious way. Her paintings don't have a dead end .Every time you look at it you always imagine and have a new story in your mind. What makes it so special; it will last for centuries because of her creativity.

C) Personal Exhibition


Besides local and international exhibitions she could set up 3 special exhibitions in the lounge room Boushahri in 1999-2001-2003, and also one special exhibition at AL Fnoon Gallery in 2006. 2008- latoush exhibition 2009.

Why Women?


A) "I draw for women and women only ". Suzan's Quote


"As artists we must give the woman the priority in our paintings. Women right's is the message that will be shown to the whole world. Every age, gender and generation will understand it more. For this I'm doing all my best to represent my women in a way that she deserved."Suzan's saying. From these lovely words, you can really sense and understand that women have a large space and huge thoughts in Suzan's mind. She doesn’t want to hide any emotions which will make women to interact with the social activates in society. So, the more emotions she add the more satisfied women in the world could be. "I draw women because I understand them more. Since the ancient years the woman was very important person, she was inspiring men in many fields. So even if I'm not thinking of any subject of her I suddenly paint her patience, emotions and honesty. That’s what really inspires me to draw my women" Suzan said.

B) Non - Emotional figures


"My aim is to let my viewers to interact with my semi abstract figures .Leaving them to dream for a subject or story to reveal. I prefer keeping my figures without any emotions because I'm not a photographer I'm an artist , therefore , my pictures always has the abstract rhythm in it , I use this technique in order to express the women's body regarding the reflected emotions that she has for me to start painting " Suzan said . For this she represents her women not only with a covered faces or uncompleted bodies but also no realistic face emotions. That was her signatures.

C) Non - Differentiating genders


"Once a journalist asked me why don’t we see men in your paintings? I asked him to go around in the gallery and find the answer. After a while, he came back and told me even if I didn’t see men but I could feel men emotions (courage – power – strength) on your women's figures. "Suzan said. So it's not almost about the genders but it's about how they interact with the story itself , many artists used the both genders but it was a very huge mistake of using them in the place that they shouldn’t be , so figuring out the priorities are more important even if it's on a piece of paper , because those things can be done in a huge boards or may be carved in pieces of furniture so it is a very huge responsibility to place all of that in the right place with the right concept . " look at Oprah she is the women that really builds and did many things to be what's she's now , Oprah is the most famous person that many people in the world and specially women inspired by her , even she was and still the most precious model that everyone wants to follow from the different genders "Suzan said. Women are able to accomplish and fulfill their dreams without any pressure and that what you can sense and feel from the ART OF SUZAN BUSHNAQ.

D) The Story behind her paintings


Each of her amazing paintings has a story, and each one has something that will make the world knows , that women are not always quiet and have nothing to say ; women are so special and they are very important part in the society . They interact with many activities in the community or in the world that deals with different fields. Behind every figures a story.

Works & Statements


I believe that in every painting has its own emotions, I don't think that feeling that I felt when I'm drawing one painting it can be repeated even if I want to..i am sure that every artist who make a small sketch in order to paint it bigger later the first emotions are more true I mean that the sketch will be full of feelings , sometimes if I feel that I need to paint ..I started to color in a different directions immediately on my canvas to express myself towards the life and humanity , If I am happy I like to paint if i am sad or angry i like to paint too, I express feels not solving problems..i know that art must have a message for people and my message is to let the people share with me their thoughts about life and to make them feel happy or sad affecting their emotions, and that what I really find and actually it depends on their culture and believes and their level of art conscious..



A) Local and International magazines


Suzan was a huge representative for art that speaks for the women's voice , mind and emotions so she was attracting all the media to her locally and internally , and for that I would like to put here interviews to make you see how the ART OF SUZAN really wake up the world.

  • The first interview is the German magazine that had an interview with Suzan.

1)Dubai magazine in German language ; pages number 16-19,year 2008, also this article was published in the German magazine it's the Orient Magazine (Deutch Art ) , in the July-Oct of 2008

The translation:

