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In the mathematical field of group theory, an Artin transfer is a certain homomorphism from a group to the commutator quotient group of a subgroup of finite index. Originally, such mappings arose as group theoretic counterparts of class extension homomorphisms of abelian extensions of algebraic number fields by applying Artin's reciprocity maps to ideal class groups and analyzing the resulting homomorphisms between quotients of Galois groups. However, independently of number theoretic applications, the kernels and targets of Artin transfers have recently turned out to be compatible with parent-descendant relations between finite p-groups, which can be visualized in descendant trees. Therefore, Artin transfers provide a valuable tool for the classification of finite p-groups and for searching particular groups in descendant trees by looking for patterns defined by the kernels and targets of Artin transfers. These methods of pattern recognition are useful in purely group theoretic context, as well as for applications in algebraic number theory.

Transversals of a subgroup


Let be a group and be a subgroup of finite index .

Definitions. [1]

  • A left transversal of in is an ordered system of representatives for the left cosets of in such that is a disjoint union.
  • Similarly, a right transversal of in is an ordered system of representatives for the right cosets of in such that is a disjoint union.


  • For any transversal of in , there exists a unique subscript such that , resp. . Of course, this element may be, but need not be, replaced by the neutral element .
  • If is non-abelian and is not a normal subgroup of , then we can only say that the inverse elements of a left transversal form a right transversal of in , since implies .
  • However, if is a normal subgroup of , then any left transversal is also a right transversal of in , since for each .

Permutation representation


Suppose is a left transversal of a subgroup of finite index in a group . A fixed element gives rise to a unique permutation of the left cosets of in such that , resp. , for each .

Similarly, if is a right transversal of in , then a fixed element gives rise to a unique permutation of the right cosets of in such that , resp. , for each .

Definition. [1]

The mapping , resp. , is called the permutation representation of in with respect to , resp. .


For the special right transversal associated to the left transversal we have but on the other hand , for each . This relation simultaneously shows that, for any , the permutation representations are connected by and , for each .

Artin transfer


Let be a group and be a subgroup of finite index . Assume that , resp. , is a left, resp. right, transversal of in .

Definition. [2]

Then the Artin transfer from to the abelianization of with respect to , resp. , is defined by or briefly , resp. or briefly , for .

Independence of the transversal


Assume that is another left transversal of in such that . Then there exists a unique permutation such that , for all . Consequently, , resp. with , for all . For a fixed element , there exists a unique permutation such that we have , for all . Therefore, the permutation representation of with respect to is given by , for . Furthermore, for the connection between the elements and , we obtain , for all . Finally, due to the commutativity of the quotient group and the fact that are permutations, the Artin transfer turns out to be independent of the left transversal: , as defined above.

It remains to show that the Artin transfer with respect to a right transversal coincides with the Artin transfer with respect to a left transversal. For this purpose, we select the special right transversal associated to the left transversal . Using the commutativity of , we consider the expression . The last step is justified by the fact that the Artin transfer is a homomorphism. This will be shown in the following section.



Let be two elements with transfer images and . Since is abelian and is a permutation, we can change the order of the factors in the following product: . This relation simultaneously shows that the Artin transfer and the permutation representation are homomorphisms, since .



Let be a group with nested subgroups such that the index is finite. Then the Artin transfer is the compositum of the induced transfer and the Artin transfer , that is, . This can be seen in the following manner.

If is a left transversal of in and is a left transversal of in , that is and , then is a disjoint left coset decomposition of with respect to . Given two elements and , there exist unique permutations , and , such that , for each , and , for each . Then , and . For each pair of subscripts and , we have , resp. , where . Therefore, the image of under the Artin transfer is given by .

Cycle decomposition


Let be a left transversal of a subgroup of finite index in a group . Suppose the element gives rise to the permutation of the left cosets of in such that , resp. , for each .

If has the decomposition into pairwise disjoint cycles of lengths , which is unique up to the ordering of the cycles, more explicitly, if , for , and , then the image of under the Artin transfer is given by .

