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Dean Hamid Presents is the name of a Self Publishing endeavor headed and created by the Author, Dean Hamid(Dean Grayson c.1963-). The books he's authored under Dean Hamid Presents are: Lovin Safari, Hell's Fury Alphabet City, Lovin Safari II / Gunzz and roses.

About the author

The author Dean Grayson (psued. Dean Hamid) was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. In his youth he read the works of Donald Goines, Iceberg Slim, as well as Richard Wright, throwing in the poetic banter of James Baldwin over and over while hiding these books tucked away from his parents. Growing up in New York City’s hardcore Bushwick-Hylan Projects, his writing is not necessarily intended to glamorize the quote-unquote gangsters, or even the street life; but to emphasize the presence of the drama that was involved and surrounded around it. In the past ten years, he’s been writing articles, commentaries, short stories, and has managed write five novels. Given the opportunity to correspond with published authors, its been said that his work swings towards what is described as Urban Fiction Drama, with a strong propensity towards a slick old school literary voice. Dean Hamid works hard and tirelessly to keep his work as professional, and gritty as it can be, but yet stay literally solid. His work successfully proves and drives home this point.