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User:Daniela Alina Plewe/Transactional Arts

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Transactional Arts new article content ... Transactional Arts are art forms, where some sort of value is exchanged as part of the work. Artists not only reflect, but apply economic principles and interactions become transactions. All sorts of values are exchanged and forms of capital are transformed into each other. The concept was first introduced by Daniela Alina Plewe.

Theory The notion of value, the agents as well as the contexts may vary. The transactions can involve not only economic and monetary capital, but also social, cultural, symbolic or other forms of capital. The internet seems to facilitate this kind of art form and we observe that many new media works have actually transactional features.

One may say, transactional arts explore the conversions of the various forms of capital into each other. Buying and selling may become means of self-expression, marketplaces are created as a forms of art, mesh-ups may resemble online businesses, commissioning and division of labor become constituents of the artwork, personal finances as well as the financial markets are artistically reflected.


 Marcel Duchamp, Tzanck Check, 1919  and Monte Carlo Bond, 1924, Yves Klein, Void, around 1958, Zoe Sheehan Saldana, Homegrown, 2007, Boggs Bills, Francs bill, late 1980s with Boggs counterfeit, 1997, Burak Arikan, My Pocket, 2007, Karl Heinz Jeron, Will work for Food, 2007 Etoy shares, 1995 onwards , Carey Young, Optimum Performance, 2003, RT Mark, 1998 onwards, Wim Delvoye, Cloaka Shit Project, since 2000, Christian Jankowski, Point of Sale, 2002, Carey Young - Conflict Management , since 2003. Rob Pruitt's Fleamarket at the Frieze Art Fair, 2007, Claes Oldenbourg, The Store- – 2nd Street NY, 1961, Christine Hill, Volksboutique Project since 1990ties, e.g. Armory Apothecary, March 2009, Carey Peppermint, High Bidder,  2000, Jeff Gates, Data Sale, ca. 2001, Michael Daines, Body for Sale, 2000, Caleb Larson, A Tool to Deceive and Slaughter, 2009, Res Ingold, Ingold Airlines, from 1982 onwards, Eva Grubinger, Netbikini, 1997 , Yann Toma, Ouest Lumiere, since 1991 , The Yes Men, Jude Finisterra as Dow Chemical Spokesman on BBC as Breaking News, 2007 

· Caroline Maby, MyArtbecomesYours, since 2005

· J. Blank, G. Gohlke, K.-H Jeron, PWC, 2001, 2008-9 · Aaron Koblin, Sheep Market, 2008

· GWEI, Google Will Eat Itself, 2004-2005

· Aaron Koblin, Takashi Kawashima, Ten Thousand Cents, 2008

· Philippe Parreno, Anelee - Anywhere Out of The World (2000)

· Christin Lahr, Nichts zu Verschenken (Nothing to Give Away), 2002

· Artist Villagepart of “Beauty Exhibition” (artists pay risk-averse audience to buy their art) in 2002

· Santiago Sierra, 8 Foot Line Tattooed on Six Re-numerated People, 1999

· Caleb Larson, Donor Plaquete, 2009

· Mejor Vida Corp, 2002

· Cory Arcangel, Golden Ticket, 2008

· Atelier van Lieshout, 100 AvL 2003

· Open-Clothes , 2004

· Christin Lahr

· Don’t Payback-Sellback, 2006

· Mediamatic Russian Brides, 2008

· Uebermorgen, Voteauction, 2000

· Robin Hanson, Idea Futures, 1995

· Victoria Vensa, Body Incorporated, 1995

· Matthieu Laurette, El gran trueque (The great Exchange), 2000

· Platoniq Bank of Common Knowledge, 2006

· Hannah Hurtzig - Blackmarket for useful Knowledge and Non Knowledge No 11, On WASTE:

· The Disappearance and Comeback of Things & Values, 2008

· Bar La Bolsa, Barcelona, since 1997

· 1kg.org –2008

· Daniela Alina Plewe, Victor Novus Capital, Boutique Investment Firm for Multi-Dimensional Banking

· Michael Goldberg, Catching a Falling Knife. 2002


External links[edit]


D. A. Plewe, Transactional Art as a Form of Interactive Art, Third International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology, Melbourne 26-29 November 2009

D.A. Plewe. Transactional Arts - Interaction as Transaction, ACM Multi Media Vancouver 2008, Proceeding of the 16th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 2008

D.A. Plewe, Transactional Arts, ISEA Singapore, Conference Proceedings, 2008