The reason for this fact is that we obtain another left transversal of in by putting for and , since . Let us fix a value of . For , we have , resp. . However, for , we obtain , resp. . Consequently, .

Normal subgroup


Let be a normal subgroup of finite index in a group . Then we have , for all , and there exists the quotient group of order . For an element , we let denote the order of the coset in . Then, is a cyclic subgroup of order of , and a (left) transversal of the subgroup in , where and , can be extended to a (left) transversal of in . Hence, the formula for the image of under the Artin transfer in the previous section takes the particular shape with exponent independent of .

In particular, the inner transfer of an element of order is given as a symbolic power with the trace element of in as symbolic exponent. The other extreme is the outer transfer of an element which generates modulo , that is and , is simply an th power .

Transfer kernels and targets


Let be a group with finite abelianization . Suppose that denotes the family of all subgroups which contain the commutator subgroup and are therefore necessarily normal, enumerated by means of the finite index set . For each , let be the Artin transfer from to the abelianization .

Definition. [3]

The family of normal subgroups is called the transfer kernel type (TKT) of with respect to , and the family of abelianizations (resp. their abelian type invariants) is called the transfer target type (TTT) of with respect to . Both families are also called multiplets whereas a single component will be referred to as a singulet.

Important examples for these concepts are provided in the following two sections.

Abelianization of type (p,p)


Let be a p-group with abelianization of elementary abelian type . Then has maximal subgroups of index . For each , let be the Artin transfer homomorphism from to the abelianization of .


The family of normal subgroups is called the transfer kernel type (TKT) of with respect to .


  • For brevity, the TKT is identified with the multiplet , whose integer components are given by Here, we take into consideration that each transfer kernel must contain the commutator subgroup of , since the transfer target is abelian. However, the minimal case cannot occur.
  • A renumeration of the maximal subgroups and of the transfers by means of a permutation gives rise to a new TKT with respect to , identified with , where It is adequate to view the TKTs as equivalent. Since we have , the relation between and is given by . Therefore, is another representative of the orbit of under the operation of the symmetric group on the set of all mappings from to , where the extension of the permutation is defined by , and formally , .


The orbit of any representative is an invariant of the p-group and is called its transfer kernel type, briefly TKT.

Abelianization of type (p²,p)


Let be a p-group with abelianization of non-elementary abelian type . Then possesses maximal subgroups of index , and subgroups of index .


Suppose that is the distinguished maximal subgroup which is the product of all subgroups of index , and is the distinguished subgroup of index which is the intersection of all maximal subgroups, that is the Frattini subgroup of .

First layer


For each , let be the Artin transfer homomorphism from to the abelianization of .


The family is called the first layer transfer kernel type of with respect to and , and is identified with , where


Here, we observe that each first layer transfer kernel is of exponent with respect to and consequently cannot coincide with for any , since is cyclic of order , whereas is bicyclic of type .

Second layer


For each , let be the Artin transfer homomorphism from to the abelianization of .


The family is called the second layer transfer kernel type of with respect to and , and is identified with , where

Transfer kernel type


Combining the information on the two layers, we obtain the (complete) transfer kernel type of the p-group with respect to and .


The distinguished subgroups and are unique invariants of and should not be renumerated. However, independent renumerations of the remaining maximal subgroups and the transfers by means of a permutation , and of the remaining subgroups of index and the transfers by means of a permutation , give rise to new TKTs with respect to and , identified with , where and with respect to and , identified with , where It is adequate to view the TKTs and as equivalent. Since we have , resp. , the relations between and , resp. and , are given by , resp. . Therefore, is another representative of the orbit of under the operation of the product of two symmetric groups on the set of all pairs of mappings from to , where the extensions and of a permutation are defined by and , and formally , , , and .


The orbit of any representative is an invariant of the p-group and is called its transfer kernel type, briefly TKT.

Figure 1: Factoring through the abelianization.

