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Yackel, a.k.a. Yackel the slack-jawed-yokel



Yackel is the combination of several references that have evolved from the nicknames given to one originally named "Jackie". In order to understand the implications behind referring to a person as Yackel, one must fully understand the background to these references and the progression and evolution of the nickname that has become "Yackel".



Stage 1


Nicknames are commonly given to individuals in certain social situations in which the use of a nickname is done so for convenience or as an endearing term. It was one day determined that the name "Jackie" was no longer sufficient for referring to one particular individual. Thus, entered the first nickname: "Yackie." Yackie is derived from the modification of the English name Jackie to conform to the German pronunciation of the letter 'j' as an English 'y'. Thus was the first step in the progression of the creation of the nickname "Yackel".

Stage 2


After discovering the "unique" intellect of the individual now referred to as Yackie, it was determined that a new nickname was in order. In addition to the intellectual level of the individual, using the name Yackie started to become stale. So, pulling from a deep pool of random Simpsons knowledge, a friend was once reminded of Cletus Spuckler, also referred to as Cletus the Slack-jawed Yokel. The intellectual resemblance was incredible, and thus it was determined that a play on the name of this beloved Simpsons character would be the basis for stage 2 of the nickname. Yackel was coined as a combination of stage 1 nickname Yackie, and the last part of the Simpsons character's name, yokel. The obvious result is "Yackel".

Stage 3


The nickname of Yackel was an immediate success. It was then taken even further by using the remaining portion of the Simpsons character's name, and the full nickname can also be referred to as "Yackel the slack-jawed yokel".



Credit for the invention of the term Yackel goes to one such individual who shall be referred to as Nick.

Proper Usage


The nickname of Yackel should only be given to one of extreme, extra ordinary intelligence, similar to that of Cletus. Obviously, the originating name should be Jackie, but further versions of the Cletus sub nickname may be created from various names. Experiment, and see what you can come up with! But don't forget the importance of how this unique nickname originally came to be.