The "eternally feminine": Artist: Suzan Bushnaq Women were her subject. Already at four years of age she drew the native Kuwaiti girls. Since 1988 she has had numerous large single displays in Kuwait and took part at many group displays in: the United Arab Emirates, Bangladesh, Sudan, Algeria, Jordan, Egypt, USA, England and Russia. The Kuwaiti advice for culture, art and literature selected her to participate in this Council and also she was a representative of Kuwait for that in the Sharjah biennial. The media report regularly over Suzan and her work and what she says is that: "if I'm not even thinking, I feel that I'm not probably normal, As an artist, I feel free to express my emotions throw my paintings and as for that In every painting, I always find and meet myself, I always think about people's emotions because am like however very happy about the fact that so many people are been represented by their surrounding emotions in my pictures". So the Kuwaiti artist at home she has an elegant residential area in Kuwait city that functions simultaneously as a studio. The ground floor looks like an art gallery, women out of the frames of the paintings at the walls. She paints her paintings by using an oil or Acrylic colors on canvas. We asked about her talent and she told us that: "originally I came out of the world of the realism, but I am artist, not a photographer, therefore my pictures gradually always has the abstract rhythm in it, I use this technology in order to express the women's body regarding the reflected emotions that she has for Suzan to start to paint ". That's been succeeded she has print out the women's emotions very strongly by using a strong brush strokes in a clear colors. "Sometimes when I look at the several pictures I did simultaneously, I would like it to be completed and everybody could see it and it must be in a place that everybody of every age can reach it" she said. I also produce a large numbers of paintings when I'm under a pressure. Everybody asked me this question: " why your paintings contain almost women in different expression manners, and I have and still had the same answer that’s of course it's my concept, and I says that: "I draw a women because I understand her more, since the ancient years the women was a very important person, she was inspiring men in many fields. So even if I'm not doing any subject about her I suddenly paint her and that’s because her Patience, emotions and honesty. That’s what really inspires me to draw my women". I always had a good life, but I am very sensitive and always see how the people around me suffer so much and that’s because of the misery of the life, from that I figure out that women is the person that always had an emotions, she keeps it in her heart and that’s why it's my job to present her suffreness and to show all the world that the women really suffers even if she's happy. In my art, I made the experience that I am myself like to show the honestly and these feelings express want I really want to show in my paintings, I'm now more often changed from the past in my opinion and my style, am however now I'm happily about that, to finally find after many experiments my own style". Suzan is married since 1991. "I have once met a man who paints, his name was Ali and after a week we got married; now we have four children. My husband is also an artist, he sings and plays in a music band, we understand ourselves very good, and he supports my work very much. I came from an artistic family. . My father is an artist, he worked as a painter and designer for museums and my mother was active in the administration of a High School, also she loved the art and she always helped me. My children paint too – they also have to comment on my work. My occupation as a High School teacher in the specialty art and as a leader of the art department. In other gulf countries, it always important to considers just to introduce the specialty art in the schools. Especially what really pleases me that when I contact with my students, that gladly when I get their advices and give them too it's really has a strong effect by itself to me, I encourage dedicating myself in art. Kuwaitis are interested in the majority mainly in home decorations, cars, clothes & EST. but They don’t have the courage to like something suddenly appears and to make it something huge because its new but in Europe its very different from here , what I discovered when I returned back from Russia that i sow a lot of changes in the Kuwaiti culture and that’s a great news. Finally I would really like to present my paintings in Germany, but my dream is however a single display in Dubai".

2)The other magazines and news papers that had published and interviewed Suzan were the Kuwaiti press , Suzan had a lot of interviews a written ones and a live interviews on the TV : The Kuwaiti press is the "AL Anba'a "newspaper, the date: 8th of March 2009, Number : 29