Inheritance from quotients


The common feature of all parent-descendant relations between finite p-groups is that the parent is a quotient of the descendant by a suitable normal subgroup . Thus, an equivalent definition can be given by selecting an epimorphism from onto a group whose kernel plays the role of the normal subgroup . In the following sections, this point of view will be taken, generally for arbitrary groups.

Passing through the abelianization


If is a homomorphism from a group to an abelian group , then there exists a unique homomorphism such that , where denotes the canonical projection. The kernel of is given by . The situation is visualized in Figure 1.

The uniqueness of is a consequence of the condition , which implies that must be defined by , for any . The relation , for , shows that is a homomorphism. For the commutator of , we have , since is abelian. Thus, the commutator subgroup of is contained in the kernel , and this finally shows that the definition of is independent of the coset representative, .

Figure 2: Epimorphisms and derived quotients.

TTT singulets


Let and be groups such that is the image of under an epimorphism and is the image of a subgroup .

The commutator subgroup of is the image of the commutator subgroup of , that is . If , then , induces a unique epimorphism , and thus is epimorphic image of , that is a quotient of . Moreover, if even , then , the map is an isomorphism, and . See Figure 2 for a visualization of this scenario.

The statements can be seen in the following manner. The image of the commutator subgroup is . If , then can be restricted to an epimorphism , whence . According to the previous section, the composite epimorphism from onto the abelian group factors through by means of a uniquely determined epimorphism such that . Consequently, we have . Furthermore, the kernel of is given explicitly by . Finally, if , then and is an isomorphism, since .

Definition. [4]

Due to the results in the present section, it makes sense to define a partial order on the set of abelian type invariants by putting , when , and , when .

Figure 3: Epimorphisms and Artin transfers.

TKT singulets


Suppose that and are groups, is the image of under an epimorphism , and is the image of a subgroup of finite index . Let be the Artin transfer from to and be the Artin transfer from to .

If , then the image of a left transversal of in is a left transversal of in , and the inclusion holds. Moreover, if even , then the equation holds. See Figure 3 for a visualization of this scenario.

The truth of these statements can be justified in the following way. Let be a left transversal of in . Then is a disjoint union but is not necessarily disjoint. For , we have for some element . However, if the condition is satisfied, then we are able to conclude that , and thus .

Let be the epimorphism obtained in the manner indicated in the previous section. For the image of under the Artin transfer, we have . Since , the right hand side equals , provided that is a left transversal of in , which is correct, when . This shows that the diagram in Figure 3 is commutative, that is . Consequently, we obtain the inclusion , if . Finally, if , then the previous section has shown that is an isomorphism. Using the inverse isomorphism, we get , which proves the equation .

Definition. [4]

In view of the results in the present section, we are able to define a partial order of transfer kernels by setting , when , and , when .

TTT and TKT multiplets


Suppose and are groups, is the image of under an epimorphism , and both groups have isomorphic finite abelianizations . Let denote the family of all subgroups which contain the commutator subgroup (and thus are necessarily normal), enumerated by means of the finite index set , and let be the image of under , for each . Assume that, for each , denotes the Artin transfer from to the abelianization , and denotes the Artin transfer from to the abelianization . Finally, let be any non-empty subset of .

Then it is convenient to define , called the (partial) transfer kernel type (TKT) of with respect to , and , called the (partial) transfer target type (TTT) of with respect to .

Due to the rules for singulets, established in the preceding two sections, these multiplets of TTTs and TKTs obey the following fundamental inheritance laws:

  1. If , then , in the sense that , for each , and , in the sense that , for each .
  2. If , then , in the sense that , for each , and , in the sense that , for each .

Stabilization criteria


In this section, the results concerning the inheritance of TTTs and TKTs from quotients in the previous section are applied to the simplest case, which is characterized by the following


The parent of a group is the quotient of by the last non-trivial term of the lower central series of , where denotes the nilpotency class of . The corresponding epimorphism from onto is the canonical projection, whose kernel is given by .

