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Beyond the flagpole

Beyond the flagpole is believed to be nothing, but there is actually glitches Beyond the flagpole, you can go Beyond the flagpole by entering codes: SSASSA (Invincibility) and PIGOAP (Swim with no water) Go to the 2nd pit in the whole level, go in it, jump once Mario's top isn't showing and you can go through the ground, but be careful because the ground blocks are actually breakable, they are like bricks, once your past the flagpole, go 1 block behind the door, then go through the ground and reach the flagpole, and voila, once you step over the gap, you will start walking, 10 or more minutes later, you are at the glitchy zone! There is weird stuff in this zone, like for example, Sawblade looking hills, IYs all over the place,and clouds with parts cut off, once you pass that 20 times or more, 10 more minutes later, you will see two numbers, 100 and 1000, beyond this point,10 minutes later, it starts all over again.Beyond the flagpole