The translation: The work of the artist Susan Bushnaq brought the attention of many interested people in this art movement, In addition to critics, in more Station, and took their respective areas in the exhibitions that toured the Gulf and Arab capitals, It was so successful and unique Became known to its private Painting in the world of art. Susan's way was to Highlight the most important emotions in the humanitarian point of view of the females, This demonstrates the interaction of the undulation Colors, and movement of elements in the Plates overlapping manner between Elements, leading to Look to the sense of movement as Feelings within the feminist painting Vibrant and love to rigid and solid materials. The colors are not the thing that Bushnaq's could stop at a specified level, As they are different, the rear And simplicity, to Give the recipient an opportunity for the An adventure in living color with Meanings of art, many parallel Levels required by any artistic work. Down with artist Susan Bushnaq on plates Concerns a woman, do not hesitate In the recruitment of various schools of art Even in a single plate, Own way of expression On these and other concerns this is the thinking and concerns of every artist and live with the reality And its surroundings, and interact with the issues Society, artistic expression here, Is not a matter of self-innovation and it's not the End in itself, but must be Loaded with a message and point of view, Derived from the Bushnaq and heritage Some of the symbols and backgrounds That enrich their aesthetic, Declares its commitment to communicate Between the past and present and its was effected by The school of art in Russia, Where she studied at the universities, Whether its technical abstract or Realism or est., Bushnaq uses the bright colors and more brighter ones in a different ways of display, Its sometimes seems that the aesthetic painting May not be an absolute priority in the painting If it will not matched with the idea and the objectives of the painting. Bushnaq says: " painting As life in the theater the roles of different Women as the subject, Women are not the target, but a symbol, And a means to express the meaning of And aesthetics, I want the recipient to feel it with me, I left a Space for the recipients to live with figures and Suggest of how to complement them with In their imagination and interact with them to be Visual dialogue between myself and Painting and the viewer ". It adds: "Every artist style of expression depends on Plan, or method of arriving With the objective to be achieved, and explain rhythm in artistic style and how Up to the required fee, in the opinion of The idea was first in the imagination, There are solutions to this with imagination study of these steps granted access to the world the idea The painting. Susan Bushnaq depends on the Provoke a state of the color and the arts of different directions, love senses, which reached a this road and the view that the suffering of The artist reflected on its ability to treatment of art, and sometimes we do not wish to change the course, direction, and the line Principal place of business, and this is Meditation with the implication through their the combination of transparency and tenderness ,Color on the one hand, and between the nerve Color and force the other hand, And thus have been brought together Contradictions. Suzan is the artist that been able to innovation and participation that exist with a strong Artists, where Won numerous awards as well as the acquisition of those Official, museums and individuals a lot of work. Several cases have been designed Books, a member of the Assembly Kuwait Fine Arts Society, At the International Association of Artists in Paris, the Association of Crafts Asia. Set up three special exhibitions in the lounge room Boushahri. Arts, also participated in the week In the Sudan Cultural Biennale In Bangladesh Chamber Opera Egypt, also participated in the week Kuwaiti cultural in Algeria, Cultural week Syria participated in the exhibition Cultural Festival in the technical Kuwait, Cultural Festival Sharjah in the Gulf, In the Kuwaiti artists Jordan, and got a lot Of discretion and the award of certificates from Isa Sager creative and the arbitration award Biennial Khurafi.


  • Received many of the certificates and the award Issa Sakr creative gallery spouse \ 2010 \ XII and XIV 2008.
  • Arbitration Award Biennial Kharafi.
  • won three time in Qurain (2010).

In conclusion


Suzan said "if you need to know someone you will know him/her from the way that he/she presents their own work".



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  1. ^ http://www.tshkeel.com/vb/showthread.php?t=8083
  2. ^ http://www.alqabas.com.kw/Article.aspx?id=520455&date=27072009
  3. ^ http://www.alraimedia.com/Alrai/Article.aspx?id=89355
  4. ^ http://www.alamalyawm.com/ArticleDetail.aspx?artid=89960
  5. ^ http://suzbushnaq.elaphblog.com/HowAmI.aspx?U=4510
  6. ^ http://forums.fonon.net/archive/index.php/t-11169.html
  7. ^ http://www.aljarida.com/aljarida/Article.aspx?id=101916
  8. ^ http://forum.mn66.com/t93069.html
  9. ^ http://www.q8-photo.com/site/index.php?p=30&nid=329
  10. ^ http://www.alqabas.com.kw/Article.aspx?id=443586&date=02112008
  11. ^ http://www.flickr.com/photos/alqarowi/3366207786/
  12. ^ http://gaoo.ahlamontada.net/montada-f15/topic-t434.htm
  13. ^ http://alraialaam.com/alrai/Article.aspx?id=11682&text=%D3%DA%E6%CF%20%C7%E1%DD%D1%CC&date=03082010
  14. ^ http://alrairadio.com/Alrai/Article.aspx?id=181572&text=%C3%CD%E3%CF%20%C3%ED%E6%C8&date=24072010
  15. ^ http://www.alqabas.com.kw/Photo.aspx?id=518982
  16. ^ http://www.al-seyassah.com/AtricleView/tabid/59/smid/438/ArticleID/110371/reftab/59/Default.aspx
  17. ^ http://local.taleea.com/archive/newsdetails.php?id=17612&ISSUENO=1660
  18. ^ "الرئيسية".
  19. ^ http://daraljazeerah.org/Alrai/Article.aspx?id=130538&text=%DD%C7%D6%E1%20%C7%E1%DA%C8%C7%D1&date=22092010
  20. ^ http://www.q8art.net/s_bushnaq/q8art_s_bushnaq_a.htm