Under this assumption, the kernels and targets of Artin transfers turn out to be compatible with parent-descendant relations between finite p-groups.

Compatibility criterion.

Let be a prime number. Suppose that is a non-abelian finite p-group of nilpotency class . Then the TTT and the TKT of and of its parent are comparable in the sense that and .

The simple reason for this fact is that, for any subgroup , we have , since .

For the remaining part of this section, the investigated groups are supposed to be finite metabelian p-groups with elementary abelianization of rank , that is of type .

Partial stabilization for maximal class.

A metabelian p-group of coclass and of nilpotency class shares the last components of the TTT and of the TKT with its parent . More explicitly, for odd primes , we have and for .

This criterion is due to the fact that implies , [5] for the last maximal subgroups of .

Total stabilization for maximal class and positive defect.

A metabelian p-group of coclass and of nilpotency class , that is, with index of nilpotency , shares all components of the TTT and of the TKT with its parent , provided it has positive defect of commutativity .[3] Note that implies , and we have for all .

This statement can be seen by observing that the conditions and imply , [5] for all the maximal subgroups of .

Partial stabilization for non-maximal class.

Let be fixed. A metabelian 3-group with abelianization , coclass and nilpotency class shares the last two (among the four) components of the TTT and of the TKT with its parent .

This criterion is justified by the following consideration. If , then [5] for the last two maximal subgroups of .

These three criteria show that Artin transfers provide a marvelous tool for classifying finite p-groups.

In the following section, it will be shown how these ideas can be applied for searching particular groups in descendant trees by looking for patterns defined by the kernels and targets of Artin transfers. These strategies of pattern recognition are useful in pure group theory and in algebraic number theory.

In the mathematical field of algebraic number theory, the concept principalization has its origin in D. Hilbert's 1897 conjecture that all ideals of an algebraic number field, which can always be generated by two algebraic numbers, become principal ideals, generated by a single algebraic number, when they are transferred to the maximal abelian unramified extension field, which was later called the Hilbert class field, of the given base field. More than thirty years later, Ph. Furtwängler succeeded in proving this principal ideal theorem in 1930, after it had been translated from number theory to group theory by E. Artin in 1929, who made use of his general reciprocity law to establish the reformulation. Since this long desired proof was achieved by means of metabelian groups of derived length two, several investigators tried to exploit the theory of such groups further to obtain additional information on the principalization in intermediate fields between the base field and its Hilbert class field.

Extension of classes


Let be an algebraic number field, called the base field, and let be a field extension of finite degree.


The embedding monomorphism of fractional ideals , where denotes the ring of integers of , induces the extension homomorphism of ideal classes , where and denote the subgroups of principal ideals.

If there exists a non-principal ideal , with non trivial class , whose extension ideal in is principal, for some number , and hence belongs to the trivial class , then we speak about principalization or capitulation in . In this case, the ideal and its class are said to principalize or capitulate in . This phenomenon is described most conveniently by the principalization kernel or capitulation kernel, that is the kernel of the class extension homomorphism.


When is a Galois extension of with automorphism group such that is an intermediate field with relative group , more precise statements about the homomorphisms and are possible by using group theory. According to Hilbert's theory [6] on the decomposition of a prime ideal in the extension , viewed as a subextension of , we have , where the , with , are the prime ideals lying over in , expressed by a fixed prime ideal dividing in and a double coset decomposition of modulo and modulo the decomposition group (stabilizer) of in , with a complete system of representatives . The order of the decomposition group is the inertia degree of over .

Consequently, the ideal embedding is given by , and the class extension by .

Artin's reciprocity law


Let be a Galois extension of algebraic number fields with automorphism group . Suppose that is a prime ideal of which does not divide the relative discriminant , and is therefore unramified in , and let be a prime ideal of lying over .

