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DNB mentions per author (370 authors)
203 Cooper
190 Lee
167 Goodwin
166 Henderson
156 Laughton
149 Boase
125 Cust
120 Rigg
118 Courtney
114 Firth
111 Pollard
100 Seccombe
97 Carlyle
95 Chichester
95 Gordon
85 Hunt
75 Stephen
74 Archbold
72 Hamilton
70 Barker
67 Knight
57 Stephens
53 Garnett
52 Wroth
51 Moore
51 Vetch
49 Dunlop
48 Smith
46 Bettany
45 O'Donoghue
44 Graves
44 Tout
43 Norgate
42 Middleton
40 Bayne
38 Boulger
37 Bullen
37 Sutton
36 Squire
35 Lloyd
33 Bradley
33 Porter
30 Grosart
29 Kingsford
29 Tait
26 Harris
25 Clerke
25 Creighton
24 Fagan
24 Lane-Poole
23 Blaikie
23 Monkhouse
23 Tedder
22 Archer
22 Harrison
22 Humphreys
22 Woodward
21 Legge
19 Hadden
19 Round
18 Gairdner
18 Sprott
18 Thomas
17 Venables
16 Bonney
16 Gilbert
16 Radford
16 Welch
14 Alger
14 Bagwell
14 Overton
14 Sharp
14 Ward
13 Gibson
13 Nicholson
13 Stronach
12 Carr
12 Espinasse
12 Grant
11 Axon
11 Dodgson
11 Sanders
11 Shaw
11 Vian
11 Watt
10 Bickley
10 Clarke
10 Falkiner
10 Maitland
10 Power
9 Anderson
9 Greenhill
9 Jackson
9 Jessopp
9 Kent
9 Mackay
9 Olden
9 Watkins
8 Aitken
8 Arbuthnot
8 Burnet
8 Coote
8 Cotton
8 Fotheringham
8 Hutton
8 Leadam
8 Lupton
8 Macdonell
8 Martin
8 Millar
8 Paton
8 Payne
8 Rae
8 Robinson
7 Brodie
7 Clark
7 Cook
7 Ebsworth
7 Fletcher
7 Gardiner
7 Hardy
7 Mullinger
7 Scott
6 Bateson
6 Browne
6 Edwards
6 Hartog
6 Hewins
5 Blacker
5 Buckland
5 Gosse
5 Heron-Allen
5 Keary
5 MacColl
5 Macray
5 Marchant
5 McMullen
5 Nicholl
5 Thorn-Drury
5 Waterhouse
5 Wheeler
5 Williams
4 Airy
4 Blakiston
4 Caw
4 Christie
4 Dobson
4 Grove
4 James
4 Jenkins
4 Luard
4 MacDonagh
4 Mew
4 Perry
4 Prosser
4 Soulsby
4 Swinton
4 Thompson
4 Trotter
4 Walford
4 Webb
3 Armstrong
3 Bendall
3 Bennett
3 Bolton
3 D'Arcy
3 Derby
3 Douglas
3 Galloway
3 Harden
3 Hodgkin
3 Holland
3 Holyoake
3 Hooper
3 MacDonald
3 Maxwell
3 Morfill
3 Norman
3 Oliver
3 Paul
3 Pearce
3 Platts
3 Shuckburgh
3 Tregellas
3 Vaizey
3 Whittaker
3 Wood
2 Ashton
2 Bailey
2 Baker
2 Beazley
2 Beesly
2 Benson
2 Brodribb
2 Cannan
2 Christy
2 Colvin
2 Cramb
2 Cranstoun
2 Davey
2 Dawkins
2 D'Erlanger
2 Dibdin
2 Dixon
2 Donoghue
2 Dowden
2 Doyle
2 Edgeworth
2 Edward
2 Fortescue
2 Gray
2 Hales
2 Hepworth
2 Jones
2 Leslie
2 Little
2 Low
2 MacArthur
2 Marzials
2 Mathew
2 Midleton
2 Miller
2 Moriarty
2 Murray
2 Newton
2 O'Byrne
2 O'Callaghan
2 Owen
2 Papworth
2 Parish
2 Peel
2 Rapson
2 Richardson
2 Richmond
2 Saunders
2 Sherer
2 Sidney
2 Thorpe
2 Thursfield
2 Urquhart
2 Utterson
1 =Bagwell
1 =Macdonell
1 Archold
1 Atlay
1 Austin
1 Barnett
1 Beaver
1 Bedwell
1 Bonar
1 Bowdler
1 Britten
1 Broadfoot
1 Brown
1 Browning
1 Bruce
1 Burnie
1 Burnley
1 Bushby
1 Cates
1 Clode
1 Collins
1 Cornwall
1 Cox
1 Cranstou
1 Dalton
1 d'Arcy
1 Darwin
1 Dasent
1 Drummond
1 Duff
1 Dyer
1 Falchikov
1 Fell
1 Findlay
1 Finlayson
1 Fisher
1 FitzGerald
1 Fitzmaurice
1 FitzPatrick
1 Fowler
1 Francis
1 Fremantle
1 Fuller
1 Glazebrook
1 Godden
1 Godwin
1 Goldworth
1 Gonner
1 Goodsir
1 Gurney
1 Hall
1 Hannay
1 Hare
1 Heath
1 Henderthson
1 Herbert
1 Hewison
1 Higgs
1 Hort
1 Howes
1 Hughes
1 Husband
1 Ingall
1 Ingleby
1 Ireland
1 John
1 Johnstone
1 Jukes-Browne
1 K.
1 Kebbel
1 Keene
1 Keltie
1 Kennett
1 Knollys
1 le
1 Lees
1 Lluellyn
1 Lowther
1 Lucas
1 Mallet
1 Mandell
1 Marius
1 Markham
1 McMillan
1 Milner
1 Moorhouse
1 Morse
1 Nelson
1 Newmarch
1 Nichol
1 Nolan
1 Omond
1 Parker
1 Penderel-Brodhurst
1 Pigot
1 Poole
1 Prideaux
1 Prothero
1 Rees
1 Reid
1 Renton
1 Rhodes
1 Richards
1 Rix
1 Robbins
1 Robert
1 Robertson
1 Russell
1 Rye
1 Sanderson
1 Secccombe
1 Secombe
1 Seymour
1 Sitwell
1 Skottowe
1 Sydney
1 Timmins
1 Tipping
1 Twemlow
1 Venn
1 Verney
1 Vibart
1 Warner
1 Wesley
1 Westby-Gibson
1 William
1 Willyams
1 Wilson
1 Сooper