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Hi I am new to wikipedia. Don't post regularly as I have to work. Already have seen editors abuse power.

Coming to wikipedia and reading has made me realize how something repeated enough times becomes the truth and the standard that has to be actively disproved.

Hinduism on wikipedia

I come to wiki again and again for one purpose - to get my initial introduction to all things related to hinduism, our ancient culture, our ved and so on.

The experience so far has been illuminating as well as frustrating. Illuminating and heartening because I see efforts to put forth and share with the world the history of India and Hinduism and our current culture. Frustrating because there is still so much work to be done. Frustrating because this effort has brought into sharp focus how divided we are as a group, how little we know about our own heritage.

Frustrating because non-Indians and non-Hindus like poster Dab or Dbachmann who with ulterior motives vandalize and editorialize ALL pages related to Hinduism, our history and our culture. Beyond the (what I firmly believe is racist) agenda of such posters/admins, they also suffer from viewing Hinduism though the lens of Abrahamic religions. This failure is reflected in then making crazy assertions like vedic Hinduism is far removed from current Hinduism as christianity is from babylonian religions etc.

My intent hereafter is go where Dab and his cohorts go, use their rants and postings to discredit them and bring out in the open their racist agenda that they try and cloak under the cover of so called neutrality. This is indeed a formidable task as unfortunately DAb and his cohorts have been very successful in appearing neutral and winning over the some support for their doings. They have so far used(very successfully) the strategy of using strawmen to discredit theories that do not suit their agenda.

The road is long and arduous but Geeta will be my guide.

[edit] Anglicization of our nouns and other pet peeves.

Anglicization of our nouns. This is a pet peeve of mine. Come on people, why do we keep on using anglicized pronunciations of our nouns that British /americans use?

why write "yoga" when it is simply "YOG"?

Ganga is NOT ganges.

Gandhi is NOT Ghandi,

Also whats up with some old British fuddy duddy called "Sir" because the the British monarch bestowed him with that title?

How about honoring our people, our heroes? How many times, have I seen Shivaji Maharaj referred to simply as Shivaji and Mahatma Gandhi as Gandhi?

When oh when do we snap out of our subservient, low self esteem holding persona?