Then, there exists a unique automorphism such that , for all algebraic integers , which is called the Frobenius automorphism of and generates the cyclic decomposition group of . Any other prime ideal of dividing is of the form with some . Its Frobenius automorphism is given by , since , for all , and thus its decomposition group is conjugate to . In this general situation, the Artin symbol is a mapping which associates an entire conjugacy class of automorphisms to any unramified prime ideal , and we have if and only if splits completely in .

Now let be an abelian extension, that is, the Galois group is an abelian group. Then, all conjugate decomposition groups of prime ideals of lying over coincide , for any , and the Artin symbol becomes equal to the Frobenius automorphism of any , since , for all .

By class field theory, [7] the abelian extension uniquely corresponds to an intermediate group between the ray modulo and the group of principal ideals coprime to of , where denotes the relative conductor. (Note that if and only if , but is minimal with this property.) The Artin symbol , which associates the Frobenius automorphism of to each prime ideal of which is unramified in , can be extended to the Artin isomorphism (or Artin map) of the generalized ideal class group to the Galois group , which maps the class of to the Artin symbol of . This explicit isomorphism is called the Artin reciprocity law or general reciprocity law. [8]

Figure 1: Commutative diagram connecting the class extension with the Artin transfer.

Commutative diagram


E. Artin's translation of the general principalization problem for a number field extension from number theory to group theory is based on the following scenario. Let be a Galois extension of algebraic number fields with automorphism group . Suppose that is a prime ideal of which does not divide the relative discriminant , and is therefore unramified in , and let be a prime ideal of lying over . Assume that is an intermediate field with relative group and let , resp. , be the maximal abelian subextension of , resp. , within . Then, the corresponding relative groups are the commutator subgroups , resp. .

By class field theory, there exist intermediate groups and such that the Artin maps establish isomorphisms and .

The class extension homomorphism and the Artin transfer, more precisely, the induced transfer , are connected by the commutative diagram in Figure 1 via these Artin isomorphisms, that is, we have equality of two composita . [9] The justification for this statement consists in analyzing the two paths of composite mappings. [7] On the one hand, the class extension homomorphism maps the generalized ideal class of the base field to the extension class in the field , and the Artin isomorphism of the field maps this product of classes of prime ideals to the product of conjugates of Frobenius automorphisms . Here, the double coset decomposition and its representatives were used, in perfect analogy to the last but one section. On the other hand, the Artin isomorphism of the base field maps the generalized ideal class to the Frobenius automorphism , and the induced Artin transfer maps the symbol to the product . [2]


  1. ^ a b Huppert, B. (1979). Endliche Gruppen I. Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, Vol. 134, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York.
  2. ^ a b Artin, E. (1929). "Idealklassen in Oberkörpern und allgemeines Reziprozitätsgesetz". Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg. 7: 46–51.
  3. ^ a b Mayer, D. C. (2013). "The distribution of second p-class groups on coclass graphs". J. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux. 25 (2): 401–456.
  4. ^ a b Bush, M. R., Mayer, D. C. (2014). "3-class field towers of exact length 3". J. Number Theory (preprint: arXiv:1312.0251 [math.NT]).{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  5. ^ a b c Mayer, D. C. (2012). "The second p-class group of a number field". Int. J. Number Theory. 8 (2): 471–505.
  6. ^ Hilbert, D. (1897). "Die Theorie der algebraischen Zahlkörper". Jahresber. Deutsch. Math. Verein. 4: 175–546.
  7. ^ a b Hasse, H. (1930). "Bericht über neuere Untersuchungen und Probleme aus der Theorie der algebraischen Zahlkörper. Teil II: Reziprozitätsgesetz". Jahresber. Deutsch. Math. Verein., Ergänzungsband. 6: 1–204.
  8. ^ Artin, E. (1927). "Beweis des allgemeinen Reziprozitätsgesetzes". Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg. 5: 353–363.
  9. ^ Miyake, K. (1989). "Algebraic investigations of Hilbert's Theorem 94, the principal ideal theorem and the capitulation problem". Expo. Math. 7: 289–346.

Category: Group theory Category: Class field theory