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The Situation


For the convention area, called space-DICI population will grow from 39 300 to a total of 124 100 jobs will grow from 49,000 to a total of 139900 until 2030 (statec.lu)

Conventions in Spatial Planning


Such conventions are often used in Luxembourgish spatial planning. Dici Convention 2005-2010, 2010-2015

the Nordstad
the municipalities adjacent to the Luxembourg airport
the Alzette Valley convention area

aiming at (i) safeguarding a more sustainable development of these areas
(ii) implementing the objectives presented in the PDAT and the IVL
(iii) coordinating and integrating the territorial development of the municipalities involved



Decision-making level:

the Political Committee

It examines the proposals of the technical committee takes the necessary decisions

The political committee is composed of

-the mayor of each municipality

-one alderman for each municipality

-representatives of ministries and departments involved in the coordination process

Level of coordination:

1.) the Technical committee

the technical committee presents and discusses the status of work, organizational aspects (procedure, funding)

and prepares the paperwork to present to the political committee

The Technical Committee is composed of

-two representatives from each municipality

-representatives of ministries and departments involved

-representatives of consulting firms

2.) Coordination of the process

The team “coordination process” is responsible for coordinating and organizing the whole process development of timelines and financing plans, organization and distribution of work, moderating meetings, reports of committee meetings

The “coordination team” is composed of

-representatives of the city of Luxembourg

-Representatives of the Department of Planning (MDDI)

-The spokesmen of the working groups

The working groups


The following working groups were established for the development of the PIDP (plan intégré de développement pluricommunal)

  • Urban Development Working Group

development of proposals for future urban development, housing sector coordination, mobility and landscape

e.g. distribution of jobs and residents

  • Mobility Working Group

development and evaluation of proposals for mobility planning

e.g. future development scenario and traffic simulations.

  • Task Force PIDP

mobility and urban development in an integrated working group, harmonization of urban development and mobility

  • Task Force Parking Management

development and implementation of the concept of parking management municipal level

  • Bus Working Group

development of a coherent bus system



DICI partners agreed to implement several strategic key projects

A coordinated management of economic activity zones

The development of inter-municipal mobility concepts and planning of common public transports

The development of common actions regarding pressing housing issues

The promotion of the DICI cooperation among a wider public

Project 1: public transport network - transport union

Project 2: coordination of activity areas

Project 3: consistent mobility concept

Project 4: "I am DICI"

Project 5: cooperation in housing – available urban housing




MASDA Evaluation Structure


Course # 11 Introduction to European Territorial Issues


Evaluation: 100 % Written exam

Course # 12 Introduction to Doing Research


Evaluation: 50 % in-course assessment (discussion + library sessions), 50 % assignment report

Course # 21 Field trip to Brussels and Louvain-la-Neuve


Evaluation: 70 % in-course assessment, 30 % oral presentation (field work)

Course # 31 Introductory Statistics


Evaluation: 100 % in-course assessment

Course # 32 Qualitative Research Methods


Evaluation: 100 % in-course assessment

Course # 33 Introduction Cartography


Evaluation: 30 % in-course assesment and 70 % assignements reports to Cartography

Course # 34 Geographic Information Systems


Evaluation: 30 % in-course assesment and 70 % assignements reportsc Information Systems (GIS) Project

Course # 41 Spatial Analysis


Evaluation: 70 % Oral exam, 30 % Report on empirical articles and Statistics

Course # 42 Operational Location and Spatial Interaction Modelling


Evaluation:70 % Written exam, 30 % reports

Course # 43 Spatial Analysis Applications with R


Evaluation: 100 % Report of group assignment

Course # 51 European Spatial Development Policies


Evaluation: 66 % based on 2 papers (case study/memo/briefing), 34% in-course assessment including the presentation of Papers

Course # 52 Concepts and Methods in Governance Research


Evaluation: 20 % guided reading, 20 % concept of research design, 60 % paper/report concepts and Methods in Governance Research

Course # 61 Integrative Approaches to Sustainable Spatial Development


Evaluation: 80 % paper reports 20% guided reading

Course # 62 Spatial Development in Europe


Evaluation: 50 % paper report, 50 % in-course assessment

Course # 71 Implementation and Monitoring of Spatial Policies


Evaluation: 70 % paper reports 30% in-course assessment

Course # 72 Preparation and Submission of EU Dossiers


Evaluation: 100 % in-course assessment

Course # 73 Process Management Skills


Evaluation: 20 % paper reports 80% in-course assessment



Evaluation: 33 % in-course assessment and small practical reports (8.1), 33 % Assignment report (8.2) ,33 % Poster and seminar presentation (8.3)



Evaluation: 60 % Paper/report, 40 % Oral presentation



Evaluation: 60 % Paper/report, 40 % Oral presentation

Course # 111 Research Seminar


Evaluation: 100 % in-course assessment

Course # 113 Master’s thesis


Evaluation: See Master’s dissertation guidelines