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User:David Kettlewell

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David Kettlewell


Formerly professor, Tartu Unversity; guest lecturer at four of Sweden's universities

Researching into Musica humana, using the renaissance musician's way of thinking as a means of promoting and enhancing personal development, emotional competence and human harmony today.

Also responsible for visitors services and historical documentation of the Old Church of Ytterlennes in i Ångermanland, northern Sweden.

Author of 200 web-sites on subjects related to these areas, and articles in The New Grove's Dictionary of Music, Sohlmans Musiklexikon, Capellans Musiklexikon, Early Music magazine, etc.

Englishman living in Sweden since 1984; died April 4, 2011 in Bollstabruk, Sweden.

  • trained in management at University of Westminster, AHA
  • trained as conductor at University of Surrey, BMus (hons)
  • PhD Loughborough University, examined at Oxford University
  • travelling ambassador for Society for Effective Affective Learning, SEAL
  • chairman of the Swedish Association for Holistic Learning and Teaching, SOHL
  • work mostly showing people how they can do things they thought were impossible, like getting people who thought they were 'tone-deaf' singing in an opera, learning a new language in a few weeks and so on

Performer on the harp, harpsichord, organ and other instruments, nowadays mostly involved in producing film, music and fonts with a Mac-studio at home in his forest farm-house

New Renaissance & Musica humana - music and musicology to develop the whole person

David the Harper

Ytterlännäs gamla kyrka