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User:Difference engine/Pinyin

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Article name Google Ngrams Result
Chiang Kai-shek Chiang Kai-shek vs. Jiang Jieshi "Chiang Kai-shek" has always dominated, though is declining relative to "Jiang Jieshi".
Deng Xiaoping Deng Xiaoping vs Teng Hsiao-p'ing "Deng Xiaoping" has been more common since 1980
Kangxi Emperor Kangxi vs. K'ang-hsi vs K'ang Hsi "Kangxi" has been more common since the mid-1980s. "K'ang Hsi" (spaced) lost out to "K'ang-hsi" (hyphenated) in the mid 1960s.
Laozi Laozi vs. Lau Tzu vs. Lau-Tzu vs. Lao-Tze "Laozi" has been more common since the mid-1990s. This surprises me; usually anything related to Chinese philosophy tends to retain an older, non-pinyin romanization. The "Lao Tzu" variant remains quite popular.
Mao Zedong Mao Zedong vs. Mao Tse-tung "Mao Zedong" has been more common since the mid-1980s
Puyi Puyi vs. Pu-yi vs. P'u-i "Puyi" has been more common since about 1990.
Qianlong Emperor Qianlong vs. Ch'ien-lung vs. Chien-lung vs. Chien Lung "Qianlong" dominates strongly, and has been more common since the mid 1980s.
Sun Tzu Sun Tzu vs. Sunzi vs. Sun Zi "Sun Tzu" has always dominated. Pinyin variants rose from 1980 to 2000, but have stalled.
Sun Yat-sen Sun Yat-sen vs. Sun Zhongshan "Sun Yat-sen" has always dominated. "Sun Zhongshan" peaked around 2000.
Zhou Enlai Zhou Enlai vs Chou En-lai "Zhou Enlai" has been more common since the mid 1980s.
Yongle Emperor Yongle vs Yung-lo vs Yung Lo "Yongle" has been most common since 1990.





