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User:Davidbuddy9/Starbox multi

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{{Starbox multi
| name = <!--System name-->
| image = <!--Image-->
| caption = <!--Optional caption-->
| number = <!--Number of stars (1 to 3) -->
| epoch = <!--Epoch of observation-->
| equinox = <!--Equinox of coordinates (defaults to epoch)-->
| constell = <!--Constellation name-->
| component_a = <!--First component name, designation, or letter -->
| ra_system = <!--Right ascension, system barycenter -->
| dec_system = <!--Declination, system barycenter -->
| ra_a_1 = <!--Right ascension, first component-->
| dec_a_1 = <!--Declination, first component-->
| ra_a_2 = <!--Right ascension, first component, second line-->
| dec_a_2 = <!--Declination, first component, second line-->
| appmag_v_a = <!--Apparent magnitude (Johnson-Cousins V system), first component-->
| appmag_v_system = <!--Apparent magnitude (Johnson-Cousins V system), system-->
| class_a = <!--Stellar class, first component-->
| r-i_a = <!--R-I color index, first component-->
| v-r_a = <!--V-R color index, first component-->
| b-v_a = <!--B-V color index, first component-->
| u-b_a = <!--U-B color index, first component-->
| class_system = <!--Stellar class, system (i.e., computed from overall spectrum)-->
| r-i_system = <!--R-I color index, system-->
| v-r_system = <!--V-R color index, system-->
| b-v_system = <!--B-V color index, system-->
| u-b_system = <!--U-B color index, system-->
| variable_a = <!--Variability type, first component-->
| variable_system = <!--Variability type, system (e.g., cataclysmic variables)-->
| radial_v_system = <!--Radial velocity (in km/sec), system barycenter-->
| radial_v_a = <!--Radial velocity (in km/sec), first component-->
| prop_mo_ra_system = <!--Proper motion (RA), μα cos δ (in milliarcsec/yr), system barycenter-->
| prop_mo_dec_system = <!--Proper motion (Dec), μδ (in milliarcsec/yr), system barycenter-->
| prop_mo_ra_a = <!--Proper motion (RA), μα cos δ (in milliarcsec/yr), first component-->
| prop_mo_dec_a = <!--Proper motion (Dec), μδ (in milliarcsec/yr), first component-->
| parallax = <!--Parallax (in milliarcsec), system-->
| p_error = <!--Parallax error (in milliarcsec), system-->
| parallax_footnote = <!--Parallax footnote-->
| dist_ly = <!--Distance (in light years), system-->
| dist_pc = <!--Distance (in parsecs), system-->
| absmag_v_a = <!--Absolute magnitude (Johnson-Cousins V system), first component-->
| absmag_v_system = <!--Absolute magnitude (Johnson-Cousins V system), system-->
| mass_a = <!--Mass (in solar masses), first component-->
| radius_a = <!--Radius (in solar radii), first component-->
| gravity_a = <!--Surface gravity (given as the base 10 logarithm expressed in cgs units), first component-->
| luminosity_a = <!--Luminosity (in solar luminosities), first component; 
                                      better to use luminosity_bolometric_a or luminosity_visual_a -->
| luminosity_bolometric_a = <!--Luminosity (in solar luminosities), first component, bolometric-->
| luminosity_visual_a = <!--Luminosity (in solar luminosities), first component, visual (V)-->
| luminosity_a = <!--Luminosity (in solar luminosities), first component-->
| temperature_a = <!--Temperature (in kelvins), first component-->
| metal_a = <!--Metallicity (no units provided by template), first component-->
| metal_system = <!--Metallicity (no units provided by template), system-->
| rotation_a = <!--Rotation (no units provided by template), first component-->
| rotational_v_a = <!--Rotational velocity (v sin i, in km/s), first component-->
| age_a = <!--Age (in years), first component-->
| age_system = <!--Age (in years), system-->
| orbit_source = <!--Footnote for orbits-->
| numcols_1 = <!--Number of columns for first orbit (must be specified if any other orbital parameters are specified)-->
| numcols_2 = <!--Number of columns for second orbit (must be specified if any other orbital parameters are specified)-->
| primsec_1 = <!--Secondary/primary for first orbit 
                 (e.g., A/B for orbit of A about B,
                        BC/A for orbit of B-C system about A) -->
| primsec_2 = <!--Secondary/primary for second orbit -->
| period_unitless_1 = <!--Period of first orbit (no units provided by template)--> 
| period_unitless_2 = <!--Period of second orbit (no units provided by template)--> 
| axis_unitless_1 = <!--Semimajor axis of first orbit (no units provided by template)--> 
| axis_unitless_2 = <!--Semimajor axis of second orbit (no units provided by template)--> 
| eccentricity_1 = <!--Eccentricity of first orbit--> 
| eccentricity_2 = <!--Eccentricity of second orbit--> 
| inclination_1 = <!--Inclination of first orbit, in degrees--> 
| inclination_2 = <!--Inclination of second orbit, in degrees--> 
| node_1 = <!--Nodal longitude of first orbit, in degrees--> 
| node_2 = <!--Nodal longitude of second orbit, in degrees--> 
| periastron_1 = <!--Epoch of periastron of first orbit (no units provided by template)--> 
| periastron_2 = <!--Epoch of periastron of second orbit (no units provided by template)--> 
| periarg_1 = <!--Argument of periastron of first orbit, in degrees (secondary)--> 
| periarg_2 = <!--Argument of periastron of second orbit, in degrees (secondary) --> 
| periarg_primary_1 = <!--Argument of periastron of first orbit, in degrees (primary)--> 
| periarg_primary_2 = <!--Argument of periastron of second orbit, in degrees (primary) --> 
| k1_1 = <!-- Velocity semi-amplitude of first orbit (SB1, or primary in SB2), in km/s-->
| k1_2 = <!-- Velocity semi-amplitude of second orbit (SB1, or primary in SB2), in km/s -->
| k2_1 = <!-- Velocity semi-amplitude of first orbit (secondary in SB2), in km/s-->
| k2_2 = <!-- Velocity semi-amplitude of second orbit (secondary in SB2), in km/s -->
| primary = <!--Name, designation or letter of body relative to which separation is known -->
| separation_epoch_a = <!--Epoch of observation of separation, first component-->
| angdistsec_a = <!--Angular distance from primary, in arcseconds, first component-->
| angdistmas_a = <!--Angular distance from primary, in milliarcseconds, first component-->
| angdist_footnote_a = <!--Footnote for angular distance, first component-->
| posang_a = <!--Position angle relative to primary, in degrees, first component-->
| posang_footnote_a = <!--Footnote for position angle, first component-->
| projsep_a = <!--Observed projected separation from primary, in AU, first component-->
| projsep_footnote_a = <!--Footnote for observed projected separation, first component-->
| simbad_a = <!--URL ID for SIMBAD data reference (see {{SIMBAD link}}), first component-->
| simbad_system = <!--URL ID for SIMBAD data reference (see {{SIMBAD link}}), system-->
| aricns_a = <!--URL ID for ARICNS data reference (see {{ARICNS link}}), first component-->
| names = <!--Alternate designations-->

Category:Astronomy infobox templates