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About me


I'm currently a full time running start student. I enrolled in this program to help me pick out what I want to major in. I've always been very interested in becoming a prosecutor, but I never really had the chance to learn what exactly the prosecutor does considering not a lot of people know about it. In fact, most people always ask 'what's a prosecutor? Is that a type of lawyer?' I hope this program helps me distinguish what career is the appropriate one for me. Moreover, my hobbies include walking my dog, chum chum and organizing things. Without a doubt, walking actually improves cardiovascular fitness, lowers your blood pressure and can really help reduce stress[1]. I personally like to walk at least two times a week to help clear my mind and improve my sleeping habits, I call it 'the cleansing days.' In addition, walking makes my dog happy and keeps him in good shape. On the other hand, organizing helps me be more productive when everything is where it should be. In other words, a clean and a clear space helps me feel laidback and not so hasty.

My Wikipedia Interests


Wikipedia has always been the top search for most if not all things on the internet. If I'm active on Wikipedia in the future, I will use it to inform people about my future job. To this day, many teenagers have trouble exploring most careers out there. Which a lot of times leads to picking the wrong career. In other words, I've heard many stories about people changing careers half way through College as a result of picking the wrong major. Some even waist a couple of years out of College, not knowing which path to take. Considering that college is very expensive to a lot of people, I would like to talk about the career I picked and how I found what suits me the best in the future.

Article evaluation


I’ve been very fascinated with the idea of garbage disposal. A typical human being can produce about 4.5 pounds a day. Doesn't sound like much for an average person. However, multiple that by 328.2 million (us population), and you’ll get over 1 billion pounds of trash every day. What happens to all that trash? Does it negatively impact our environment? Without a doubt, most of us have thought of these questions before, yet can’t quite rap our heads around it. It’s very important to be aware about the little things that happen in our world. I strongly believe that everything impacts us in some type of way, no matter how irrelevant it may appear. In addition, garage is also known as Municipal solid waste (MSW) in the U.S. and rubbish in Britain. For a long time Americans throw things without thinking about it, but maybe it’s time to consume less. Most garbage travels to three different places, landfill, recycling, or turned into energy. For many years, China accepted tons of trash each year and turned it into useful things. However, China put it’s price up and restricted how much it buys. The trash now stays in either landfills or waste energy facilities and ends up burned. Unfortunately, landfills produce a lot of methane in our environment, and burning produces carbon emissions, which are both terrible for the environment. Recyclable machines in the U.S. fail to recycle due to finding a non recyclable item and gets clogged. I would appreciate a well written article on Wikipedia about garbage to raise awareness of it's impact, and how we can participate in making a change. I visited the Municipal solid waste article on Wikipedia and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: it's lack of environmental impact awareness, lack of information on how to improve our lifestyle, and it’s lack of describing how solid waste is managed.

Environmental impact


Global warming is no joke, and it's time to take some action. I find it quite unprofessional to talk about such topic and not included it's out come in this article. We are a national that constantly advertises to buy new things and throw away the old ones. Therefore, it's very important to alert people of the impact garbage has on the environmental that contributes to global warming. Moreover, solid waste is increasing every day, and it can end up in the wrong hands. In other words, trash can end up in illegal places where animals are. It's believed that there are around 269,000 tons of garbage floating on the surface of the ocean, and four billion plastic microfibers per square kilometer litter[2]. Animals are dying everyday because of the misplaced trash that we caused, and none of that seems to be mentioned in the article.

How to help


Considering the poor out comes to animals and the environment, a solution must be established to make a change. This website failed to employ small ways that we can make big changes out of. Solid waste is caused by humans, and it's our responsibility to reduce as much carbon emissions as possible for a healthy environment. Informing people about ways to minimize solid waste will save a lot of animals and even money.

How solid waste is managed


Throughout the article, it talks about where garbage ends up and not really about what happens to it there. Meaning, this website does not mention mountains of trash will end up burned. Burning trash is what's causing methane and greenhouse gasses being released into the air. If people knew more about this it could make them change their consumption. However this article does not provide an image of how trash is actually dealt with except where it goes, which are landfills, recycling, or energy facilities.



Overall, I'd rate this article as "decent." The website provides a general understanding of solid waste, however, there are pieces of Information that the article needs to shed light on. There are some point of views that are under-represented and some are irrelevant information. Such topic need much more pathos (like including the animals) to make a person take action.


  1. ^ Services, Department of Health & Human. "Dog walking - the health benefits". www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au. Retrieved 2020-09-27.
  2. ^ "Plastic Statistics – Ocean Crusaders". 2012-02-16. Retrieved 2020-10-19.